Behold a dream in the mean season ...a man loved a woman ...and he went to visit her ....that she might be his bride ...
Of the man ...He was worthy in all things ...His heart was full ...of perfect truth and love ...having blessed peacefullness in His conscience before God... He had plenteous riches.
And woman ...she was young ...innocent and unknowing ...heartward towards love ...and beautifull to look upon ...and she was attending in a university ...had an apartment there ...and she was being taught there... injoyed the activities of schooling ...her life ...and she had, what she called; friends there ...
And she fantasized about His second visitation ...for He had shown her all things about His life before ...about the truth and love that was in Him ...about life ...and the hoped for wedding day ...and now this was His second coming ...and He was here to get His bride ...
And how and whereof ...Even all that the woman had ...or ever had ...was paid for by the blood of the man He had fought in wars ...against spiritual wickedness ...and now had come back to make his home ...with His bride in a new place on the earth.
And She desired in her heart be with the man who was to come visit...who visitation she looked forward too...Him who might take her to wife ...Yet ...she felt comfort and safety in her apartment ...and believed somewhat in the promises and teachings of the school ...and injoyed also ( her heart ) the activities of... her life style ...her life she was in ...and (injoyed the gathering together with her friends ...for the pleasure of people ...that they had ...when they gathered together ...and she called them her friends ...these three things meant much to her ...
And the man loved the young woman ...exceedingly ...for He could see into her eyes ...her innocence ...her delicate ways ...her tender heart....and hoped that her love might be full for Him was His hope for her ...that they might soon have the wedding.
Yet would the comfort and safety she felt in her own apartment, mean more to her than the embrace in His arms ? ...would the influence (in -flu-ance) and promises of the schooling ...give her higher hopes of the worldly? Than her hope in Him ? So much so that she would not fly away with Him ? ...would her life style ...her life...mean so much to her ..that she would not share it with Him? ...or that she would bend Him to change life in Him ? the style ...of her life ? would her gathering with friends ...mean more to her than gathering up with Him ? Would she have her friends judge Him ? ...would she listen to their oppinions about Him? ...would these matters separate them ? Would these things make it unpossible ...the wedding?
Now when He came to visit ...she welcomed him ...and warmly embraced Him...and desired too... that she might be his wife.
Nevertheless she wanted Him to see her apartment ...tour the school ...see "the way" she lived meet her freinds ...and to gather up them... to go to a worldly event ...with them.
And so it came to pass that the man ...did look to these matters ...and at her apartment ...he told her about a mansion ...far away ..down a narrow path ...and he wondered if she believed Him ...and at the school ...he set aside the promises of it ...and told her the worldly promises of the schools of men... were emty and vain ...and he wondered if she believed Him... as well, the wise teachings man; were nothing worth ...and ignorance to Him ....and he wondered if she believed Him...and of her life ...her life style ...would she be willing to set it aside? lose it? To have life with him ...for His sake? ...the weddings sake?...for life everlasting sake? ...and he wondered if she believed or would be willing? ...Nevertheless the "event" that all the world wanted to see ...He told her it would never come to pass ...
Now as for gathering up with her worldly friends ...He did visit them too ...and looked upon them ...and saw that they were worldly believing ...cunning in pschology ...(man _ipulation ) ...excited about things of the flesh ...and he knew of these that called themselves; her friends ... were only friends of worldly injoyment and fantasy ...and her value to them was only ...of the flesh (for she was beautifull and fun) ...and having her in their midst ...was like a having a worldly pet watch ...or some other thing for appearances and pleasure ...and He wondered if she would be willing have new friends ...His other brothers and sisters ...and to call them her friends ? Among whom no tear falls from anyones eye ...would she believe ??? would she be willing ???
Nevertheless as He gathered up this woman that he thought might be his bride ...and to leave the worldly city ...on the narrow path... out of there ...out of flood waters of the world (all thats believed, liked and loved of the world) yet these flood of thoughts came after her ...and as they were leaving ...her friends called her on a celluliar phone ...and beckoned and beguiled her to stay in the world ...and among the worldly ...friends...and things and they spoke about the son of man as if He did not matter much ...and that she should pay little attention to what He said ...even that she could pretend about once knowing Him ...
Now as the man tried to make their way through the flood waters of the world escape it; with this woman that might be His bride ...He watched her on the phone; talking to her friends of the world ...and as he watched her ...and she began to believe the things of the worldly told her ...then she somewhat turned her eyes from him ...and in that instant; the vehicle they were in, became stuck in the muddy waters of the world ...the more stuck in her unbelief.
Nevertheless He said to don't worry I can get you out of this ...this muddy and filthy waters of the world ...its no problem a all...yet within her; she thought she might be more happy in the "dryness" and plenteousness of the world ...and as that thought came to her ...
Behold immediately ... as the way out was blocked ...and a huge gluttonous woman with the face of a barking dog ...came up to the car ...yelling and scolding the young woman ...telling her that she was such a fool to go with this man believe Him ...and she said to her to get out of the car ...and get back to the worthy... worldly life; she had before ...she turned her eyes from him and doubted him for an instant ...and immediately distance and darkness came between them between Him and his intended bride ...for the matters of the world that she now believed in ...of the matters of the world ...that she had a heart for ...and when He looked at her eyes ...this last time ...he could no longer see into them ....he could no longer see her heart ...all He could see was a reflection ...on the surface of her eyes ...of the things of the world ...and her fear of walking away from them ...looking back at a world about to be consumed ...
And so heavy hearted, and in tears of the loss of her ...He walked away ...on the surface of the muddy waters of the world ...for He had to seek another who might be his bride ...for the wedding was already prepared ...
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