Now it came to pass ...just before waking ...that these words were spoken to me ..."Holy love ...Holy love ...wholly loved ..." and was shown me again ...within the fabric of the Word it is shown ...this "Holy love" truth the spirit of truth ...that we might receive.
Now of God is perfect love ...and no other ...for my father is perfect ...of all matters ..of all things ...of perfect Truth his perfect love keep us healthy alive ...perfect in life ...
As it was in the beginning ...and a mystery be offered you ...that was shown me ...Of God came wisdom ...and "her spirit" was of perfect "nurture" ...and was at the nativity ...saying plainly she ...she was the very mother of Yeshua ...called Jesus Christ by the record of men ...and what was this child born of God ?...yet the very same ...his son ...born of wisdom ...perfect in truth and perfect in the love of his father ...Him ...the very truth and love of God born of wisdom ...the very "Holy love of God" ...HIM ..our brother ...our help ...our saviour. Yeshua ...Jesus
And He who was born of God ...came in the very perfect truth of God ...being born of the perfect wisdom of God ...that we might receive the very "Holy love" of God ...Himself truth and in spirit ...and so it was ...and IS of him ...this very perfect truth of God whom we might know the "holy love" of God ...Plainly; if then: "if there is no truth of God known love of God can be shown" ...yet even the smallest measure is worthy ...if received ...exactly ...perfect ...for the measure of Gods Truth received the exact measure of Gods love known ...
And as our dear Yeshua (Jesu) was worthy to be seen equal to his father ...and for our fathers sake he came ...for his truthfulness of the father and for his love ...for his father was also perfect ...even as the truth within him is ...perfect we see ...for the love of God did his worthy son come... to bring us the truth ...Himself ...He did this ...first for the truth ...and then that ...the perfect love of our father ...might be received ....that any might receive ...
That any might know that they can be loved of God even as Christ was ...and love God our father ...even as Christ did ...
And it is this offering at the feet of any soul ...that even as God so loved his son ...and of truth he did did His son also swim with his father in this truth and love it might be that we also ...being counted as sons and daughters of God ...will join in ...receiving then Yeshua (Jesus ) in truth and in spirit ...for the love of God ....that perfect holy love of God ...that we might have Jesus did ...a perfect love for our father truth and realness ...and that He not withholding ...for he never withholds from his children ...that He: God our father show his love for us ...that holy love ...that perfect love ...that whole love of God.
Of this we feel wholly loved ...loved perfectly truth ...of truth ...holy loved of God...through Christ ...
Now discern if this truth that leads to the love of God of man's religions or churchliness ...of the biles of man ...where of and in ...a person might proudly say: my religion church ...this cerimoany this I have received the truth of God ...and standing self edified by their own study ...of the bibles of man ...through their own scholoarship ..."feel" justifed ...speaking plainly that they ARE JUSTIFED their own understanding ...are these then those ...(save for the blind and unknowing in the churches of men AND Gods mercy ) ...are these then those who have had NO REAL ...prayers and no real answers ...saying God does not speak to his ...neither does Christ ....are not these ..not those ...who say also ..."we have done miracles in your name " ...and to them Christ answers ..."I never knew you" .....??
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