Behold in a dream of this day season ...and the season of man ...when the day is bright ...yet the life and light ...of it is not of God ...and the day was exceedingly bright the works and workers of satan ...shined ...and shone angels of light ...(even as it is written)
and the earth was bare ...barren these barons ...of beastly ...boisterous ...blasphemy ...yet all seemed "satisfied" ...and served the beastly and the antichristly ...and declared ..."peace" ...even as it is written ...
and an stirring came ..with in the earth ..and of the "mould" of the earth ...came the truth of God ...and rose up ...from the simple and the meek and the hearted of God and Christ ...and the face of the truth was like an small light in the world of the worldly ...and yet was brilliant ...beyond measure ...
and the light of the world ...looked on the truth of the light of God ...and considered it ...little ...and of small measure ...for the light of the darkness ...shined ...and the beastly and the antichristly ...feared not the truth of the light of God ...and thought it a small thing ...
Now it came to pass that the light of the truth of God ...rose up the face of all the face of the light of all darkness ...of the world of the worldly ...and the dark light of the world ...was astounded ...and hated them ...of the truth of the light of God ...and an mighty ...more eveil ...light of evil darkness rose up ...against the light and truth of God ...and that so much so to destroy all of the truth and light of God and Christ ...and to buy it ...beguile it bury it ...back in the earth ...and to cover it over ...
and the evil light of the world ...shined bright much so as to appear brilliant ...and to over shine the light of the truth of God ...
Yet behold the light of God would not be subdued ...for it was due to rise ...and not be overshined ...and an mighty flash ...came as the dread dead dark light of the world ...came against the truth of the light of God ...
and many saw the light ...both the darkness of the light of the world ...and the truth of the light of God ...and many were astounded ...
and this wrathed the dark light of the world ...of the beastly and the antichrists ...and wrathed them more ...for they had considered the light of God ...ssssssoooo lightly if they had been taken unawares ...for they had said ..tush ...what isss this "little light that shines ??" ...for it is a small thing ...and our light has overcome the world ...that only our light might any see ...our mightiness ...our all mightiness even we appear as rulers of light ...lords of light ...ministers of light ...authors of our own light ...of the "angel of light" ...of this world ..
and the beastly and the antichristly ...rose up in wrath to destroy and bury again the face of the truth from the light of God ...and they trampled on the face of truth ...and threw dirt in the face of truth ...and stomped and railed and ranted and raved ...and hated against the face of truth of the light of God ...and they walked on the face of the world proudly ...and thought within themselves ...well done ...for now it will no longer rise ...for we have utterly overcome ...and destroyed the truth and light of God ...and stomped its face ...and buried it that no light of the truth of God will rise again ...and they rejoiced ...and were exceedingly glad the thought of what they had accomplished what they thought ...they had accomplished ...
Yet ...WOE unto the beastly and antichrist light of the world ...for afore times ...the light of the truth of God had risen ...and had when and was received of many in their hearts ...and was hidden there they walked quietly ...on the face of the world ...and this was unknown to the beastly and the antichistly ...for they had so proudly walked as not to notice ...and counted it as nothing worth ...compared to their own glory ..
and so it was ...that the truth of the light of God and Christ ...was hidden the hearts ...of many much so that the "light" of the world of the worldly could not see it ...
and was hidden there like an atomic bomb ...and just when that instant that moment that twinkling of the eye ...when the beastly and the antichristly thought fully that they had the upper hand over all creation ...and possessed all that existed ...
Behold ...a might flash comes lightning ..across the sky ...from east to west ...a brightness never before ...beheld ...
as the very light of God came ...exploded over the face of the world of the worldly the face of the beastly and antichristly ...who had labored the earth for their own gain ...and worked it to death they might have their power ..glory ...and own comfort ...
and an new heaven and earth ...appeared ...of heart ...and of hearts of God and Christ ...and the ONLY light that remained ...was the light of truth ..from God ...who Christ is ...and no more did any serve the darkness of the light of the world of the worldly ...for it was utterly consumed ...even as it had tried to utterly consume was consumed ...
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