God's Truth

Of the Errors of My Own Thinking

     It is and has been an ongoing cleaning of the Lord to rent me free of the hooks of my own thinking ...for my own thoughts stumble me and cause grievous pain within in me ...and sometime ago it came to pass as the Lord was ministering to me...showing me the errors of my own thinking, that I struggled so, not willing to let go of my own judgement and things that I had within myself felt sure of ... and I became as is a spoiled child ...acting in such a way holding on to a dangerous knife (my own sword of truth) that my loving Father sent my loving brother to take away ...now I did mummer and complain ..rant and rave, kick and scream ...as all the things I believed in were taken away ...
     And the works thereof was like unto; again, a spoiled child ...acting in such a way, as holding on to a comfort blanket (as children do) and this blanket was like unto all the teachings of the world ...things that I had been brought up to believe ...things that I thought were worthy to believe in ...things that I thought comforted me ...kept me strong ...a man is this, a father is that ...a woman is such as this ...children are to be this way or that ...God is this way or that ...worship is this ...love is this ...Truth is this ...truth is this that...well you can see that all these things had to be looked into said God, so he sent his Son; my loving brother to take away ...my worldly comfort blanket ...now this is how it seemed he did it ...rather than snatching it away (as he IS able to do) yet as for me, he did snip at it little by little ... and my believing in worldly teachings became less and less ...likewise did the false worldly comfort blanket become smaller ...and smaller...till I could take no more comfort in the false teachings of the world ...
     And it came to pass one day that I began to weep with joy of the teachings of the Lord and his blessings ...and did the sweet fragrance of Christ become known to me, and I did smell it ...as did others ...who visited ...asking "you got flowers around here some where"? Much puzzled were they, for my house was not such that flowers were common there ...I somewhat laughed yet, I would answer. "it is the sweet odors of Jesus" ...to which they began to look for room deodorizers and like such things ...nevertheless they found nothing of the fragrances made by men's hands ...
     As it was the Lord did give me a prayer within my heart before my Father ..and I said "Let me lay now, all that I have learned in the world ...and you know that I have been much schooled ...let me lay all these things at your feet ...everything that I might think I know ...I will trade it all ...burn every degree ...for just one touch of your wisdom ...only just the smallest touch Lord ...Oh Father rent all this from me ...even every thought that is unworthy before you" ...
     Now did the Lord bless me with a dream ...and Behold did mighty clouds move in, dark and threatening ...as it seemed as the whole of time was filled with the darkness ...and behold, out of the midst thereof came what appeared at first to be a scroll ...and there was light roundabout it, as it was a pure white and warm light ...yet as the scroll neared me ...was the darkness swallowed by the light that was about the scroll ...and a marvelous blue sky appeared and the light of the Son did shine ...and all was joy and peace roundabout ...
     Now was a mystery come to me; as the scroll turned into a fabric, and behold as the fabric unfolded ...was the fabric so much that it now covered all things ...as it seemed now, was the whole of time, and everything that ever was ... was filled with the fabric ...and Oh what a fabric it was to behold ...for it was worthy beyond understanding and I was taken closer to the fabric ...that I might see...and behold as it was, the fabric was the fabric of God made by his hands and it covered all that existed, and all of time, from beginning to never ending ...even was I drawn closer still, and I saw all the weaving thereof ...and behold it was seamless, and there were no patches thereon ...within the fibers were strands ..and these were common strands strong and enduring, and nothing could tear or cut the fabric, for it come from the loom of God himself ...still I was taken to see more ...as within the common strands were woven strands of silver and gold ...and not one strand had an end, to it but did go on forever ...and the beautiful perfectness of this fabric so filled me with glorious wonder, that I was faintly at the sight of it ...and as it laid out there vast before me ...the teaching of the fabric was given to me ...for the whole of it is this ...
     For the darkness that you have seen... is the dark teachings of men ...ungodly teachings of history where men glory in war and profit ...bringing others to blame God for letting things slip...even more darkly are the ungodly spiritual teachings of men ...who would have folks believe that they represent God ...and glory in their own false doctrines ...even that men would slay each other to certify their false beliefs ..and all, is all darkness that men teach ...if it be Godless and to only the purpose of men...and that all men be made liars of such things ...save only the Love and Truth of God be perfect and true..
     Of the scroll that turns to fabric ...the scroll be the truth of God that reveals all things to all men ...even is the same; the Son of God; the light of the world ...and the truth of the scroll be the light and the warmth thereof be the Love ..and of the fabric ...and the opening thereof is the truth of the scroll the unfolder and opener of the fabric...that all things be opened and unfolded before men ...all that is ...is of Gods weaving ...making ...and all that ever was is of Gods works ...this was the fabric, of only God's beginning, and yea, it is His never ending ...as all of history is His ...and all that is to come is His...
     As to the fibers thereof are the folks ...souls as it were, who were, are and will ever be His...these God has woven into the fabric of His will and purpose ...these are the fiber of His fabric ...be they common threads, mighty fibers, strong fibers ...or threads of silver or gold, they be those that throughout all times have been and are God's souls; whom he has woven into the fabric of his will ...in all matters great and small, to do all things as He might purpose ...now and unto this I was astonished and began to pray ...yet before a word did cross my lips ...I was taken up ...and as it was, woven into this fabric ...and I wept with joy at my awakening ....for the dream that the Lord had given me...

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