God's Truth

The Father and the storm ...


     while witnessing one day ...and a soul asked of the matters of times ...and the time we are in ...

     and in a instant i was given an vision ...that answer might be given ...

     and Behold ...i was shown ...The Father standing on the porch of his house ...and calling his children in ...for an evil storm was rising in the east ...with darkness ...dread and woe ...dark clouds ...and hatefull noise ...and acid rain ...and flashes of green light ...(green horse of REV)

     and the Father called out to his children ...for to come in ...

     and i say only to his children or those that might hear his voice ...did he call ...

     Yet again ...the Father called out to his children to come in for the evil storm was coming ...

     and some did hear his voice and quickly came running ...and hugged him ...as they passed by him at the door ...

     Yet others of his children ...again speaking only of his children ...yet some ...heard his voice ...and would rather ...said they "play" a little longer ...playing in the world of the worldly ...and so they did ...

     and some heard his voice ...saw the storm ...and thought to themselves ...mmm ...we will discuss this ...and see if it needs be we go in the house now ?...or when we will go in ...according to our own understanding ...

     even some heard his voice ...saw the storm ...and refused ...saying within themselves ..."I" have been in storms before ...and "I" can see my own way through this one ...

     and others ..of his children ...heard him call ..yet refused ...saying ...i don't see any storm ...and what's all this fuss about ...anyway ...?

     and even were there others who ...heard his voice ..yet paid no attention ...

     even were there some who did not hear his voice ...neither did they see the storm ...

     and so it was that the Father called out and called out to his children ...even calling them out of the world ...of the worldly ...upon which the storm comes so quickly ...

     Now it came to pass that some of the children ..who were safe in the house ...allready ...heard their Father calling out ...to the other children as the storm came ...For He had went out into the storm and was looking heartedly ...and wailing ...crying out for his children ...and they said one unto another ...lets us call out to our Father and ask if there is anything that we might do ...

     and so it was ...that a few ...of those whose feared not the storm ...or even anything of the world ...neither fearing anything in the flesh ...or loss of the flesh ...Yet only fearing ...to be outside ...their Fathers will ...these few brave ones ...did call out and ask the Father ...

     and the Father wept ...when they asked him ...for the love he had for them ...and their hearts to help ...

     and he said to them ...come here my blessed brave ones ...of full heart for your other brothers and sisters ...and he hugged them ...and blessed them ...and gave each one the same covering (spirit) he had ...to protect them from the storm ...

     and so it was that that the Father and his brave ones ...went a searching ...in the terrible storm ...for any others ...that might be kept safe ...

     and some came in when the mighty ...mighty trees fell near them ...and some came in when the lightning flashed from east to west ...and some came in when they saw all the dead ...

     and some came in when their churches pillar's fell and the high steeples of their temples fell ...near their heads ...and near their hearts ..

     and still some had to go through the storm ...completely ...and were found weak ...shaking and shivering ...amongst the dead of the world ...from the cold and death ...and destruction ...even that evil ...their own eveil ...that they brought upon themselves ...in and of ...the world of the worldly ...

     Nevertheless so it was ...and even after the storm ...and the Son be bright and shining ...in his light we went out ...

     and found ...amongst the dead of the world ...some still alive ...only now dead to the world ...though barely escaped ...clutching their heart in one hand ...and hanging on to that last breath ...that was first given them ...with the other ..

     and it was ...that even all ...being finished ...were these last children ...warmed up ..washed clean ...with fresh new covering ...and sent out to play in the everlasting Son ...

     as Heaven and earth ...had become one ...new Heaven and new earth ...and measures made ...for when no tears would ever fall again ...

     No no tears ...not from any eye ...not from any windows of any soul ...not even from the eyes of Jesus ...neither from the eyes of his father ...our father ...God ...


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