God's Truth

house of wisdom...and preparing for the gathering ...


     In a dream of the night season ...even before the morning when the Son rises ...even as the son returns ...and walked with his father and they greeted each other warmly lovingly in the morning ...

     Now measure these matters quickly ...as the spirit ...and matters of substance will be shown ...saying plainly how then ...does the spiritual move and establish things and matter of things (substance) ...on the earth ...as heaven and earth are beginning to become one ...new heaven and earth ...even as it is written ...and none can stop it ...no not one ..not even a little ...

     Now and within ...with him and in the spirit ...i was taken to a place upon the face of the earth ...where folks buy things of substance ...for to help their houses ...windows doors ...paint to cover up things and such as that ...things of substance ...for their houses of substance ...and not their spiritual houses ...that might also be in desparate need of repair and renewing ..that waters of God might flow though the conduit thereof ...and their dung ...might be carried away that ...God and Christ and the children of God don't have to walk in their sewage ...that might overflow for their houses ...

     Nevertheless ...much could be looked to of spiritual houses ...Yet back to the measures and matters of the dream ...

     Now ..and i say now ...and that so that any might also say NOW and that with a shout ...for the shout of the Lord comes soon ...

     Now ...at this "storehouse" of the earth ...for the earth is God's storehouse of things of substance ...i met a woman ...and a fine and beautifully aged woman she was ...and of all ..in all i had not seen such a beautiful aged woman in all my days ..and she was purchasing ...purchasing ...with the increase her son had given her ...a door ...and i looked to the needs of the woman and asked ...i see that you are in need of help ...for the door ...is heavy for you ..and i would if you might allow ...help you with this door ...and she looked on me ...and kindness and thankfullness flowed out of her like a river ...and i was captivated by her ...as she allowed me to help her ...

     As we walked ...me with door in hand ..and she ahead leading the way ...i asked her... what is the purpose of the door ? and did she have anyone to install it ...(in-stall it ) ...and she said ...the door is to keep dogs out of her house ...and she asked too.. if i might have a heart to help her ...to install the door for her ...and i said yea ! ...for like i spoke before ...i was captivated of the spirit of this woman ..and had a certain love for her ...

     Nevertheless before ...before we could go to her house ...she needed to take me to a place and a man ...and behold i found that we were in a place ...like unto a business ...a vast and worthy business ...of many offices ...and many many peoples working there ...yeee even an multitude of worthy workmans and workwomans ...and they all were peoples of activity ..and wholesome ...holysome ...and ever worthy and perfect in accomplishment ...and nothing was left undone or done poorly and all busied themselves ...in joy and perfect truth love and peace one unto another and of the duties they accomplished ...not even one thought of disagreement was among them ..or a word of complaining ...or even the slightest murmur ...came from any ...for they loved the worthy aged woman ...and i was astounded ...

     now a man appeared ...before the woman ...and it was shown me that she had possession of all that there was ...and all that was going on or would go on ...all matters and measures of matters were hers ...and that this man that appeared was her chosen one to look to matters for her ...and she brought me before him ...and he looked on me ...and i somewhat shrunk of myself of mine own thinking ...yet fear never came upon me ...before him ...nevertheless he was very worthy and mighty ...and nothing ..not one thing escaped his eyes ...no not anything ...not tittle of jot ..of any matter of measure of matter escaped his looking to it ...and of and in him was no weakness of heart nor spirit or flesh ...that any could challenge him ...or stand before him in any deception ...not not even the slightest ...for he loved truth and the works that the woman had blessed him with ...and perfect steadfast in his works was he ...and so awesome was his presence ...that i thought at first ..that he was the Lord himself ...yet he was not ...for i had seen the Lord before ...or i thought he was a mighty man of God ...and it came to pass ...even did i perceive he was an angel ...for the size of him ...and that even ...was he a mighty anointed angel ..save only he was mighty and that perfectly ...and worthy and oh so worthy ..of God and Christ was he ...and his name would not escape me ...for he was ..is Gabriel ...and not to be played with foolishly ..for sure ...of surety NO not ...

     and he looked upon me again ...and he asked the woman ...for proofs of me ...and the woman gave him ...a piece of paper ...with only my name on it ...and without any other looking or saying anything ...he returned to the matters that he was in charge of ...for it was like he knew me ...and was at peace

     and in an instant ...i was taken to the womans house ...eeee ! ...what a place ! ..more like an estate ...for with in the grounds were many other houses ...and all all of it was white and that perfect white ...and perfect white for the eyes to look at ...and comfortable ...was every place within the place ...and perfect peacefull was it ...

     Yet a few things i marked ...about the place at first seeing it ...there were no other peoples there ...no not one ..and some places within the house (estate) were dim ...alittle here and a little there ...

     and i asked the woman ...of theses matters ...and she said without speaking ...many peoples will come ...for there is a gathering together planned ...and all will come here who receive the invitation ..."in" vitation in their hearts...and as for there being dim and dark places here and there and roundabout ...needs be that light come into those places ..for unworthy dogs seek the darkness within this place and have crept in and might be a sore frightening to the guests ...nevertheless before any guests come we must light all the dark and dim places ...rid the place of dogs and secure the door that i have purchased with mine sons increase ...and so she without speaking ..searched out my heart to see if i had a heart to help her ...and she found a YEA ! in there ...and so i began to accomplish the measures and matters that she desired to needs be done ...

     and the first thing was ..that i searched out all dim and dark places and brought light to them ...and as i was doing it i also chased out the dogs ...from every each place ...till all the dogs were cast out and none remained whatsoever ...

     Nevertheless the casting out of the dogs was not an easy task ...for they were vicious and growling ..and bitesome if they gained chance ...to rip into me ...so i took up a shovel ...and came against them ...and to push them away ...back to their own way ..out of the house ...out of all passage ways ...out of all dim places ...everyeach one ...yet they were grievous and mean ...and ravaged and raged at me ...nevertheless with the shovel i held them back and moved them back out into the darkness where they came from ...as i swung the shovel ...roundabout ...and and pushed them ...even worse they became ...and so much so that i thought i might have to kill some ...and though i had not a heart to do ...i would if needs be ... and so it was that the house estate was rid of the unworthy vicious dogs ...and the door shut to them ...

     Nevertheless they howled and barked ...and growled and yapped among themselves ...out side the gate ...and it was needs be ... that i chase them even a bit further ..into the outerdarkness ...and so i followed upon them swinging the shovel ..and raging against them ...

     now it came to pass unknown to me... another was watching me ...move against the dogs ...and to threaten them with the shovel ...and with her mouth...and lips ... another woman spoke against me ...and i looked to see where voice of these lips was coming from ...and behold another house appeared ...next to the house of the worthy woman ...and like the worthy womans house ...it was only a similitude ...painted white ...i saw blackness roundabout it and blackness hidden under the old grey whitish pealing paint ...of this other womans house ...and she railed and ranted and raved against me ...that i might hurt the dogs ...so as i was allowed to leave the battle for a moment ...i went to this "other" woman ...who pretended to be like the worthy woman ...and had built many house "like" the worthy womans... and i crossed the blackness of her drive way ...the path to her house ...and i stood before her and said ...what is the matter with you woman? ...can not you see that i have no heart to kill these ?...yet if needs be i will? ...against their viciousness ...and against their hurt and harm ...and even growling biting death that they might bring to the guests ...and babes of God ??..even as they enter into the house of the worthy woman ...?? and she nevertheless would not receive ...yet wined and moaned and defended the dogs ...saying God loves everything ...and even vicious biting murderous dogs ...and that i should leave them alone ...and even try to pet them ...as i said ...yeck ! have you no understanding at all ?? for these vicious dogs ...would bite your hand off ...or lie and lay there and let you feed them and wait till your children come and them take them in mean viciousness ...and i rebuked her further ...saying where is your husband?? for surely he will see the truth ...and she said ...her husband was weak and unable to do what was needed ...so she had taken it upon herself to make friends with any wicked thing ...so avoid disputing and fighting and arguing ...and she said her own understanding and affection was enough to keep peace ...and she said again God loves every creature ...wicked murderous...and she said to help the wicked, and to love them that hate the Lord....even to love them that hate his children ...and too ...and said she all must love the congregation of the wicked, and sit among the ungodly...an she said "God loves everyone" ...twisting "God so loved the world" ...saying There be six things which the Lord alloweth (really he hateth,) and the seventh (she said) he covers with his blood ..(he utterly abhoreth:) A proud look,(proud religion and churchlienees) a dissembling tongue (justifing all their division of religions and dogma ), hands that shed innocent blood,(killing and human sacrifice in merchants wars ...for "GOD" and country) an heart that goeth about with wicked imaginations(what soever you believe God to be ..so what ? said she ) , feet that be swift in running to do mischief,(justifing white lies and overlooking eveil to escape inbareassment) a false witness that bringeth up lies,(justifying anything that maintained the proud integrity of the works and traditions of man ) and such one as soweth discord among brethren...and again (justifing all their division of religions and dogma )...

     and again she said ...God loves everyone ...mocking me and chiding and calling me cruel of heart ...saying even more you are not of God ..for you do not agree that God loves everyone ...

     and i was given swift answer and said ...The Lord hateth as well him that justifieth the ungodly, as him that condemeth the innocent....and further spoke i ...MARK of the Word of God i have just shown you ...HIM God hates HIM who justifies the ungodly ...

     and with this i knew i was talking with an whore of the churches of man ...and a prostitute of religion ...who had built her house to "appear" like the house of the worthy woman next door ...

     Now it came to pass that i returned ...to the house of the fine and perfect worthy woman ...and to set again to the works of casting the near dogs away ..further from the gate and walls of the house ...and i chased them again into outer darkness ...till none remained roundabout the house of the woman ...and even chased them the more ..into the outer darkness ...yet when i did ...i found ..that there were none that remained ...and i looked and looked weary and full of readiness ...ready to strike at any i might see ...and i sought them out ...thinking they were hiding ...and Behold i saw a fiercesome creature ...though not clearly ...and i approached him ..stealthily ...to chase him away or to smite him ...and i feared somewhat that i might have to slay this one for he was large and worthy and strong and frightening to look upon ...as i drew nearer ...

     and Behold ...it was a lion ...and he winced slightly ...at my coming and somewhat mused himself ...that i was so bold ...and i looked upon him ...and i knew him ...and i knew why there were no more raging dogs to be found ...for the lion ..the lion had consumed them ...everyeach one ...and i had peace that the lion prowled the darkness ...yeee even the lion ...and kept the house of the perfect worthy woman safe from any beastly creature ...or dog of the world ...

     and so i returned ...and when i returned ...the gathering ...was taking place ...and the house of the woman was full ...and that to over flowing ...yee even were many in the garden ...yet none went without any comfort of the house of the woman ...and all walked in the love and truth of God within the womans house ...and there were many youthfull people there and many strong men and fine womans and maidens of God ..of all ages and all walks and all works ...all everyeach one was there ...and i felt happy and peacefull ...that all "in"joyed themselves ...

     and i walked peacefully around to see if there be any trash that needed to taken out ...but there was none ...



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