God's Truth

Michael the Archangel...and the tower of faith and prayer


     behold in a dream of the dark season ...of man ...for all living has a season ...and the season of man cometh to fullness ...

     Now as i looked ...all was darkness ...utter black ...blackness ...of tar ..of nephillium ....and no light whatsoever ...no not at all ..

     for it was blackness below ...blackness roundabout ...and blackness above ...as a sea of blackness ...in the darkest of nights ...so much so that no difference could be seen ...between heaven and the world ...for the heaven of the worldly was utter blackness ...and so was the world ...all utter black darkness ...

     Neither was there any up ...or down ...foothold in the world ...or grasp of heaven ...seemed all of everything ...was suspended in the air ...and airs of darkness ...

     Now ...from Heaven appeared Michael the archangel ...and stood in the midst of the darkness ...the blackness ...and it was as though he was waiting for something ...or some matter to take place ...

     And Behold ...shields ...and shields ...and more shields ...of the mighty men of God ...came down from Heaven ...many so ...and so many that i could not count them ...

     and all the shields were given unto Michael the archangel ...and he began to assemble them ...back to back ...each shield ...back to back ...so only the air of God was the space between them ...and no air of the world (error) ...neither any darkness was roundabout or tween the shields ..

     Then i was "in" vited to to look see ..and to be with Michael ...and him with me ...as he builded with the shields ...builded he an tower ...an tower! ...yeee ! and oh so mighty tower... OH so high up even to the first Heaven ...and OH so far down even to the blackest world below ...

     And the tower roundabout ...within and without ...was all covered with shields ...and upon the walls of the tower ...Yea even was the walls of the tower the shields ...all inside and out below and above ..as far as the eye could see upwards ...Heavenward ...or below seeing ...into the blackness of the world ...did the tower of shields ...rise out of the darkness of the world into Heaven ...

     and the shields did glisten of the Son ...within and without ...yet no light shined yet upon them ...yet from within did the shields shine ...and all that was round about the tower ...or within the tower did shine and find themselves in the light of the Son ...warmed by it ...and without warned by it ... against all darkness ...

     Now it came to past that Michael came to me and showed me the matters of the tower and the workings of it ...for away had been made for souls to escape the utter darkness of the world of the unGodly and the antichrists ...

     and the tower was an way for them to be protected ...and raised up ...and to be in the light of the Son and to have comfort in ...

     and he showed me how the tower worked ...and kept the peoples safe ...for as they rose up of steadfast heart through earnest prayer ...faith came quickly to them ...and ascended did they to the upper parts of the tower ...and that comfortably ..graciously ...and in mighty wonder ..for they rose by faith in God and Christ ...and by the faith of God and Christ in them they ascended ...saying plainly God and Christ have faith in these ...

     Nevertheless if their faith waxed poorly and prayer be not of heart ...yet of their own thinking ...fall ...fall would they ...yeeck and fall ...down through the tower ...as though there was no saving ...towards the dread darkness again ...toward the bottomless pit ...that the world of the worldly had become ...

     Yet and i measured the matters ...and said ..Yeeck ! what an terrible thing ...to fall so ...and a frightening for these ...OH so frightening for them that waxed poorly of heart and faith ...for the falling might frighten them to death ...

     Now Michael was mused with me ...and smiled warmly on me ...for he knew i was most often shaken and frightensome of soul ..when shown the wonders of God and Christ ...and the mighty works of Heaven ...Yet he comforted me saying "look see ...how that none of these have death ...neither will have death ...anymore ...for unto these have been granted eternal life ...save they need to have full faith of it ..

     Yet said he ...see now how they might be increased ...as they rise ...of earnest steadfast heartfull prayer ...to more and moreso faith ...for Heaven be full of perfect faith and perfect love of perfect truth.. of perfect God and Christ ...and all swim verily in fullness of faith and truth and love of God and Christ ..for all perfection abounds there ...

     So it is ...said he ...that this tower is their helps and protection ...and a measure of faith ...how far they fall ...of those found lacking ...Yet look see ...for none fall far ...yet are caught up again ...and comforted ...least any fall too far ...for it is not the will of God that any fall too far ...and Yeee ! and Yeee! see how swiftly faith raises them up!! again and again !!! till their faith in God and Christ ...is the same as God and Christ's faith in them ...

     Yet is a measure ...a protection and a preparing for them ...for there is nothing of darkness that can hurt them ...neither any of the dread dead darkness of the world ...can slay them ...and see how blessed safe these are ...that are with in the compassed shields ...so the only matters remaining are heartfull conversation with God and Christ and measures of their believing what they are shown ...for faith comes of hearing ...of God and Christ as they teach any and all themselves ...and faith raises them up ...and only faith can keep them ...

     and i was shown how the shields caught any that might fall ...and that so gently ...so that none fell too far ...and also the shields ...that blocked from below ...any darkness ...that might rise up against them ...

     and i was comforted by the seeing and receiving ...and for those that also be caught up ...yet not finished of heartfull prayer ...to convert sation ...neither full of faith...

     for faith is of things unseen ...yet as the top of the tower touches Heaven ...all things will be shown ...and nothing left unseen ...

     and thankfull am i ...that Michael was sent to show me these measures and matters ...and thankfull that he watches over me ...who was sent of God and Christ ...and moresome comforted am i ...in these days of dread ...by my father who is God and by his Son who is my Lord Jesus.


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