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God's Truth

He is coming ...the perfect coun souler ...of heart


     Behold in a dream ...of rest ...from the rest ...in the blessed restfullness of God and Christ ...

     taken ...to the plain of heaven ...and standing there unknowing ...yet seeing ...being ...being ...being shown ...before God and Christ ...of measures and matters ...

     and Behold the plain of earth ...shown me ...and the plain of earth ...the plain of earth ...plain hearted ...even the very plain of earth had ...or was also perfect white ...even likewise perfect ...before God and the plain of heaven ...and no difference could be seen or mearured between them ...for heaven and earth had come ...to newness ...and as it was ...both were the same plain ...heaven and earth both ...on the same plain ...

     Now as i stood there looking upon the plain of the heaven and the plain of earth ...for it had become one ...as i stood there ...the WORD was given to me ...yet not of book or paper ...neither of speaking ...yet a knowning ...was given to me ...as i had been prepared for ...to receive it ...and it was a wonder to me ...and i was astounded ...

     now as though in an instant ...i found myself in another place ...yet the same ...for heaven and earth were now on the same plain ...Yet again i was taken to another place upon the plain ...

     and i looked upon the perfect whiteness ...holiness ...rightness of the place ...and drew near to where the substance of the WORD was ...saying plainly the Books and papers ...where the Word was written ...that the eyes of men might see it and the hands ...and hearts of men might hold it ...and i was shown where the written WORD was ....

     and Behold ...behold ...it was under ...covered by the bodies of two men ...for they had covered it with their bodies ...and their bodies were white as snow ..for they had been keepers of the Word ...and abided afore time ...in their flesh ...and had gone on now of soul and spirit ...

     Nevertheless i was given to move the bodies that had covered the WORD ...in the past ...and was given to take up the WORD ...

     Now and behold ...i was taken to another place ... on the plain of heaven and earth ...a place were habitations were ...meaning place where peoples lived ...of houses and buildings and such ...and there were others there ...dressed in white ...for they had been mended of heart ...By Christ ...as God had moved them ...was able to move them to repentance of all things and matters unworthy before HIM ...and these did seek the WORD ...and the WORD was given them ...

     and they took the WORD and began to muse in it ...and to ...look see ...and had great Joy in it ...and ever loved the receiving of it ...

     Nevertheless ...they ...began to have desires to know the hearts of those recorded there ...questions ...of matters and measures of heart shown there ...shown ...recorded in the WORD ...and these did ask me of these things ...and i was given that i might show them the heart that God through Christ had given me ...yet for these ...they would ask about the others recorded there ...(though they did receive my hearts witness )

     and i prayed ...upon the plain of the earth ...(that was now also the plain of heaven ) ...asking what should i do ...for to show these ?

     and Again ...instantly ...i was taken ...on the plain of heaven and earth ...closer ...closer ...and among men of God ...and the perfect counsouler was there and he spoke forth right ...and surely ...to all ...and all said of heartfullness ...yes ...for all where of one heart with him ...and all measures of all matters and things were expounded upon ...and no hard thing was given ...as all everyeach one of heart was blessed with rightness and earnest heartfullness for the will of God ...by who HE was ..is and will ever be ...He who is the son of God ...made in the image for all rightness ...peace..ableness ...and worth unto all that has life ...

     and the men of God found prefect peace in and of him ...pleasantness and same ness of heart and and mind and works ...of HIM ...

     and measure and matters of all things perfect ...that had been accomplished by these were given to them to accomplish ...and all had accomplished ...that thing given them ...everyeach one ...and nothing was left ...and God and Christ had in ..abled them each one to perform that thing of needs be ...for the will of God to be fullfilled ...even as He who was ..is and will ever be did accomplish that thing given HIM ...even so had all these men of God accomplished that thing given them ...and all walked one unto another ...of heart and agreement ...within the will of God ...in blessed full..fillingness ...of all things for the sake of God ...yetward for the children of God ...

     Now as it was asked ...so i did bring the mearures of matters of the peoples of the plain ...to the Lord my Jesus ...who stood among the men of God as HE who is ...and of kindness carefull counsouling ...He said this to me ..."tell them i am coming" ...

     and it was given to me to go ...again to the peoples ...on the plain of the earth ...who now have received of heart ...of the HEART of God ...the same in the hearts of any ...the plain of heaven ...and to tell them ...

He is coming ...


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