The morning after ...mourning ...two days in hell ...witch the earth has become ...worldly making it more worldly ...hell risin ...and i was drowned even...Yet ...and now ..knowing only God through Christ can save me ...for they made away that i narrowly escaped ...nevertheless comes the blessing of the morning of the third day ...and God had sent a word to me ...The Word and the Word was "thau" ...and the matters and measures opened are this ...
"thau" the twenty third and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet ...and comes to us of God in the writings of his loved David ...lover of God and loved of God ...even by Christ ...through Christ even from the begining to foretell all things unto the children ...for all time ...even in these times nearer and nearer we are to a new heaven and earth ...and so it is worthy to go now ...go and look see these matters and measures found in Psalmes ...of the Word ...and read ...if God and Christ move you the end the end even of Psalmes ...thau
And moresoeven ...was given Psalms 68 ..."Let God rise" ...and "Reprove the beasts among the reeds, the heap of bulls with the calves: those that drive for money "...
and to note ...and mark measure of Psalms 124.. "If it the Lord had not been of our side ..."
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