And the measures and matters of Dreams and visions shown ...for all ...or any whatsoever is Given is a blessing to the children of God.
Behold a dream of the night season ...nightmare of the season of man ...before the day ...of the bright Son light ...
i was taken back time and place ...when of and where of ...i had place and position ...was able to make "a living" and had employment ...honored among those that lived there ...
Nevertheless this time living and no employment position ...therefore no honor among any ...for they only honored those that place and position ...was able to make "a living" and had employment
only they knew me from before ...and wondered how ...i had "fallen" for "honor" ...and now wondered among them ...without it ...looking for "in"ployment ...that i might have "a living" ...
and so it was that i wandered and wandered the world and the "ways" of man ...looking that i might find work ...inployment ...that i might have "a living" again among them ...
Yet behold only little was to be found ...of any inployment ...only enough gain of any work ...just to stay alive ...and that barely ...some jobs worse than others ...yet the gain was the same ...just enough to stay alive ...for none cared how any lived ...only that the "job" they paid you for was accomplished ...
and so it was ...that that i wandered among them ...and asked ...allways if there was any way to have enough gain to "make a living" ...and to have a place where i might "live" ....
and throughout the land it was the same any that might "hire" me ...said ...we will pay you enough that you might "live" ...yet to have "a living" ...that is up to you ...for we don't care where or of what worth you live ...sleep in the Desert ...for all we care ....only don't miss work ...or fail to accomplish what we would have you do ...neither dishonor us ...for any such things done ...we will cast you out into the Desert ...with anyway to make "a living" ...
and so it was that i went the more looking ...and looking ...more and more ...asking ...if there be any place to work have enough gain to ..."make a living" ...and have life among these peoples ...OF THE DESERT...and scrawling and creeping vipers and snakes of all manners were shown me ...that these reptilious creatures ...prey upon peoples ...for to bite and sting and to hurt and even to kill them ...and these were after all ...and preyed upon all ...
and many quote ...quote "friends" would i meet along the way ...who would "help" me ...and this is how they helped ...for they might give me ..."things" that they no longer wanted ...or "things" that were to them worthless ...even ideas ...
and for why ? ...because these quote ...quote "friends"...only had "affection" for me ...what ever they could spare of their hearts ...a little affection ...worldly affections ...and no real love or truth for me ...
and so it was i was unable to ...hear and there find any "living or "life" among these ...
Yet i kept trying the more ...and behold a woman came ...who like wise had affection for me ...and she came to me at exactly the time that i was about to get a job ...and have some gain ...and she looked at the job and the gain of it ...and said ...oh nay ...nope ..and no way take THAT job ...for the gain of it is not enough might have "life" ...yet you will not make "a living" working for him ...
and the woman did not like the works of the job ...for it was to her not honorable ...for of the job ...i was to slay beasts the people could feed on them ...
and so it was that i did not take the "job" ...and yet even because i did not take the job ...did the woman leave me ...and go her way find her own way ...own way make "a living" ...and to have "her life" ...
and so it was that i too went round about the more miserableness ...miserable miserly mongering for work and gain ...that i might "make a living" and have "a life" among the peoples of the stay ahead of the snakes and vipers and scrawing ones that preyed upon all ...(nevertheless none could catch me ...for the Lord kept me safe )
and i prayed the measures and matters before God and Christ ...and they showed to me it is the world of the worldly ...the Desert of it ...and the Desert of hearts ...of those that "live" and have "a living" ...therein.
and the more ...blessed perfect is God and Christ and their seeing and showing me ...that unknown measures of matters that have been bothering me ...unconsciously ...of mine unawares ...
THANK YOU FATHER ...THANK YOU BROTHER JESUS ...for opening to me these measures of matters for me ...
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