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God's Truth

In His Keeping

      Blessed and holy ...righteous and true ...perfect is our Lord Jesu before our Father ...for us is he ...who is... was ...and shall evermore be. Oh Father let there ever be ...more and more thanksgiving unto your first born son ...unto the fullness of his worthiness for our salvation and keeping ...is he.
      Before God my Father and my Lord Jesu ...I am no liar and I bear true witness of his works in me... for me ... to my keeping and comfort ...and of this I say plainly the Lord has saved me again ...yea even from an miserable tormenting death ...and he keeps me even now as I speak ...
      A short two months ago ...unknown to me ...came an affliction upon me unto death ...that I might think about the loss of my flesh ...and I say to you this was of no small matter ..yet the Lord increaseth in me all things ...the matter comes to this ...I was bitten by a tick unknown to me ...neither in knowing of the creature or of the bite ...yet a sore itch did come upon me ...and I, of my own thinking, (which is death unto me) thought I that it is but a small thing and some ointment should relieve the itch ...yet it did not and the area around the bite became worse ... no ointment helped.
      Even as time passed I thought whoa this is a bothersome bite but not worth concern for it must be a common thing ...Yet throughout my flesh came a sore grievous nature ...and I did ache and pain much in joints and muscles ...AGAIN thought I (and again to my own thinking ...deadly to me) I must be just working to hard ...and I supposed nothing more ...still I worsened and yet itched of the bite after a month.
      Now the Lord provided a miracle by which I might be saved ...yet it was not in dream or vision neither by my hand ...neither did he show me anything at that time of the affliction that I had ...but did use my mother and wife to open to me the grievous nature of my condition
      Now understand neither my wife nor my mother knew of any affliction ...save only my wife had seen the area where I was bitten ... Thus comes the Lord, for a piece of paper came to my mothers hand (a medical newsletter) for which she had no regard ...yet did she lay it on my wives purse on the kitchen table ...and this of no apparent reason ...now as my wife arose and entered into the kitchen ...did she see the piece of paper on her purse ...and thinking ...it might be of some worth did look to it ...Behold on the very front of the paper did it describe the bite that I had and the seriousness of it ...for it was deadly ...now unknown to me as I was still at rest in bed ...did my mother and wife rise up to make an appointment for me with a doctor ...and upon rising they quickened me to go...now of this whole matter was I disquieted yet somewhat unbelieving of the seriousness of the affliction ...even after seeing the doctor.
      Now comes the Lord again for a friend had called from the place where I had been bitten ...and in a grave voice he said ...I have bad news ...your cat has died ...now of this I was stunned for we had just removed a couple of ticks from him shortly before visiting my mother ...quickly had he died from bite to death ...so here I declare ...that by the hand of God my Father and through my Lord Jesu ... was my affliction brought to light ...and established in me ...Lord knows how bad off I might be today if HE had not quickened me to the works of the apothecary ...
      Now even as I write I am still sore afflicted...and that after undergoing massive amounts of antibiotics ...three different types are being used against the affliction ...Yet Lord your will be done ...as well in the flesh as in the spirit ....that my hope in you might be full ...to fulfill the promises of God our Father ...and full, I pray, might my hope be in the flesh as well as in the spirit ...And the truth of the works of these matters be opened unto me by the blessing of your righteousness through the verity (realness) of your works for my healths sake ...for you are my health ...spiritual mental physical ..all ...all is one before you ...
      Understand the doctors that I have tried all they know yet ...I find myself back on the original medicine (works of the apothecary) ...and though the symptoms have lessened ...it is said that I could be in treatment for 5- 6 months.
      Now came a dream from the Lord ...for out of heaven came a bird and a kind and gentle bird was he ...(birds of the air ...of which I am to gather up with) and he did look over my flesh to find anything... tick or otherwise that might afflict me ...behold he removed the tick ...and looked closely to my health as though to cleanse me of any affliction of the flesh.
      Now comes more miracles ...though I have had much blood tested ...8 viles full ...there is no bacteria found.
      Now the lessons of all this is yet withholden in me and I am not given to open the fullness of the testimony ...yet I know the Lord has had a mighty hand on me and to his glory I bear witness for he is him who saves and keeps us continually ...for loves sake.

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