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God's Truth

Why of heart : maketh all men liars and thieves...

And the measures and matters of Dreams and visions shown ...for all ...or any
whatsoever is Given is a blessing to the children of God.



     My hands tremble to to record ...for the dream given ...was a worse nightmare ...yet now blessed with discernment ...and knowing ...thereof ...a blessing beyond ...mine understanding ...

     For to take the dream as a nightmare ...was to be utterly lost ...a liar and a thief ...and a seeker of rewards before God my father and Christ my brother ...

     and i say this plainly ...LOST ...of worthless heart before God and Christ ...was shown me ...as myself ...and i did feel it and "of mine own judgement" did know it ...YEEEK !!!

     Yet now measure the blessing of God and Christ ...for they see the hearts perfectly ...and not according to our understanding ...yet perfectly ...holy ..perfect ...is the seeing of God and Christ into our hearts ...

     and it be a good measure for any to likewise ...pray for right discernment ...and right judgement ...least any go astray ...by their own understanding and own judgement ...be warned ...even as i am warned ...receive even as i have received ...of the measures and matters of this nightmare turned to blessing ...

     for to remain in the nightmare of "mans" discernment and judgements ...even our own discernment ...or our own judgement ...is that nightmare ...green horse ...of death ...that we live in ...

     Plainly death ..by our OWN DISCERNMENT and OWN JUDGEMENTS ...OVER OURSELVES ...witch judgement ...then evilly we might lay to others ...as the earth is full of it ...our own discernments and judgements first over ourselves ...then to wickedly ...discern and judge others the same ...WOE what evil ...Woe what eveil !!!YEEECK !!!

     and OF OURSELVES ...we might ...LIKE RELIGIONS AND CHURCHLY DO ... read a measure of a matter in the bibles of man ...or even more perfect ...reading in the true Word of God ..."God's Truth" ...nevertheless ...reading ...then to take ...of that reading our own understanding ...and to that put our own judgements ...and then to lay these wicked discernments and judgements to the charge of others ...charging them ...accusing them ...as any might accuse themselves ...accusing and accusing ...till the whole earth be full of diverse religions and pride of church doctrine ...and each one ...even priding themselves with their own discernments (understandings) ...and worthless judgements ...

     even as i mineself has been shown ...in and of this dream ...that was turned from a nightmare to a blessing ...and discernment given me of God mine father ...and even the way shown by Jesus Christ mine brother ...so the same i pray for any also that might receive ...to receive the same ...as it is Gods will and Christs way ...and they have blessed upon mine heart to do ...

     Behold in a nightmare ...turned blessed dream ...discern and measure the matters hereof carefully ...

     for i was taken to an house filled with the children of God mine father ...blessed innocent of heart ...mended by Jesus Christ mine brother ...

     and the children did come to me and say look see ...come with us ...for we have found an abandon house ...and abandon house ...and i knew that the house was of man ...and received the testimony of the children that indeed ..."man" had abandoned his house ...

     and behold they took to the place ...and it was to look upon ...as a long buried place ...for it was in the ground ...and under the earth ...and an hole like was shown me ...that lead down into the buried house ...the abandoned house of "man" ...

     and i looked into the hole in the earth ...that led down into ..."in"to the abandon house of man ...and all was darkness therein ...

     and the children being with me ...couraged me to go down therein to see ...what might be found in the abandoned house of "man" ...saying ...of themselves that they were afraid of darkness ...of the darkness of it ...yet said they ...that they knew i did not fear the darkness of man ...so they bid me to go there down into the abandon house of "man" ...

     and nevertheless ...as was their will ...i did ...go down ...into the abandon house ...that was buried ...beneath the earth ...and the children did follow upon me ...

     and behold it was utter darkness ...for their was no light ...no light had entered "in"to the abandon house of "man" ...and i warned the children of such darkness ...and the danger ...of entering back "in"to the abandon "house of man"...the house that man had abandoned ...for within it was utter darkness ...and the rewards of it nothing worth ...or so worth little ...

     Nevertheless the children ...went about in the darkness to see what they could find ...anything that might be of use to them ...yet they could see little ...because of the utter darkness of the place ...Yet i was with them as they looked ...and measured of what they found ...as of little worth ...

     now i said to them ...it is time to leave this place ...and bid them to go first... out of the darkness ...out of the utter darkness of the place ...and said to them that i would wait upon them till all were out ...all above ground ...all back in the light ...least any be left behind ...by themselves ...alone ...in the utter darkness of the abandoned house of man ...

     and so it was that they all left before me ...and i did check around ...and call out ...to make sure ...no children were left behind...in the "house of man"... and plainly there were none ...so i too began to leave ...Yet as i began to leave ...i did notice ...that of the riches of the house the children did not take ...for left behind were the things that "man" had held precious to himself ...yet were of nothing worth ...before God and Christ ...

     Now as i began to leave ....i was able to see through the darkness slightly ...and did see a pair of sunglasses ...that "man" had used for flying...flight sunglasses ..and an old silver coin ...that had been left there ...and i measured the use ...and thought within mineself ...mmm i could use a pair of sunglasses ...and i wondered what that old coin ...might show ...that old silver coin ...for i could not see it plainly in the darkness ...yet might be abled to ...if i took it out ...and above into the Son light ...and so it was that i took the sunglasses and the old silver coin ...out with me ...as i climbed up ...out of the darkness ...of the abandoned ...buried house of "man" ...Nevertheless ...again ...checking before i left ...if any of the children might be left behind ...and none were ...no not one ...so i left ...

     and i came back up into the Son light ...i looked the more at the old silver coin ...and it was as though it had been run over by a train ...like a heaviness ...had beat the coin ...flat and nothing could be seen of it any more ...for the face ...and the tail ...of the coin were obliterated by the heaviness that had come upon it ...that "old silver" ...was destroyed ...and i wondered if all the silver coins ...were the same ...all thirty pieces of it ...all utterly destroyed ...by the heaviness that came upon the silver coins ...and of the sunglasses ...i wondered ...what use i would have of them ...for i could only see through them somewhat darkly ...as they did darken ...of the Son ...what light might come to mine eyes ...

     Nevertheless ...i thought i was finished with this abandoned house of man ...when again the children came to me and said again ...that they would like again to go down there into ...again ! ...and i wondered why ? ...and they said ...to find the more ...from the abandoned house of man ...and i thought the worse of it ...Yet nevertheless they would not stay out ...i knew till all that they sought ...or thought ...to look to was satisfied ...and so of fear that they might go themselves alone back down into the abandoned house of man ...i did submit ...and said ..to them ...Nevertheless ...take then with you ...if you must go ...take "the light" with you ...this time ...so that you can see anything and all things ...while you are there ...and so that after this time ...when it is "finished" ...then you will no more desire to go down there again ...and they said yea !! ...and began to gather to themselves ...light ...as it was each had his or her own light ...for to see their way ...Yet as for mineself ...they gave me no light ...and of myself no light was to be ...only could i walk with what light was within me ..that way ...given me ..to see in any darkness ...so none offered up their light to me ...for myself ...as if they thought i could see through the darkness anyway ...and they did offer me no light of their own ...that i might see that way they did ...and wondered of truth ...for the light of men ...is not the light of God ...even as some might walk in their own light ...thinking within themselves that they see things ...

     Yet and now all were ready with their own lights ...to go again back the more into the abandoned house of man ...and i among them ...though i did so begrudgingly ...

     Now i did see among the children ...among the innocent children ...that there in their midst were ...other children ...children of wrath ...wicked children ...who were thieves ...and mean and only for their own selfishness did they do anything ...and of their sell fish i ness ...they meant to meanly hide among the innocent children ...and to go and rob the houses of man the more ...and for the children i did worry ...against the thieves that were among them ...and like wise did i need to go with them ...need to go with them ...and not begrudgingly ...back into the abandon house of man ...for to protect them from the thieves ...

     and so it was that we all went back down ...below ...again into the buried abandoned house of man ...and into the darkness ...and all the innocent children ..."brought their own light" ...yet the wicked thieving children had none ...only they used the lights of the innocent ...to see themselves ...and to rob secretly ...for the innocent children ...did not see the wicked robbing children ...yet only saw them as other children ...

     Now as we all were in the same house ...and down below ...and searching ...and all the children went about with their own little lights ...to find ..anything of worth ...down there ...i myself was a watching ...after the children ...for i knew that the robbing children ...would take from the innocent ...and that meanly if they resisted the robbery ...and so i went about to watch after the children ...and to make my presence known among the thieves ...so they would not hurt the innocent children ...who came down here unknowingly ...to seek reward ...

     and as i walked in the darkness of the wretched place ...the children did scurry and run ...here and there ...and mused themselves ...playing in the darkness ...with their flashlights ...as it appeared ...and in the dread darkness of it all ...i could not tell the difference ...could not see ...to separate the innocent children ...from the wicked thieving children ...for all were looking for rewards ...left abandoned in the "house of man" ...and i was somewhat ...disquieted ...by their 'playing in darkness" and warning them ..saying to quickly finish ...to put a finish to their seeking ... their looking ...their seeking of rewards ...so that we might all ...get the hell out of the darkness of this place ...that abandoned house of man ...

     Nevertheless they ...searched the more ...and behold one came running to me ...and said ..come see ...and so i went with him to see what he would show me ...

     and Behold ...i entered into a room ...and there was the "man" ...of the "mans house" ..."owner" ..."possessor of all things" and he layed on a bed ...his own bed ...and he was a dieing ...in the midst of all he had purchased with his life ...and he too had his own light shining on himself ...in his death ...and he had let his house go to ruin ...for death was over taking him ...and i looked upon him as he lay there ...and i wondered a mighty wonder ...of what his heart was before God and Christ ...as i reached out to comfort him ..and to care for him ...in truth ...and in love ..

     Yet as i reached out to him ...and in that instant ...the answer was given me ...as the "man" rose up ...against me ...and hatefully ...and sprung from his bed ...at me ...sprang upon me ...with all the strength ...he could get from hate ...and roared on me ...and railed ...ranted ...and ran after me ...and i ran as fast as i could ...and he chased after me ...

     and behold i found myself hiding from him ...yet he discovered me ...and stood against me ...accused me ...yelling out and said "you are a thief" ...and i was astounded ...and fearfull ...and felt guilty to mine heart and soul ...

     and i said to the man ...of fear and guilt ..."i am not a thief ...i have not put mine hand to any of your goods" ...(and i knew i was lying)...and the worse guilt came over me ...even unto death ...

     and the "man" said ..."now you are the worse for you are now a liar and a thief" ...and i felt as though dead ...dieing of heart and spirit ...for i thought the things he said were true ...and his accusing accurate ...

     Yet behold ...even as the last words came out of his mouth accusing me ...he was struck of heart ...and fell as though dead ...at my feet ...and i was astounded ...confounded ...and sore vexed ...and woefull of heart and spirit ...and i fled the place ...as though i might be lost ...and chased upon ...even worthless ...worthy of death ...

     and i ran and ran ...and escaped the "mans abandoned house" ...and Behold i found myself in a "rich neighborhood" ...and fearfull that one might see me ...and i ran the more ...for i knew i did not look like i belonged in the "rich neighborhood" ...and that they might the same ...not knowing ...accuse me the same ...saying there goes the liar and the thief ...and the seeker of rewards ...

     and of heart ...and soul and spirit i was woemuch ...and agony was heavy upon me ...as i thought the same of myself as that "man" had said ...namely that i was a liar and a thief and a seeker of rewards ...and i was woe unto death ...and ran the more ...for to get the "mans" goods that i had taken and to return them to him ...and to repent of mine lies and stealing ...and seeking of rewards ...

     and as i ran through the "rich neighborhood" ...one of mine sandals came off ...yet i paid it no matter while i ran ...because of fear and dread deathly woe that was in mine heart ...for the showing me ...by this "man" ...how that i was a liar and a thief ...and a seeker of rewards ...and i ran the faster ...back towards mine house ...mine fathers house ...

     Now as i came near unto mine fathers house ...mine minister ...my brother Lord Jesus did meet me on the bridge ...the bridge that one must cross over ...cross over...to get to my God fathers house ...and mine Lord Jesus asked me ...to go with him ...to "visit" a man ...who was dieing ...

     Nevertheless said i ... i am a hurried for it appears to me ...mine heart and soul and spirit be wicked ...for i am accused of a "man" of being a liar and a thief and a seeker of rewards ...and it seems to me ...i am ...and i go now quickly ...to run to our house ...and i said ...i must be quick ...to return a mans goods that i have taken ...and quick to repent of being a liar and thief and a seeker of rewards ...for a "man" has accused me of such ...and i feel i am guilty ...of heart and soul and spirit and mind ...and am so sore vexed ...as though near unto death ...and must be a quickly back to him with his goods ...and to repent before him ...of heart and soul and spirit ...for i fear he is near unto death ...

     and the more said i to my Lord ...if it seems worthy to you ...let me be quick then to do this thing...and to run to our house ...and to get the mans goods ...and return them and to do that thing ...that i have said against mineself ...and then ...then i can and would love to go with you to "visit" this other man that is dieing ...

     and as it was ..is ...my High priest allowed ...and i did a quickly go ...and to get the "mans" goods that i had taken ...and to meet again mine blessed brother ...back on the bridge that all must cross over ...and he had waited for me ...

     and i ran up to him and "in"braced him ...and he did me the same ...of heart ..he held me ...and comforted me ...and told me to be at peace ...and i waxed the worse for conviction against myself ...for i was still "received" of the "man" accusing me ...and was the worse accusing myself ..and of deepest repentance of heart and soul and mind ...and i felt the worse ...for mine father loved me and mine brother Jesu loved me ...and had said be at peace ...(and i thought him unknowing of what i had done ) ..

     and again my Lord said be at peace ...for the man you would go to repent to ...the "man" that accused you ...is the same that i go to "visit" ...for he is allready dead ...

     and i was astounded ...and shaken ...and prayed of heart and soul and mind the more ...and fell at my brothers feet ...for him to show me the measures and matters ...for i felt i was myself ...as though dead ...

     and mine Jesus put forth his hand to rise me up ...and said ...get up ...and stand ...not in the accusing of "man" ...neither of you measuring and accusing yourself ...as you have done ...for you have taken upon yourself the judgement of "man" ...and thereby accuse yourself ...

     Yet the more said my brother to me ..."our father God and i ...we see perfectly your heart ...though you might not ! ...as has been shown you ...and God our father and mineself your brother be your judge ...for i have lived in the flesh ...Yet our father has not ...for there is nothing of the flesh...about our father ...Yet as you know our father God sees all things and nothing escapes him ...said my Lord Jesus to me ...as i was raised up by his hand ...

     and the more ...said Jesus to me ..for the world be up side down ...judgeing itself ...worthy or unworthy ...and has taught you to do the same ...wickedly ...to "receive" its judgements ...and to accuse yourself all the day long ...even unto death ...

     Yet at the beginning ...even of this dream you have been shown ...this "man" even rising from his death bed ...to accuse you ...and of that he was dieing ...and for that he did die the death ...for the reward of the accuser is death ...

     and how so did he accuse you wrongly ? ...for it was not in your heart to rob any man ...and you were no liar ...when you said that you had not taken his goods ...for he had given up his goods himself and left them to waste ...as he neared death himself ...and it was right of your heart ...that you thought the "mans" house was abandoned ...whereof the goods belonged to no one ...

     so it is that you are neither a liar or a thief ...though the "man" accused you ...and as for being a seeker of rewards ...of your heart i know this also ...for you only seek ...the rewards that i myself have shown you ...and none other ...and it is a worthy matter of faith that you stay the same ...believing me ..

     as for you losing your sandal ...measure this matter ...and discern it well said my Lord Jesus unto me ...as he brought back to remembrance of his own shoes and the measures and matters of sandals ...like wise did John say ...that he was not worthy to bear his shoe when Jesu came of flesh the first time ...neither to loosen it he said later ...even so ...no man is worthy to bind or loosen his own shoes ...as if to walk according to "his own" judgements and discernments...for to lose Jesus shoe ...is for him to walk on holy ground ...and only God our father can perform that ...for him ...even as our father God showed all things to Jesus when he was in his flesh ...evenso we must be shown of Him the same ...as we are now of the flesh ...

     even so were the first of the twelve sent out with no shoes ...

     These twelve did Jesus send, and commanded them saying: Go not into the ways that lead to the gentiles, and into the cities of the Samaritans enter ye not. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Go and preach saying: that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out the devils. Freely ye have received, freely give again. Possess not gold, nor silver, nor brass in your girdles, nor yet scrip towards your journey: neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet a staff. For the workman is worthy to have his meat. Into whatsoever city or town ye shall come, enquire who is worthy in it, and there abide till ye go thence. And when ye come into an house, salute the same. And if the house be worthy, your peace shall come upon it. But if it be not worthy, your peace shall return to you again.

     even so ...And whosoever shall not receive you, nor will hear your preaching: when ye depart out of that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet. Truly I say unto you: it shall be easier for the land of Sodom and Gomorra in the day of judgement, than for that city.

     and of the sending out of the seventy ...no shoes ...

     After these things, the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before him into every city and place, whither he himself would come. And he said unto them, the harvest is great but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest, to send forth laborers into his harvest. Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves. Bear no wallet, neither scrip, nor shoes, and salute no man by the way. Into whatsoever house ye enter, first say: Peace be to this house. And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon him: if not, it shall return to you again. And in the same house tarry still, eating and drinking such as they have. For the laborer is worthy of his reward.

     and the more ...And he said unto them: when I sent you without wallet and scrip and shoes, lacked ye anything? And they said, no. And he said to them: but now he that hath a wallet let him take it up, and likewise his scrip. And he that hath no sword, let him sell his coat and buy one. For I say unto you, that yet that which is written, must be performed in me: Even with the wicked was he numbered. For those things which are written of me, have an end. And they said: Lord, behold here are two swords. And he said unto them: it is enough.

     and even ...as before ...comes again ...for our father God changes not ...And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an Angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush. When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight. And as he drew near to behold, the voice of the Lord came unto him: I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Moses trembled and durst not behold. Then said the Lord to him: Put off thy shoes from thy feet, for the place where thou standest is holy ground. I have perfectly seen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them. And now come and I will send thee into Egypt.

     This Moses whom they forsook saying: who made the a ruler and a judge? the same God sent both a ruler and deliverer, by the hands of the Angel which appeared to him in the bush. And the same brought them out, showing wonders and signs in Egypt, and in the reed sea and in the wilderness forty years. This is that Moses which said unto the children of Israel: A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me, him shall ye hear.

     This is he that was in the congregation, in the wilderness with the Angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers. This man received the word of life to give unto us, to whom our fathers would not obey, but cast it from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt, saying unto Aaron: Make us Gods to go before us. For this Moses that brought us out of the land of Egypt, we wot (knew) not what is become of him. And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the image, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.

     Then God turned himself and gave them up, that they should worship the stars of the sky, as it is written in the book of the Prophets: O ye of the house of Israel, gave ye to me sacrifices and meat offerings, by the space of forty years in the wilderness? And ye took unto you the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them. And I will translate you beyond Babylon.

     Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as he had appointed them speaking unto Moses, that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen. Which tabernacle our fathers received, and brought it in with Joshue into the possession of the Gentiles which God drave out before the face of our fathers unto the time of David, which found favour before God, and would faine have made a tabernacle for the God of Jacob. But Solomon built him an house.

     How be it he that is highest of all, dwelleth not in temples made with hands, as saith the Prophet: Heaven is my seat, and earth is my footstool, what house will ye build for me saith the Lord? or what place is it that I should rest in hath not my hand made all these things?

     Ye stiffnecked and of uncircumcised hearts and ears: ye have all ways resisted the holy ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the Prophets have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain them, which showed before of the coming of that *Just, whom ye have now betrayed and murdered. And ye also have received a law by the ordinance of Angels, and have not kept it. *Just: cap J

     When they heard these things, their hearts clave asunder, and they gnashed on him with their teeth. But he being full of the holy ghost, looked up steadfastly with his eyes into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, and said: behold, I see the heavens open, and the son of man standing on the right hand of God. Then they gave a shout with a loud voice, and stopped their ears and ran upon him all at once, and cast him out of the city, and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young mans feet named Saul. And they stoned Stephen calling on and saying: Lord Jesus receive my spirit. And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice: Lord lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had thus spoken, he fell asleep.

     and prepared the more now ...

     Stand therefore, and your loins girt about with verity, having on the breastplate of righteousness, and shod with shoes prepared by the Gospell of peace. Above all take to you the shield of faith, wherewith ye may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. And pray always with all manner prayer and supplication: and that in the spirit: and watch thereunto with all instance and supplication for all saints and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to utter the secrets of the Gospell, whereof I am a messenger in bonds, that therein I may speak freely, as it becometh me to speak.

     and shod with shoes prepared by the Gospell of peace.

     and shod with shoes prepared by the Gospell of peace.

     till the day comes ...that we again ...take our shoes from off our feet ...for the place we are promised ...is holy ground ...earth and Heaven mended ...new Heaven and earth ...where the will of God our father is the same ...holy ground as holy Heaven ...

     and i was ... astounded ...at the perfect judgement of God my father ...and of Jesus mine brother ...and i was the more ...every glory blessed ...to receive it ...and of an abundant heart and souls and mind in ever blessed thankfullness to them ...who would help me so much ...to rid of the judgements of "man" ..and even so much so ...as to rid me of mine own selfish judgements on myself ...

     all Glory and Thank Fullness ...to God mine father and Christ mine brother for the blessed ever helps ...of ever truth and their ever love for us ...to deliver us for ever ...


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