Behold in a land of Abram ...among the children of Abram ...afar off from the heartland this place i was taken ...
and the customs and costumes of the people ...yea spirit of speaking ...even of times past ...and few remained ...and i found myself among the sons and daughters of Abram
and they were not strangers to me ...neither their manner of heart ...yet matters of heart had changed ... and they knew more of me ...than i remembered of them ..
and the ways of the world had taken their toll ...on the sons and daughters of Abram ...and upon them was the dress and thoughts of heart of the world ...and only a remnant of Abrams heart remained ...
and i waited ...and while i waited daughter of Abram came and sat next to me ...and looked upon me as a man ...and showed me the ways of the world that ...she had become ...and i said to her ...daughter of Abram ...neither is it worthy for you to look upon me as a man of the world ...or ...for you to show yourself as a woman of the world ...for neither of us are ...of the world ...and she received it and her beauty shined as the daughters of God ...of the sons of Abram
and i found myself in a pool ...for cleansing ...and bathed myself be rid of the dust of the world ...of the worldly ...and of the dust of the world that had crept into the land and houses of Abrams children
now as i bathed an window appeared ...'and i looked down upon the youth of Abram that played in the street below ...and they played in darkness and activity wild of excitement of flesh ...and i was in woe for them ...for the darkness they were in and the darkness became blackness ...and thicker ...till they could hardly ...heartily ...see each others hearts ...yet the excitement they .."in"joyed ..
and Behold a turtle dove came ...and splashed in the waters with me ...and i helped him and loved him and kept him safe ...even from the waters ...of the cleaning ...
and behold an youth a son of Abram entered into the place where i was bathing ...and i was surprised by him ...and i talked with him awhile of his coming in ...and he somewhat washed himself and left ...and i followed after him witness more ...
yet i was withheld ...for i still had to wash my head of mine own thinking ...and for he was kept by others ...that no one could follow upon him ...and i asked who was this ? ...and the answer came ...he was a prince of Abrams people ...
even so ...i was taken from the cleansing ...through a palace of another ...and to meet another prince of the land ...
Yet behold upon seeing him ..he appeared to me as a puppet ...a cartoon character that is honored in america ...
nevertheless the turtledove stayed with me ...though he seemed ...injured of heart the seeing of these matters and measures ...roundabout and within the children of Abram
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