And the measures and matters of Dreams and visions shown ...for all ...or any whatsoever is Given is a blessing to the children of God.
Behold in a dream of the night season of the season of man ...i was caught up in the air though of a mighty rushing ...wind and power ...
yeeeck ! i found mineself caught up ...and like unto being on the nose of a mighty jet airplane ...yet not ...forgive (for it is the only way i might show the matters )...yet was as such ...there i was caught up in the air ...and only ...lonely ...caught ...or so it seemed ...
a rushing ...through the air ...being caught up in it ...and tremendous rushing in mine face ...and yee against all my flesh i was caught up it was being caught in a wind tunnel ...with the mighty rushing of wind ...pressing ...upon mine face ...and head ...and hands ...and chest ...and legs and feet it was the whole of me ...pressed upon the mighty rushing of the wind ...and so much so that i thought i might die ...was the rushing of the wind so mighty ...
and i was afrightened ...and yet moreso astonished the measures and matters i had found mineself in ...Yet of fear i looked to hold on to something i reached out in the mighty wind ...yet as it seemed there was nothing ...not one thing to hold on to i reached out of my fear and mine own understanding not one thing to hold on to ...
and Yeeeck ! was i ...and at a loss of what to do ...for there was nothing nothing for me to hold on to ...and when it was as though ...i would of all the rushing blown away ...(or so i thought) ....i prayed ...and that of heart and souls to God and Christ ...
and Behold ...i looked and a mighty strong girding about my chest was seen though it was of sure steel ...and able to hold me ...a thing i had not noticed before ...yet it was there and showed itself as it was allways there ...even from the beginning ...even from the beginning of the rushing ...
and more of the matters of the girding about mine chest was shown me ...for in an instant it loosened though not to bind me ...yet only to keep me safe it had allways done ...and was shown me it was of God and Christ allways keeping me whatsoever needs be done of their mighty works ...even this mighty rushing wind ...that i was "caught in" ...
and i wept for my Father God and before my brother Jesus ...wept i witness of gladness of heart ...for their keeping me matter what measure of any matter what ...though the things be frightening to look upon with eyes of flesh ...
and in an instant ...God and Christ did show me also the weeping of mine heart of loneliness ...for as it was the flesh i felt of heart alone ...
and in an instant ...within the mighty wind ...rushing like a storm ...yet not a storm ...yet within in ...i was shown a place ...of comfort for me ...within the wind ...and OH what a wonderus place ...for it was of very comfort of God and Christ ...and made for me ...for all comfort ...of spirit ...of heart ....and even of the flesh .... for it was a most comfortable place to be found in ...
as it was there was vast windows of Heaven there ...for to be able to allways look to my Father and my brother Jesus well to see the Heavenly host of men children and womans children of God and Christ they went about to do the will of God and Christ in all things it was that i was blessed to see God and Christ provided for me these windows unto Heaven to look through ....and my spirit joiced ...and perfect joy come ...and if i witness "joiced" not offended ...rather than rejoiced ....for the joy of God and Christ of spirit ...truth and wholesome health not a measure to leave and come back to if i might rejoice ...only is that i might be so blessed as to live ...have life the joy and gladness given of God and Christ ...
Nevertheless this is not to say ...that i have not walked in and out of the joy of my Father and my brother Jesus before ...when i of mineself did toss mine own heart to and fro ...yet yea !! and oh man !! "joice" in the spirit of mine Father ...and his son brother be so held of heart by them ...YEA!!!
and the more of the place that was given me ...that i might have comfort it was of spirit and heartfull gladness ...and even of the flesh ...for the maker of the flesh ...had provided perfectly comfort to mine flesh i also took comfort in him brother Jesus was so for me to bless me even in the flesh ...OH man ...while i was yet in the flesh ...
and so i stayed awhile there this blessing and place provided ...and of grace injoyed the comfort there ...
Nevertheless...still ...i thought that i was alone ...of flesh ...for none else came to the place where i was comforted ...and i prayed the more ...of heart before my good God my Father ...and as of truth before them as they are ...also to my dear loved and loving brother of truth ...who is the living truth Lord Jesu ...
of them i asked of heart ...of these measures and matters ...why so none of the flesh so come also to joy and comfort as you have so blessed us with ??? and it was shown me ...for the place was made of heart ...for such as are mended of heart ...made it was by God and Christ ...thuswise ...for it is as all things ...of truth and spirit ...and of faith ...for more and moreso of any blessing of God and Christ comes to those who seek ...of heart it is all things of heart given any longing of heart ...perfectly ...long to this measure and it is given ...long to that measure and it is given ...what so ever measure is longed for of truth and spirit and heart and this comfort it is blessed upon any ...and so this wise you find this place has been prepared for you ...for the longing for your heart is plain ...
Yet said i of measure ... i see ...and see the more as you have allowed my eyes to see ...
and the one voice of God my Father and Christ ...for they say the same of all things ..measures and matters when my father speaks loving of his son ...or lovedwise Jesus speaks of loving our Father ...their voices are heard each of heart ...speaks of one for another in love in truth and spirit ...this wise we know they are one ...and also two...God my Father and his Son brother ...for my father is not my brother ...yet even is my brother Jesus ...loved son of my father also ...who has all power of my Father blessed upon him he ...Jesus would have all thanksgiving of any heart blessed to our Father ...(Godly goodly son that he is) ...and even as Jesus would have us know ...of our Father comes all riches in the spirit ...
Nevertheless ...prayed i ...why so is it? that if all comfort is offered to any ...even as you have so blessed me ...why then am i alone the flesh ???...and was opened to me that i knew i was not alone ..of spirit.. neither of truth .. neither as loved ..and would never be ...even as i looked to it ...also of flesh ...Yet of same heart ...before God and Christ ...for of mended heart by Christ unto God my Father flesh loses its curse ...mine own thinking upon mineself ...where mine own thinking ....might own me ...
and the more was shown me ...for i was shown an instant ...that the door for any to join me ...was wide open the place provided for mine comfort ...
Yet none came in ...and i prayed the more ...and was taken through the door to the latter places ...of the mighty wind the inner places shown to me ...
and Behold i was shown manyous peoples ...all sitting their own comfort ...the comfort they would of heart receive ...that was gifted them ...exactly according to their hearts receiving ...and all were dressed in worthy garments ...and sat one with one another ...and none dressed above the other ...or sat above anyeach ...yet all sat in common ...and dressed and had their measure of comfort ...and all were of one blood as God and Christ had created them ...even one of spirit of truth and one of love ...and they were all to look upon one coat of many colors and each mended ...and woven into the family fabric of God and Christ ...beautifull look upon of wonderfull different sands ...sand of the Rock ...and i was astounded !!!
and yet i did of heart long to be among them ...and i looked for an open place ...that i too might have comfort among them ...and yet as i walked among them ...they looked at me a wonder ...and again nothing mean in them ...yet only a wonder ...for they did wonder why i would seek comfort among them ...and i weeped over their thoughts that i saw of heart ...for it made me feel alone again ...
Nevertheless still i sought a place ...that i might rest among them ...and Behold ...i did see and open place to a youth whose skin was black though he was a gift of God from ethiopia ...and so it was that i took place next to him he too looked upon me wondered why i would do such a thing ...and i sat there the same comfort as any ...and looked upon their faces that did shine ...and i was happy ...for the comfort be among them ...
Then Behold ...and man stood next to the place where i was sitting ...and looked upon ...and i looked up ...and perceived that this man ...was this youths father ...and in an instant i knew i had taken his place ...and that it was unworthy for me to do such a thing ...and all this was shown to both of us ...the youths father and mineself ...without speaking ...Yet the father was not grievous upon me ...yet he wondered the same ...why does this one seek comfort among us ?? ...and moreso why did he take a place next to my son ...the father wondered i left the comfort that was his to his son he took his place of comfort that was his perfectly ...
and so again i looked for another place where i might have comfort among any ..yet i found none ...for each was in their place ...everyeach one in the their comfort ...that God and Christ had provided them ...within the whirlwind ...that mighty wind that all were caught up in ...
and Behold in an instant i was taken to another place within the mighty wind though in the belly of it ...and there was mine pet dog ...that God and Christ had given me a miracle he was given back to me ...once left to die those that cared more for the world and their own comfort ...those that separated me from him my youth when i could not protect him ...yet he had ran after me they took me away...into their world ...he ran ...and ran after me ...for me he ran till he could run no more ...and stumbling ...he fell the high way of man they separated us ...boy from his pet ...and i wept at the windows of Heaven ...why such a thing had come upon me ...and why God did not helps us ...Yet as it was of their own will the worldly did this mean thing to tear the eyes of God and Christ and boy and dog ...
and i saw him he was in a cage ...yet it was his comfort ...and he wagged his tail for gladness as i came near him ...and i looked to him the precious creature he was i caressed my hands upon him to comfort him his captivity ...
and then Yeeeck ! i looked to him the more ...and was shown ...he was as sick of flesh ...and i grieved for him ...and wondered ...and i looked to him the more and was shown he twitched of flesh ...that he had been poisoned the hand of someone ...even someone caught up in the whirlwind ...even by someone ...caught up in the mighty wind ...there was one such evil man ...that he had poisoned my pet ...and i was wroth ...
eeee and rrrrrr and might wroth was i ...against this one who would do such a thing ...and of wrath i prayed ...and was shown poison shall hurt the dog ...and of this i had comfort even was i still the wrathfull for the dogs sake ...and sought the one who would do such a thing ...with a vengeance of heart ...of truth and spirit ...
Yet i knew not how so to catch such an evil one ...for his deception must be very cunning ...for to be caught up with the others ...hiding and unknown any ...and so i prayed the more to my Father and to my brother loving Lord Jesus ...and of heartfullness asked to be shown the matters here of ...and why so my heart was so wrothfull against the poisoner ...even how i might catch him ...?
and in an instant i was shown lay a trap for him ...and i did ...and behold his "image" was captured ...unknown to him ...and by his "image" ...i had him ...for it was plainly shown ...him poisoning my pet my dog ...that i loved ...that God and Christ had given me ...
i had him ...for he was delivered into my hands ...and i prayed again and most heartfully ...for my wrath was great and against this one who had poisoned my pet ...even the dog that he was ...and i would if God and Christ might show me ...of what hard heartedness this one would do such a thing ? ...
and in an instant i was shown ...for of all things this one had "appeared"... perfect...yet of heart he took upon himself to judge that dogs were unworthy to be "caught up" ...for to him they were mainly gut and dung ...and stunk in his nostrils ...and not worth anything ...and this was the reason of his heart why he had poisoned my dog pet ...
and the worse wroth was i ...for he had put himself in the place of God ...of this one thing ...and nothing more or less ...for in all else he "appeared" perfect ...
and i turned my face from him though not to look upon him ...even as a was shown he had no repentance of this one thing in him ...and i asked of God and Christ ...not to bring his blood on my hands ...for it was that i for his evil and dieception ...hiding in rightness ...against his "appearing" right in all things ...against this ...and evil wretchedness ...vile death he had desired upon my heart for the creature had given me ...for this reason ...i had no help for him only to feed him and and do for him i would ..of the will of God love mine enemy ...
Nevertheless ...other than to love him as mine enemy ...and not of the love for a brother he pretended to be ...most perfectly ...against this pretending ...and deceit ...i would ...nevertheless treat him God wills ...treatment of an enemy see no more harm come to him ...
evenso my Father ...evenso my loving Lord Jesus ...i can do no more ...least you show me ...yet away from me ...i desire him to be ...least he stir in me again wrath against his unrepentant heart ...
and in an instant ...was i shown ...this man ...and his soul of him ...falling through the mighty wind ...and down ...down the wormwood of the worldly ...wretchedness ...where he could be among others like himself ...and i cast his "image" after him ...that there be nothing left to remind me of his wicked subtle dieception ...and poisoning of my pet ...
and i prayed the more and asked if mine pet ...when health comes to him ...if might be ...that he be allowed to be with me mine place of comfort ...and too watch the windows of heaven with me ...and to sit with me that place where i might pet him ...and comfort him from his poisoning the man whose "image" i had caught ...who pretended to be perfect ...?
and God my Father and my loved brother Jesu comforted me in the spirit as well in the flesh ...of truth and blessings ...showing me ...
for the mighty wind ...of the whirlwind only for a short time ...of times that have come ...and needs be that the dogs be kept safe captivity ...for it is well known how you love so much the dog i have given you ...
and so it was that i returned to that place of comfort ...that my Father and my brother Jesu had provided for me... of their hearts for mine heart ....and i left the door open i watched the host in Heaven ...and hoped that any ...might also join me there ...for to behold the mighty works of all God and all Christs people... heart souls we came near ...within the mighty whirlwind ...unto a new Heaven and earth one ...hoping also ...any would come to see all is shown plainly ...
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