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God's Truth

free from vexations ..

And the measures and matters of Dreams and visions shown ...for all ...or any
whatsoever is Given is a blessing to the children of God.



     one day of days ...of the latter days ...came to mine prayer heartfullness ...against vexations ...that so trouble the peoples ...and mineself ..

     and i was of prayer for perfect prayer ...that only Jesus our high priest can offer ...for as of mineself ...such a matter unpossible ...Yet of my Lord Jesus ....perfect prayer unto our Father God ...it be an easy matter ...and so i prayed ...

     and He did answer ...was shown me ...that vexations ...as a man might see them ...be the vexations of a man ...and of the course of man ...these vexations (matters and measures of matters and things that trouble one ) ...these as a man might see them ...are of the seeing of man ...and so the vexations that a man sees and feels ...and hears ...against these does he seek relief ...and these only ...while he is of himself ...and still in the flesh ...

     Nevertheless ...as souls ...of God ...and brothers in Jesus ...it is opened that these be ...souls "incompassed by the flesh" ...and therefor of need to be ministered ...as to the vexations of the soul ...as it is all things of the spirit and heart ...for as it is written ...OF 2nd Moses ...as it began ...even it be finished ...of heart ...And they went (as many as their hearts couraged them and as many as their spirits made them willing)...and brought heave offerings unto the Lord, to the making of the tabernacle of witness and for all his uses and for the holy vestments.

     Yet the matters of vexations upon the children of God be simple ....for a man can pray for relief of vexations he might know of ...Yet God and Christ only know the full measure of vexations ...upon any soul ...of heart and spirit ...perfectly ...

     and so it is ...we only pray to be delivered from vexation ...as God and Christ see them ...and not of our selves ...our own thinking ...least we have only the known vexations ...relieved us ...

     and to the more ...how do we know if we be tossed ...if it be a vexation or a blessing from God and Christ for to move us away from vexation ...to more peace with them ...?

     likewise ...some things that we see as pleasures ...be in truth ..vexations to us ...so that we would never see them ...least we pray the Lord to show us ...and to help us ...

     or contarywise ...what if God and Christ send us a blessing ...and we perceive it to be a curse ??? oh woe is us ...

     thuswise ...we needs be reformed ...back to prayer ...and whole heart and health of God and Christ ...saying behold we measure no longer ...ourselves according as we have been evil raised to believe lies ...and taken even it upon ourselves ...saying of myself i know this or that ...Yet of all matters we pray of God and Christ ...for to show us "good and evil according to them ...the way of truth and love and faith ...for it is written our first falling ...least we fall still or the more ...And the Lord God said: Lo, Adam is become as it were one of us, in knowledge of good and evil.

     and this knowledge of good and evil ...be plain ...it is perfect ...if from God and Christ ...and only them ...and not even of our reading the text of scripture ...and devising again our own wicked knowing of good and eveil ...as the thousands of dieverse religions do ...to lord over others with ...saying this thou shalt do ...and this thou shalt not do ...or believe or say ...

     for God and Christ are able to speak to their children whether they read the Word much or not ...Yet even while reading will God and Christ "open knowledge" to an open heart ...for the truth ...Yet say some ...only if they read does God and Christ speak ...or say some ...if i read ...then by that understanding and scholiarship of my own ...i will know this or that ...such is worse vexation ...against the spirit of my Father ...and his truth of his Son .

     Praise God and Christ the more for their most perfect and only able help they offer ...to deliver us from all vexations ...known or not ...for we would be lost without them ...and their helps ...and this is of truth ...in truth ...and of the spirit ...

     and thank you father and thank you Jesus to so pour upon us that we again can say ...we have not the knowing of good and eveil ...of our own thinking ...yet we praise upon your grace and mercy ...for your teaching us yourselves to know anything ...of these matters ...save only from you ...


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