Behold a dream in the day light ...and that plainly ...
for before and of substance ...there was a man ..and worthy man was he ...whose eyes were as clear as water ...and be friended my son ...Yea even as a worthy grandfather ...was he to my son ...though no grandfather in the flesh ..yet blessed were they together sons heart for him and his heart for my son ...
and the man had no legs ...for they were lost a war of his own ...that followed after him ...from the war of the world ..called WWII ...
and the man ...for a time and season spent this time as he would of heart ...with my son and my son with him ...even as i said before in joy of truth and love and learning ...
and a day came as all knew would that he died ...and left his flesh ...and we and i wept ...for the lost of his presence (in the flesh) with us ...and woesome hearty cried ..tears ...missing him ...
and then and Behold these many years later ...and of no for thought ...of ED ...did God bless me with a dream ...and again ...we were all together ...him my son and i ...
and BEHOLD ...ED had legs !
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