God's Truth

love of God greater than any other...


     behold in the dread season ...night of pain ...headache of mine own thinkin ...left eye sore .. from looking at things with that "left" eye ...as though looking to things and matters as a man "of" the flesh might ...rather than a man of God ...with right eye ...right eyes ...eyes that seek not to understand according to the world ...yet eyes that seek and look to the things of God ...looking to rightness

     and again pain and suffering ...and eyesome pain ..from looking at matters worldly ...and sleep fled and rest taken away ...and darkness of the showing ...wickedness came ...even as the breath of satan and his angels ....blackness of the dread utter ...kind ..worse of worse ...all round about ...hellishness ...and no peace ..

     and i prayed and and prayed and said why has such a thing of matters come upon me ...for i know not why? ...and prayed the more ...that all this darkness and i say again the dread dead utter darkness be taken away ...and yet remained it ...and hung like a hot wet stinking blanket over me ...and smelled of mould ...even the mould of the earth ...and i hated ...hated with all that was of mine substance ...this thing and matter that hung over me ...

     and when the hate against it was full ...that i utterly hated it ...sleep came ...and the matters opened to me ...yet and i tell you of truth ...the pain of it ...yet not the darkness stayed with me even in the mourning ...till the matters be again brought before God and Christ ...and i was ministered to ...that i might receive ...have peace ...and then did the pain of it flee from me ...

     and what is the matter and the measures of matters here ..? yet the very love of God and the order of it ..of heart ...his heart to his sons heart to the mans heart ...and from the men of God to follow ...and to everflow over each other ...then as God would ...by his will ...does it flow to wives and children and upon any and all ...as even this is the order and will of God's love ...

     Behold in a dream i was taken to an high mountain top ...yea and even the highest ...and there was a beautifull meadow there ...and love and truth and peace was there like the living breath of God himself filled the air ...and mens and womans and childrens ..all walked talked and had their living ...in the perfect will of God ...and the wills of all the peoples there were the same ...for they loved the will of God ...and danced in the blessings ...and had their joy in HIM ...of Him ..

     and a man looked upon a woman ...and his love for her exceeded ...his love for the will of God ...and this be the third matter of the first sin ...as two were given before ..in the last dream ...of how Heve began these matters and measures ...by her own thinking ...

     Nevertheless ...as this mans love for this woman and her flesh ...rose up to be more than his love of God and more his love of the truth ...more than his love for the will of God ...and more than his love for his brethren ..even did he love her more than he feared God ...so it was that the mountain shook and all peoples scattered ...and the blessed place was seen no more ...and they all when their way ...down the mountain ...and followed their own ways ...and ran about confused ...in darkness ...for the dust of the shaking ...gave them up to their own hearts and wills ...and they fell from the place intended for them ...and they sought out each others comfort ...in all ways ...and looked to the desires of their own hearts only ...

     and a mother and her daughter appeared ..to a man ...and the man ...looked on the woman ...and sought her out and sought her heart ...and the mother counseled the daughter on the ways of men ...and told her ...his love for you might exceed all things ...and if you play his heart to your pleasure ...he will do all things according to your will ...

     and so it came to pass that the daughter of the world ...played the heart of the man ..perfectly according to her own will and thinking ...and the man loved the woman exceedingly ...and i saw him carry her ...as she collected things of the world ...and did things of the world ...according to her wants and worldly desires ...and all things he did for her pleasure ...and so much so that he said ...her heart is better than mine .. and even if the two shall be seen as one ...she is my better half ...

     Woe ...Behold a room was made for the man and a table was prepared for him ...and the food of it layout ...yet not by this worldly woman he loved ...yet by another woman ...the love of God ...and the man was "in"vited ...to the room prepared for him ...and he came ...and he looked upon the meal that was prepared for him ...yet he would not eat ...and he said ...in himself i will not eat ...least this worldly woman i love eats with me ...so i can look upon her while i eat ...yet the worldly woman refused to enter in ...enter in ...for she was jealous that the man might love... the love of God more than her ...so she withstood the man ...and said the worldly woman ..that she would not enter in ...

     and the man left the room prepared for him ...and did not eat the food prepared for him ...neither drank any waters ..or wine that was offered him ...neither took he any comfort in the room ...but left it for the comforts ...of the worldly woman he loved ...who he assteemed higher than himself ...

     and his ate the scrapes that the worldly woman ...threw him ...and groveled at her feet for her attention ...affection ...and hoped for her love ...

     yet her love could never fill his heart ...for she was not able to love him of her own heart and thinking and caring ...for it is not possible ...for only the love of God can fill a mans heart ...fullfill a mans heart ...yet he remained at her feet all the days of his life ...and they imagined loved together ..and they imagined truth together and ...they imagined peace together ...and the raised children and taught them the same ...and the forgot about the room and the food and the waters and the wine first offered to the man ...and the memory of it faded ...and their children never knew of it ...

     and so they imagined the more ...and that perfectly ...till their lives and the hole of them ...imagined and lived in the perfect life ...that they had imagined ...and they imagined themselves to be Godly

     comes then the matters and measures of matters ..why then God ordered ...that order be restored ..the putting away of "strange wives" ...and the heart of the matters there ...for it was not of icons and statues ..that they kept ...for these were only outward objects showing what the hearts were ...for the "strange wives" has such an "in" fluence ...over their husbands (as shown above) that the men had forsaken the truth and love of God ...whose total truth of God + love of God = the will of God ...and of his will there is order ...

     and the order is that man as head of the woman ...is not bent by affection ...to her will ...

     know this and mark it well ...for the warning comes of the 144,000 men ...of God who were not defiled with women ...

     further know there is no will of God outside his order ...neither can any say they live within the will of God ...and be then subjects of their wives ...

     Of truth see it then plainly ...God being the head of Christ ...Christ being the head of the man ...and the man being the head of his wife and family ...

     and know that the truth of God and the love of God ...can NOT be compromised ...no not at all ...in heart of words or of deeds ...for it is the golden threads that keep the order of God throughout all times and ages ...

     and how does truth and love bear witness to one another ?? ...one firstly Truth comes ...and truth shows the way to love ...and then love in the fullness of truth ...becomes the stronger and more worthy ...as it is the will of God that love has the higher station ...yet the Love of God ...is not vain affection ..and desire of the flesh ..and the warm fuzzy i am ok your ok ...puppy nose "love" of the imagination ...NO NOT at all ...the love of God is known ONLY and through ONLY the very love of the truth ...

     For again and again ...and even for ever it is this ...that the truth and love of God can NOT be separated ...

     Mark this ...love without truth is COVETIOUSNESS ...AND COVETIOUSNESS IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL ...and not as the bibles of men say love of money ...even as they have taken this gift of knowing away from us ...by changing the Word ...truth ...of God ...and made a Jesus of their own imagination ...

     It is given then ...that God so loved the world ...that he sent his son Jesus ...who said his reason for being and coming was so that we might know and love the TRUTH of God ...and thereby we might know the love of God our father ...and to prove all matters and measures of matters up ...he offered his life that we might know the truth and thereby know the love of God ...and even as he proved these things up then ...as his father proved all things even eternal life ...by raising his son from death ...NOW even does he come again to prove up the finish of all things ...

     and to look see the very reins of hearts ..of all and any ...to see if they might love the truth and love the will and order of God ...

     for the love and truth found in a man of God is thuswise ...he with all that he is ...heart mind and soul ...even his flesh ...loves God and that in truth ...and his Son Jesus likewise ...and his brethren next ...even more than the love of a woman ...even as it is written ...

     for thiswise does the truth and love of God flow ...from God through his son unto man ...and from Godly men unto other men ...and those men to their wives ...and children ...

     even as it is written for them to be in love with the will of God and Christ ...to love them as Christ loved him first ...evenso men of God love the congregation of God ...and the order of it is loved also..as order ...is the way and will of God ...the same


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