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God's Truth

The influence of Christs cross...ever nearer to new earth

theron creteis@yahoo.com

     In the mourning darkness ...before the earth rises from worldly darkness ...to work in the pit ...Yet and looking to the Heaven ...praying heartfully ...to come ...

     Behold Christ's cross over the compass of the earth ...and the "in" fluence ...of the cross ...the spirit of it ...the truth of it ...the love of it ...the Fathers judgement of it ...sorrow of it ...the Fathers wrath of it ...Christs judgement of it ...of the offering of it ...the purest of the Fathers love and truth hung there ...rejected ...hated ...railed on ...and put to death ...by the spirit of the world ...the worldly ...

     He came ...is here ...that the very Love and truth of God ...be shown ...to any that might receive it ...and He ...even they be hated of the world ...of the worldly ...unto death ...they of the flesh of Him ...who brought it here ...that the flesh of the love and truth be not seen ...not allowed ...done away with ...that the world and the worldly could keep their pride...of their accomplishments ...

     Yet even an offering at their feet ...of forgiveness ...through repentance ...that they might bend the knees of their heart unto God's truth and love ...and live in rightness ...before Him.

     Yet even knowing... the heartless world of stones would have their own way ...

     Yet the truth and love of God is loved of the children ...of the chosen ...unto death ...of the flesh ...to eternal life of Him who brought it here ...that in the flesh again ...the earth again ...the love and truth be seen ...be allowed ...be exalted ...above all things ...manifest forever ....without end ...

     As it is ...the truth and love of God did not die ...will not die ...yet He is ...is everhere ...everywhere ....ever abiding ...never to go away void ...

     And now the "in" fluence ...(in the hearts of any that might receive ) He draws nearer unto the earth and to the children of God ...to world ...and the worldly ...in power and might ...

     As a blessing ...or a curse ...to show God's Truth and Love ...or to show worldly lies and harmfull hate ...to show eternal life ...or to bring to destruction ...

     As new earthward ...new Heavenward ...comes closer every day ...

     Thank you Father for your truth and your love ...thank you Jesus Christ ...for bringing the truth and Love of God to us. ..for "in"during for us ...for "in"dearing us to God ...and now evernearer you are to us ...and we to you ...

     The bow is made ready ...and drawn back ...the arrow prepared ...straight and swift ...the third edge of the sword glistens of sharpness ...in the Son light ...and the clouds form ...that the lightning might be seen from east to west ...

     Perpare to lift your hearts to God ...for Christ's sake !


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