God's Truth

Nightmare of the Heart

            And last night in a dream ...though I thought it to be only a nightmare ... until the Lord opened the matters thereof to me ...and a nightmare it was ...so much so that I thought within myself and of my own thinking that ...surely this comes from satan ...(Though I have received that satan cannot come near me neither can he look upon me) ...even of this I thought to have unbelief for the misery of the dream ...till again as spoken ...did the Lord Jesus of my prayers open unto me the teaching of it for my sake ...
      Now the dream was such that I found my self in hilly country yet behold ...all the houses were wide open ...that is they (the houses) had no walls or roofs ...and all manner of people lived there ...each with his own house ...this is to say as the world is and ...does see ...now speaking worldly ...as these do judge according to "worldly matters" (that which is recognized as worthy of the world) ...monetary wealth ...learning of the world ...and collections of material gain ...and so... in and among the hills they lived ...all levels... of "worldly matters"...some low and some high ...and the Son was bright over head ...and nothing was hidden ...
      And there was a book being written ...as if it was the dialog of the events that were taking place yet...the book was already finished ...and it was as if I was caught up in the scenes of a play that was finished ...yet no one knew it... neither did any have knowledge of the lines or the scenes ..before they took place...Now from the highest to the lowest ...the people did interact with one another ...each for their own sake... and nothing to the bettering of another ..in goodly truth or love ...all relationships were of foul desire ...marriages ...children and parents ...brothers and sisters any and all relationships ...eaten up with the teeth of self motive ... even that which they did as if to be of charity ...was only done to serve something within themselves ...a need to feel fulfilled ...and again none did anything of true giving ...though they gave ...did they make record of all things and of the matters ...only to feed their own inner desires ...even the children ...though they made an open show of caring for them ...the children were looked after by dogs ...for again there was no real caring for the children...they were only kept to fulfill a need of those who gave birth to them ...and the people were oblivious to any danger ...for there were cliffs and sudden drop offs everywhere ...neither did they see their children playing dangerously close to the perilous cliffs... and again did the dogs retrieve the children ... and so it was... that all that was done, spoken of...or received was done for themselves ...to self serve some thing inside them that was insatiable ...
      And it was from such motivation that all things were done ...it seemed that there was a vortex of consumption within all the people ...a black hole of the soul if you will ...that the prime motives for any and all things was to serve this consumptiveness ...even were their deepest relationships one unto another ...of the motivation ... of love ...it was such that these loved those that loved them ...and that only as it served to bring them something ...pleasure, peace, wealth, comfort ...again for what ever gain there was for the inner self ...was anything looked to ...
      And I saw and was part of all the misery of the place ...where nothing ...not one thing was done of goodness...of pure love or truth ...for even truth, love and all that was believed in was ...only to serve the inner self ...all the giving ..receiving and doing ...all unto self.
      And my soul became sore vexed ... as I looked upon it all ...I tossed and turned in my mind ...lamenting the oblivion and emptiness ...the utter nothingness of even the most precious relationships .. And behold a dark-skinned woman appeared and showed me a multitude of blue curtains which covered over all the sky ...and I regarded it not ...and the dream ended and I woke ...
      Now upon rising did I pray earnestly to the Lord ...beseeching him to open unto me the matters of this dream and to comfort me ...for I was most sore vexed and pained in heart, thought and hope ... And in weeping did I pray for relief beyond this dream ...for the measure of it was too hard to bear ...in sickness the day long...
      And this I discern of the dream and of the Truth as it is recorded ...that it is as though these have become gods unto themselves ...as all is according to their own heart condition ...with no regard for the goodness that is of God only ...now so even of our Lord Jesu.
      And it has come to pass that the curse so perfectly warned of in the Word of God ...namely: "I testify unto every man that hearth the words of prophecy of this book: If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall minish of the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from those things which are written in this book."
      For as it is written in the true word:

...And God said: let us make man in our similitude and after our likeness: that he may have rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowls of the air, and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over all worms that creep on the earth. And God created man after his likeness, after the likeness of God created he him: male and female created he them.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
      Now this is how the Word was changed ...for man has called God "I AM THAT I AM: and further "I AM"...and I say that this man has brought upon himself ...that he is seen as his own god every each one being his own "I AM THAT I AM:"
      Yet the True Word of God says this:
Then said Moses unto God: when I come unto the children of Israel and say unto them, the God of your fathers hath sent me unto you, and they say unto me, what is his name, what answer shall I give them? Then said God unto Moses: I will be what I will be: and he said, this shalt thou say unto the children of Israel: I will be did send me to you.
      And it is of this "I will be" ...it is given plainly ...I will be what ever God makes of me through the blessed fullness of his son Jesus Christ ...
      The difference is simple ...I am that I am ...or I will be ..and that by HIS hand (as it is written)
      yet more ...look to our own hearts ...for Jesus is ...