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God's Truth

Homeless of Conscience

      Now I speak the truth, I have been homeless (according to the world) for nearly a year ...Yet the Lord has allowed for me in the hearts of my kindsmen and friends ...that they might allow me shelter. I thank Jesus and give glory to the power of my Father's spirit (the holy ghost) for the hearts of those who have helped me.
      Now in the last two months has my family joined me, yet we have not a house to dwell in. Of this matter we have "house sat" two places and were invited to visit for a time at others ...And of this homeless matter I was quickened and that of no small measure ...to pray earnestly for a house that we might live in.
      And Behold in a night dream the Lord did answer me and said "your next house will be in the kingdom of Heaven." Whoa what a blessing from the Lord and I did offer up much thanksgiving... yet I knew not what this meant for in my flesh I was seeking a house here on earth ...a physical house in which to live.
      Another month passed and I was still earnestly looking for a house (made of bricks and wood) Yet inside me was the Lord working on my "heavenly house" for I became sore vexed by looking in the world for a house. All manner of worldliness fell upon me as did my flesh rise up to grieve me again even unto death. Yet when I looked at things plainly ...day to day here I was staying in a very worthy house (house sitting).
      Still the Lord moved in me for this "house in Heaven" ...deep inside did the Lord work ...passed my own thinking ...passed the desires of my heart ...pressing into my conscience before God my Father ...and there in the conscience did He work for my peace sake ...that I might have comfort there ...that I might have a dwelling there ...and so it came to pass that he has performed this for me ...for my sake ...And opened to me the Word that is recorded ..."seek you first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you "...Praise the Lord for his mercies sake and His mighty works for our sake ...that folks by His hand are made right of conscience ...before our Father.
      Now for the sake of Christ's works and the meat of this matter ...know that Jesus has always taken good care of me and my family ...in the spirit as well in the flesh ....Yet I (and I bear witness against myself) did have much unbelief ...of the Lord working in the flesh for our sake ...And this unbelief in the flesh did work against the spirit ...casting me down ...that I might have unbelief even ...in the spirit.
      And so I did worry about a house, food, income, water, warmth, and coolness (for it was very hot). And I did sweat and even in the spirit did wax worse and worse ...for no house "of bricks and wood" became available no peace or comfort (in the flesh) could be seen for us ...again ...yet for that day I was in comfort of anothers house ... And it got so bad that I began to murmmer and complain before my Father and Jesu ...saying why do you treat us so ...that my family has no habitation on the earth ...(and I say these things against my wicked thought and desires of the flesh) and I was angry.
      Yet praise the Lord he endured my wickedness and brought me to rememberance of the Word ...and passages wherein I might see the blessings ...yet all I could see is want ...for a house of comfort and peace ...of the flesh ...and so of this the Lord allowed me to slip and I became overwhelmed with all manner of fleshly thinking ...so much so that I seemed to wax away from the spirit of my Lord ...it seemed to me that the cares of the world were snatching me away ...and dreams did the Lord give me ...as a blessing ...yet I could not percieve them in the spirit ...so they became nightmares unto me ...and worse and worse did I get until I prayed deep and easnestly from my heart (as the Lord had brought me there) "Lord of all things ...I seek your peace ...if for just one moment could you give me your peace that I might rest"? And the Lord was quick to answer for he did give me a dream where he showed me that my conscience was worthy before God my Father.
      Oh man what peace there is in this ....thank you Jesus thank you Father ...further in morning prayer was it opened to me that this was my "house in Heaven" that in my conscience before my Father would I have comfort and peace ...and joy without end ... As for an earthly house ...I have peace in my hope and sureness that the Lord will now provide a way ...save he has more work to do in my "house" ...Now that I have peace in my conscience (heavenly house) with my Father ...through the perfect loving and true works of Jesus my precious Lord.
      And I bear this witness of conscience ...that it is Jesus only that maketh good conscience in us ...it is HE who is able to make us whole before our Father ...and that I can do nothing ...nothing as to this matter of conscience before my Father save only to praise Jesu for his good works for my sake ... Least I say ...I have done these works myself ...that I make myself right before God ...neither can I keep myself right ...for it is impossible for me ...yet my loving Lord said unto me ..."I will keep you from back slidding...because I love you." Of Jesu all things are possible and for our sake HE prepares us right before our Father.
      Now of this conscience ...be this a conscience of the world, or of Jesu? ...where is the difference? The difference is life and death, crossing over or not ...knowing the difference between good and evil ...according to the world? or according to our Father ...by the mighty works of Jesu ...Now in these days for the preparing of His children.

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