In a dream of the night season ...among the Jews ...for though they had not a homeland for nearly 2000 years ...neither any place to worship ...they had made an habitation in themselves ...for themselves in businesses of men ...
And I found myself in a vast city ...and so vast was it; that it seemed to consume the whole of the world ...and it seemed to be one big company huge business of man ...and one massive building ...and a hard and concrete place was it ...with thick pillars and thick walkways ...and glass that seemed to reach into the heavens ...and dark and grey ...and damp was the whole place ...and the massive concrete of the place ...formed chambers and the chambers were so many that it could not be counted ...and it was like unto a catacomb and a labyrinth ...were these chambers throughout the concrete mass of it ...and they called these places offices ...yet I saw them as tombs ...the tombs of the barely alive ...
And within the tombs they had made themselves an habitation ...and had brought into it colors and plants and air and dividing screens ...and heat and their own light...for too make it a place comfortable to them ...yet their was no comfort there ...and the light of it was of the power of the world ...and the power pulsed into it through massive veins ...and was the life of it and the light of it and the power of it it flowed it was the heartbeat ...of the tombs of the concrete labyrinth ...and throughout the catacombs ...from an huge humming matrix of a power station ...did the power come ...and the power station ...was their source of power and it was like nothing ever seen before ...for it was also massive ...and filled with transformers ..that stung the air with the hum and cracking of power ...and the air stunk of the deadly power of it ...
Nevertheless I found my way into the catacombs of tombs ...and up the stairs of thick concrete ...and it opened up into a complex of offices ...and again; they had made it their own habitation ..and for their eyes to look upon the place was worthy ...and pleasant to sit in ...and worthy for them to spend most of the hours of their life in ...yet whole of the place was as dead ...the plants were all fake and had never had life ...for they were man you factured ...the wooden desks were made of hard steel covered with woodeness material that had never lived ...and the fabrics of comfort ...also came from the bowels of the earth ...for everything was plastic ...and so the hole place had the appearances of being worthy for the living ...yet all the things about it were fake and dead ...though it had the appearance ..of being alive ...and a place for the living ...all was dead there ...and only the appearance of life was perpetuated by the ones who labored there ...yet all was dead ...or dieing ...
Now as I visited the habitation ...of the Jews ...within the catacombs of industry was as though they knew me ...and that I was also a Jew ...and I spoke of times before the times of man ...and of God ...and the matters of his children ...
Nevertheless the older Jews were suspicious ...and thought of me the if I was some Nazi war criminal ...and not a Jew at all ...yet they could not discount ...nor set aside or argue against the words ...I was given to speak to them ...for I spoke of the love of God for David ..of the ark of promise ...of the tabernacle ...of the sword of Goliath ...and of the gathering in of the Jews the end days ...
And of the younger Jews ...did some gather up and listen to what I was given to tell them ...of the mercy of God and the saving grace of the son of God ...and the present presence of him being here now the spirit ...Yet it was; that as I spoke to the younger, did the older Jews chide somewhat against me in secret ...nevertheless they (the older) withheld themselves from being against me ...for they knew in their hearts ...I spoke of truth and love and was not there to hurt any ...yet only to speak of the spirit of truth ...and of spiritual matters ...and so the older Jews looked mostly on the matters of business ...and it was allowed ...that I visited for some time ...though the time seemed short ...and shared the Words that were given me to speak ...
Yet Behold ...the light of the habitation flickered ...and for in a moment the hole of the business of man ...was cast into utter darkness ...and then Behold the light of the power of the world ...that man...ufactured light came again was like ...the pulse of the worldly power into the place ...had stopped for a moment if the worldliness of it, had had a warning stroke ...or a warning heart attack ...a warning of utter darkness that was coming to the hole of the place ...was this the final heart attack of the power of the world?
And some within the habitation became quickened to get out of her ...and yet others said ...its only a power fluctuation ....and when back to the business of man ...
Yet any warning was ...warning enough for me ...(for I did not feel comfortable in the place anyway ) and I began to make my way out of the catacombs of the tombs of industry ...and down the high and thick and hard stairs of the place ...and Behold I found myself in a crowd the young ones came first and in the back and later came the elders ...all who feared the utter darkness... began to flee from the worldliness ...and enough light was allowed... so that we could see our way the power of the world began to fail ...
And as we passed the power station ...we could see ...that though the worldly had created their own power ...and had built it to last forever was failing and going into utter ruin ...for so much fire had consumed the power of the world ...that the power of the world would never be built again ...
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