Now it came to pass that as a man and a woman awoke ...they found themselves separated and not in bed with one another ...but in separate beds ...for the wife had moved to the couch ...and slept the night there ...and the man ...having noticed her gone, nevertheless rested peacefully on the bed by himself well, the woman ..had rested comfortably on the couch ...and woke up refreshed ...
And what was the cause of the woman leaving the bed in the middle of the night ?...for her report was this; that she was so stirring and the husband was so stirring that neither could get any sleep ...and so it came to her ...that if they were to have any rest ...needs be they sleep in separate beds ...and so it was that the woman during the night ...moved herself to the couch in the living room and there she had comfortable sleep ...
And the woman looked to the flesh of the matter saying to the man...look see for your flesh is smitten and you toss and turn in the night for pain in your bones ...and look at me too said the woman ...for I have heart fluctuations ...and trouble breathing ...and this is the reason why I left our bed we can not sleep together in such unrest ...
And the man said ...if you must look to the flesh of the matter, look see; for you had many coffees last night and it might be the cause of your heart condition ...nevertheless howsoever your breathing is ...I know nothing of that matter did the man offer some answer to the disquietness of her flesh ...
Yet behold as he was speaking; a spiritual matter was opened to him ...and he said ...look to this then ...and see if the spiritual matters affect the flesh ...for we have in the past few days chided and accused one another thought, and with words; that came out of our mouths ...and it has been a miserableness and a vexation upon us ...
And look see that God knows ...where these things come from ...for the words come from thoughts ...and the thoughts come from the heart ...and the heart affects the flesh ...and He (God our father) knows every fiber of our hearts ...and is it not true that we will have no rest ...neither will we have any rest together ...untill we be washed clean of unworthy words that we speak to one another ...?
yee for those words; that come from unworthy thoughts; that we have had against one another ...yee those unworthy thoughts that come from an unworthy heart for one another ...might have affected our flesh ...
And is it not so, that only God can mend the hearts one unto another? ...for our hearts are the work place of God in us the spirit of his son is needed there ...that any mending take place ...and by the cleaning of the heart ...are the thoughts made clean ...and clean and helpful caring words of nurture come from the mouth in truth and love ...and the flesh takes rest in the nurture ..
And God looked upon the two and said I can do no work here least you come with repentant hearts one unto another ...the same as asked of those who might know me... through my son ...for it needs be you offer your hearts to one another through repentance ...even as any might offer their hearts to me only by heartfull repentance... as my son did witness to many ...
And so it was that these two might gather up with God and repented one unto another ...and also repent unto God for turning away from swiming in his perfect truth and perfect love... that he had shown them ...that they might injoy it ...the swimming and the refreshing of it ...
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