God's Truth

Gold fish and the Ship


     in a dream of the night ...I found myself with my children who are still in their youth ...my son and my youngest daughter ...and we were in a wet cold sodden place ...a desolate place ...like as the low wet swampy areas of Alaska (the wilderness) where we came from ...And as far as I could see there was this cold wet place and there were small trees...blighted trees...scattered here and there. We trudged our way in the swampy place till our bodies became tired ...and heavy. My son and daughter wondered what we were doing here and where we going for the dank swamp seemed endless ...and the tiredness became overwhelming ...there was no place to rest ...for it was all wet cold and miserable for as far as the eye could see ...within the dream we all wondered what were we doing there and if there might be some rest somewhere ....Now as we all together ..in our hearts sought rest from the cold and wetness ...

      Behold ...The son began to shine roundabout us ...and a large timber appeared ...that we could walk on ...and so we stepped up on it and felt some what comforted. For we did not have to slosh around wading in the cold mud and waters any more ...Now as we three were standing on the timber ...another wonder appeared for the earth rose up next to the timber ...and a warm and grassy knoll appeared shored up by a wall of mighty timbers like the one we were standing on ...and so we climbed the timbers and rested in the son that shone on the warm grassy area...

      And behold a large crystal clear tank of water appeared ...and it looked like a huge aquarium ...only most perfectly clear ..with the purest of warm water in it...as it was water warmed by the son ...and the three of us were well pleased at the thought of relaxing in the warm waters of the crystalline pool...Yet the youth said to me ...you go first ...and I did

     And behold ...as soon as I entered the water ...I went beneath the surface so that I could not breath the air of the world anymore ...and it seemed I was only there a short while ...when Behold I appeared on the other side of the waters ...standing there looking back across the waters at my son and young daughter ...and their faces where mightily astonished as they looked at me ...and I said ...Why are you so amazed ? Why do you look at me with such wonder ? And they said "did you not see what happened to you ? And I said no ...only did I enter the waters and came out the other side ...this is all I felt or knew of ...but that it felt wonderfull to be clean and warm again ...and I told them that they should do the same ...enter the waters ...for they are wonderfull and so warmed by the son ...and that they will feel much better after they have done such a thing ...

     Now they said to me ...but you did not see what happened to you ? And questioned me further ...to this I answered Why do you question me so ? And nevertheless what did you see ? ...And they answered and said ...excitedly ...Dad !...when you went in the waters ...and went beneath surface ...you turned into a gold fish ...and swam around awhile ...Yet when you came out the waters on other side ...you appeared as you are now ...a man ...washed clean and warmed by the waters ...Now I was stunned to here this ...for it was all unknown to me ...all this and I seemed unconscious of it happening ...

     Nevertheless I encouraged my son and my young daughter to do the same and to enter the waters warmed by the son ...to which my son went right away in ...and behold the same thing happened to him ...and he immediately came out the other side ...whole ...washed clean and warmed by the waters ...Now my young daughter was somewhat a feared ...yet having seen us do the same ...she entered in the water ...and immediately became a gold fish...and I was heartfully happy to see her ...injoying herself so ....and she swam over to the side where I was standing and looked at me through the waters ...and she was so happy and having so much fun ...and then came out as my son and I had done to the other side of the waters ...and we all gathered up one unto another in such joy and happiness that it is hard to explain ...and my children went off to injoy themselves in the son light ...


the interpretation

     And this is the interpretation of the "gold fish" ...to the glory of Jesus and God our father ...and a worthy matter it is for men and their children ...for the desolate place is the world we live in ...cold hearted wet with the waters of the world (the teachings of the world) ...and hard to walking ...without shivering ...and muddy of the philosophies men and the spiritual teaching of the antichrists ...(antitruths) ...and all this is a burden on the dads and children to walk in ...as are the blighted trees ...these be the mighty men of the world... who see themselves as leaders ...that others might see them that way too ...but are not ...but blighted having no spiritual life in them ... And the timber that gives good footing is that works of God in men ...who might have the truth of God in them ...true mighty trees of God hewn to perfection ...and used for the children and dads of God sake ...and the grassy knoll is the high ground that we are taken to in the heart and spirit ...where the living grass is ...and the son ...Jesu does shine ... and the waters of the tank are the teachings of God and the true Word of God ...and the dads have to enter first ...that the children might follow ...and the gold fish ...is the golden hearts given them that might come to the waters (teachings) of God through Jesus ...and to live Godward ...even in the flesh as these did after entering in the waters ...and the children playing ...and away from the dad ...is that God then looks after the children and they can really "in" joy their life with God ....as they walk in the warmth and light of the son (Jesus ) ...



Within the same dream ...The ship


     Nevertheless I turned to the right ...and Behold two men appeared ...dressed in worldly clothes ...and they had come to get me ...and they were large men ...men of activity ...yet plain hearted and having eyes for some worthy works that needed to be accomplished ...these had come to get me for some reason ...yet the reason was not yet opened to me ...Now as they came near me ...I stopped and they were stopped too ...about three arm lengths away from me ...and I thought (within the dream) why were these stopped ...and could not draw near to me ? And they spoke to me saying we have come to get you for there is need of you ...

     Nevertheless we can not come near to you neither touch you untill we take a shower first ... and so I went with the men ...and we came to a place ...like unto a showering place for men and there were many men like these two there, all seeming to be workmen. ...Now as they went in ...they bid me to come in too ...to this I said ...as for me there is no need ...for I am already clean by the waters of the crystalline pool ...where the waters were perfectly clear and warmed by the son ...Yet they said nevertheless you must come with us as we shower ...and so I did ...and the two men took their worldly clothes off and entered the shower naked ...and the nakedness of the men was shown me ...and I noted too that the waters of their shower was blasting and hot...and no soap was used ...nevertheless they came clean ...and came out ...and were given new garments to wear . Then the three of us where able to walk together in the son light and we went on the journey to where they were to take me.


And it was still a mystery to me where these might take me and for why ?

     And we arrived at a place ...where a ship was being built ...and Behold the ship was rising out of the earth !...and they showed me around about the ship ...and explained to me their works on it ...as this was what they did (they had been working diligently on the ship) and from this ship ... they had come to get me ...and to bring me to it ...And of this I wondered ...why was I brought here ? And they were somewhat at a loss of understanding ...for they thought I knew why I was there ...Yet I told them plainly ...of this ship I am aware for the Lord had shown me the building of it before times ...Look see end times ship and I opened to them the matters that the Lord had shown me regarding the ship ...yet I wondered why was I here ? To this they said "you are the captain of this ship" and they went away to their works ...as I stood there astonished ....

     Now as I found myself walking around the ship ...in a mighty wonder ...I found myself in the part of the ship that was the life support area ...and as I was looking at all the wonders of the works there ...another man can in ...for he was also a workman within the ship ...and it was as if I knew what he was thinking ...as he wondered who I was ...yet he troubled me not ...but went about his works ...unknowing in the flesh ...yet knowing in the spirit ...





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