Behold a dream in the day season ...of the season of man ...i was shown a man ...standing in a vast pleasant field ...on the plain of the earth ...
and being brought closer to him as to see him ...more clearly ...yet i could not see his face ...
and Behold a fence formed around about him ...four square about him ...and afar from him leaving him space to run or walk ...or to do whatsoever he might ...for the four square fence was as it seemed be measured acre or two ...four square roundabout the man ...
and i was taken to look closely at the fence the very line of it as to see both the inside of the fence and the outside i looked upon it ...
and eeeck !! it was a barbed wire fence ...both to the inside and the outside ....and i trembled ...some at for the man that was compassed by the four square fence ...
and i prayed and ask what were the matters of this man and the fence ? and the Lord answered me plainly ..."you are that man" and i was shocked ...and without speaking the Lord knew my heart and said the further ...the barbed wire is for to keep the beastly away from you ...and even to keep you from going out of the way into the world of the beast ...
and i prayed the more for it seemed i was bound by the fence ...yet the Lord said nothing ...
only did i began to walk ...and Behold the fence moved with me i went and wheresoever i was to go the fence remained ...and i prayed thankfullness unto God and Christ for their helping me ...and looked upon the fence as a modern "hedge of protection" ...both against the beastly and as helps for my self ...least i enter into the world of the beastly again ...
and i prayed the more ...for i against myself had looked to matters as if i was a dog chained by the truth to the Lord my helps and keeper ...and to God my loving perfect father ...and like unto a worthy pet ..i did not strain at my chain ...only took comfort in my masters keeping me and feeding me ...and watering me ...
Nevertheless the dog got off his chain a time ...and went a running back into the world ...and when he came back to his master ...his master (even though he loved his pet ) he would not pet him ...for he had rolled in the dung of the world ...and stunk to high heaven ...
yet the dog was washed clean again ...and smelled of the sweet savior of Christ ...and so worthy to sit on the porch again his masters feet ...
Yet Behold all this taken away ...even if i had been shown it ...for my father ...neither my brother Jesus ...would have have me see mineself this way a dog or pet of them ...yet a child ...Yet the measure of the matters of rolling in the dung of the world remains the same ...and thing ...unworthy before God and Christ ...
for it is true we be bound of heart with ...WITH ...God and Christ in truth ...and swim with them and other children in that truth and love ...
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