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God's Truth

The Heart Attack in Prison

theron creteis@yahoo.com

     here is the dream.....And it came to pass that the Lord did minister to me in a dream of the night ... I found myself in a prison ...and men were trying to hold my arms back ...that they might hit me in the chest with a large wooden paddle ...yet these were not able ...to hold my arms back ...long enough to get a swing at me ...for I did continually fold my arms at my chest ...and I sat there arms folded ...these men then did ...take there hands off me ...yet they lingered near unto me ...waiting for a chance... that they might have ...where: my chest ...was open... and they could strike me ...and within the dream I knew what they were trying to do ...these were trying to give me an heart attack ...by striking me in the chest ...

     Now within the dream I prayed and asked the Lord ...to show me the matters thereof ...and this was opened to me ...The prison ...is the world in which we live ...bondage on every side ...spiritual physical ...economical ...mental ...emotional ...as it is bound by all the teaching of man ...and is put upon us at every hour by the media blitz ...and by the mouths of those who believe what the world teaches ...and these might carry it further... to speak by their own mouths... from their worldly hearts ....the will of the world ...mans understanding ...and to profess it with every breath they have ...these ones who would try to strike me in the heart are of such a nature ...worldly ...and worse ...these are so believing of the lies... that these become ...accusers ...and the accusing is the striking ...at the heart of those ..."And ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake. But whosoever shall endure unto the end, the same shall be safe". And these do hate those whose heart is not of the world ...neither for it ...but hating the world ...as it is written... ...and this not of their own thinking ...(for there are many who hate of their own thinking ) as these are of unworthy hate ...such as bigots ...hate mongers ...racists and such ...

nevertheless ...the ones of God... hate what God hates ...every lie ...and him who justifies the ungodly (as it is written) ...note "him" ...

     Now and understand ...even that which is more perfect ...we are not to take these things upon our selves ...as if to be ...self sacrificing ...woe is me types ....for the Lord shows us this ..

     Then Jesus said unto them: My time is not yet come: your time is always ready. The world cannot hate you. Me it hateth: because I testify of it, that the works of it are evil.

     Against that which brings ...the working lies of mens thinking... about ... death, life, Angels, rule, power, things present, things to come, height, lower things, any other creature....that we might be moved ...of heart ....struck of heart ...even then believing them ...die thereof

     Ye and I am sure that neither death, neither life, neither Angels, nor rule, neither power, neither things present, neither things to come, neither height, neither lowth, neither any other creature shall be able to depart us from the love of God, showed in Christ *Jesu our Lord.

     Even ...For we wrestle not against flesh and blood: but against rule, against power, and against worldly rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness, for heavenly things.

     And so it is ...as we might be blessed in our hearts with the spirit of Gods son ...yet it is not us that the worldly curse ...but the spirit within us ...then therefore... let us understand ...that the ones of the world ...are likewise ...having a heart for the spirit of the world ...we then do not look upon their flesh ...them ...but that spirit which they serve ... this keeps us safe ...that we don't judge the person but the spirit they serve ...kept safe that is ...from being their judge ...for within God and Christ is judgement ...and theirs is perfect ....

     Nevertheless back to the dream ...these were not able to hold my arms back ....and I say this not of my own strength ...for no man is able of himself ...to withstand the power of others ...yet if Christ strengthens ...no multitude of diverse people can move this soul that Christ has chosen ...

     And the arms being folded ...is that posture of death ...once dead to the world ...but alive in Christ Jesus ...by his hand ...by his hand ...again none can move his chosen from this posture ...for the old man be dead ...that person of the world ...

     Now of a witness to others did one soul ...speak out ...Oh and yes this folding of arms be the ...breastplate of righteousness ...this saying it is a gift of God through Jesus ...that any might be seen as such ...or able to keep the breastplate on ...by his hand ...and by no acts of our own ...He keeps us ...in all state of readiness ...prepared and well weaponed ...for works that might manifest from this newly gifted heart ...

     And of the wooden paddle ...this be the punishment of heart ...and the pain of living in the world ...as God our father looks down and sees such a thing ...as he says unto us ...yee I will cut short this tribulation your going through ...for your sake ...thank you father thank you Jesus ...for your hearts for us are perfect ...and you care is perfect ...for us ...everyeachone..

     And of this heart attack ...it is but to change that heart back to the cares of the world ...and this then would kill the chosen of God...save only for the Lords keeping ...save only by the Lords keeping ...for if they once recieved of the fruit of the holy ghost (our fathers spirit) turn back to serve the teachings of the world ...then for these there is no more sacrifice ...for Christ can not be offered again ...delicate and gentle ...is our walk with the Lord ...for his love for us is tender ....helping, hoping and blessed is Jesus for us ...by God ...and strong is his arms that hold us safe in his keeping ...Yet that we would not be robots ...we do serve him from the fullness of our heart ...for the goodness, perfect truth and ...perfect love ...that we see in him ...who is the most precious and worthy son of the living God ...this Jesus of Nazereth ...come again to save us and the whole world from destruction ...from our selves and from the will of the worldly ...for it goeth to destruction ...shortly..... by its own hand ...yee even these who accuse ...by their own mouth ...do they ...

     Yee and even ...as my personal witness...again did my perfect ..good Lord assure me ...that He would keep me from back slidding ...and that not because I call upon it ...for its written ....but because he truly loves me ....

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