God's Truth

Of the Sweeping Wind

      In a dream of the night did I find myself ...again in a place of hills and valleys ...(as was the Nightmare of the Heart) wherein folks lived ...yet of these folks were of a manner different ...and were in a similitude only of the former dream.
      Now these folks were gathered up one unto another and lived in houses of disorder ...as their manner was ...for there were junk cars, refrigerators, stoves, household goods of every manner ...cast off ....and of ill kept houses, was all manner of used goods scattered all over and among their habitation ...these goods being formerly used and then cast off ..as it was scattered all over the land ...and it was like the people themselves ...were also cast off and scattered ...were also themselves ...the refuse of the kingdom in which they lived...Yet these were all strong men ...and women who could no longer live delicately.
      And they were to look upon as tired and labored ...to confusion ...with much weariness ...and these trusted among themselves ...according to each ones strength and weaknesses ...yet these were mostly concerned about their goods...and I speak now of their flesh and that only ...that they had obtained ...for they trusted in the having of things ...for security, station and enjoyment ...though they enjoyed little ...for the hardness of their life ...as again these were cast offs of the kingdom in which they lived ...and these had labored hard and struggled long to obtain... all their lives ...and as it was ...with the goods so it was with their lives ...used up ...in this never ending cycle of wanting ...obtaining ...using ...till broken ...discarded ...(or set aside as it were to create this junk yard of goods and people....)
       Yet in all ...of all... of strangers among them (as I was) did they look to help without asking...to look to my needs ...and did provide for me ...and did give me of their excess worthy shoes ...worthy clothes ...worthy goods of all manner...again this of their excess...so that I might live among them ...and I was welcome to stay among these...as it was these rejected few ...as they themselves had felt the rejection and the sting of being cast off ...nevertheless I was somewhat welcome ...though suspected ...as they did suspect each other continually ...that I might try to rise up to obtain their goods ...which these held in such high regard ...though the bondage was great ...and monetary enslavement was not seen ...did these live ...
      And it came to pass that I thought I might share with these the gospell of Christ and the freedom of Him ...without religions ...churches ...or the doctrines of gain ...and these did receive somewhat of the Freedom as truth ...for they never regarded the churches which they were rejected from ...and so it was ...of what I could share ...I did ...and some though few did receive ...(though many were somewhat suspect that I might be religious and after money) ....and these continued in their lives consuming and being consumed ...laboring and being labored against.
      As to the gospell they had little regard ...though they knew it to be true ...as these understood the rejection that the Lord went through ... but for the most part it was their lives and the obtaining ...that these were most concerned.
      Now and Behold...did the Lord speak to me ...and he said "warn them of the sweeping wind" and I was afraid ...and asked "what is this sweeping wind?" and it was shown me ...a wind came so strong as to make the worst hurricane look like a gentle spring breeze ....and it did sweep away all who did not seek shelter ...Yee even all that was on the surface of the earth ...wiped clean.
      Now whoa ...of this I was afraid ...and even afraid was I to speak such things to these folks ...as the men were strong men ...and I might offend them ...and I withheld ...and stood back ...yet the Lord withstood my fear and helped me ...and abled me that I might speak these things to the folks ...and I did ...and said thus sayeth the Lord ...behold a mighty wind comes ...Yee worse than anything ever before known to man ...and take shelter ...for the earth shall be swept clean ...and I feared they might come against me ...but they did not ....for of this speaking ...these folks had little regard ... yet only a few ...did take it to heart ...and took shelter ...nevertheless the wind came and swept all away ...save only them that took shelter ...these were kept safe.

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