Behold in a dream of the night ...I found myself in the world as it is normally seen ...with the eyes of men ...and all things were as usual ...comings and goings ...buying selling and such as the matters of the world are ...Now comes mighty men of a certain understanding ....and they take me and others captive might be seen of the world ...taken hostage ...and these had many weapons ...and were bold and were feared ...and they had taken "hostage" three men and a woman ...(I was one of the men taken) ...and these men that had taken us captive said very little to us only that we were not to worry ...and I saw the authorities were not too far behind as we were taken in a truck and sped away ...seemed that the whole of all power of authority chased after these men ...because they had taken us captive ...and I hoped that the authorities would catch them soon ...and that we might be "free" without anyone dying ...for weapons were all about ...these men had weapons ...the authorities had weapons ...even the violence of the chase and the boldness in these men ...made me fearful.
Now as these men in the truck sped down the road taking us to where ...we the captives did not know ...yet the men knew exactly where they were going ...and it seemed to me...that they thought themselves to be in a life or death situation ...all this with the authorities close behind chasing at great speed ...yee ...the truck cornered sharply ..and slowed a little to stay on the road.
Now at the corner did the woman ...jump out of the truck ...panic had overcome her ...her fear of the captivity being too great for her ...she desperately hoped to be safe with the authorities she jumped ...yet she was killed and her life spilled out over the street .....and I mourned her and wept ...that she might have been safe ...but her fear of being captive ...and hope in the authorities ...caused her to jump ...woe fell over me as I saw her ...laid in the street we sped away ... and faster now did the whole scene move ...until thing I knew we were in a forest of trees ...and darkness fell upon everything if it were the dead of night ...and how we got there ...was open only to the knowing ...and the authorities only knew by the following.
Now in the forest was harder for the authorities to find the men who had taken us captive ...yet it seemed the authorities were all around ...and there was no escape.
Then said one of the captors to me ...there will be a mighty battle here the darkness ...and you might be killed ...yee thought I why would the authorities kill me ...I am a captive ...and said so much to the man which he looked on me as a loving brother and handed me a weapon ..and said we are all captives ...still I did not understand ...but thought I could escape ...yet I thought the authorities might mistake me for one of these captors I just stayed where I was patiently ...yet held on to the weapon.
Now Behold a sudden and powerful wind came up ...and the whole sky lit up ...with a tremendous light from a fire ...yee ...and I saw that all the men mingled one amongst another ...both of authority and of the captors ...all were in fear looking up ...and great smoke and burning came ...yet no one was hurt ...neither was any tree burning ...and a great cloud with wind and fire came and burning paper fell ...Behold burning paper ...burning paper? Yes falling like as all the leaves from every tree ...yet was not leaves burning ...but pieces of paper ...all nearly burnt up it fell ...and I stood there stunned.
Now as I awoke did I bring this dream to the Lord in prayer ...and he took me back from scene to scene ..and opened the matters there of to me ... For the authorities ..were the authorities of the world ...and the first captivity was of the world these "captors" took me out of the world ...and took me captive unto God ...and gave me weapons...(the truth) ...yee and the woman ...who fled back into the world ...for she feared the captivity ...and trusted more in the authorities of the world ...yet because of her fear ...and need for protection she could see ...did she jump it is written not in the world ...and none who fear shall enter in ... and the traveling from out of the city to the trees the leaving of the cities of men ...(first works of Cain) to the trees ...strong men in the Lord ...who ..though they be on fire (for the truth) ...burn not ...and the fire is the Truth of God the power of it is the wind ...or the moving of God ...even the light that rids the earth of darkness ... and the burning paper is the recorded lies of men ...that every lie be burnt up ...that all deception be done away with.
Comes a warning too ...that though I am in captivity in this land unto the Israelites in Babylon ...for God has ordered it ...that these go and submit themselves to the Babylonians of authority it is and worthy before God have authority over his chosen ...and that for their protection ...before the Lord delivered them back into freedom of Jerusalem I might be allowed to New Jerusalem ...and as the Israelites were not to offend the Babylonian authorities ...I am not to offend the authorities here ...yet know that there be no spiritual ...submission the ungodly ...even as the Israelites were not made to worship the pagan gods of Babylon ...even am I not given to worship in these antichrist religions and churches of this land it Babylon, Rome or US ...these I am not to submit to ...and the Blessed Lord of all creation ...provides that like in Babylon ...the authorities of this nation are not given to make us submit to these religions and churches of the antichrist ...
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