God's Truth

except by the messenger...


     Behold a dream ...within an nightmare ...that green horse ...upon death rides ...in the season of man ...oh the spirit of robbing and vanity ...oh man.. Woe Man ...no whoa yet ...oh man ...of the green mare (see book of revelation)

     and i was taken ...shaken ...stunned ...stayed ...astounded ...stopped ...and stupified ...shown the ignorance of it all ..of man ..or any still left in me ..

     For within the night mare ...within the dream ...was robbing ..killing ..murder..and famous vain venomous ...vanity ...and these be the ways of success ...suck ssseeesssss...

     Of the spiritual robbing first ...for there were "spiritual" men ...conning ...convincing ...womans ...even as satan chose her ...to rob of truth first ...so do these spiritual robbers ...set upon ...lay in wait ...and bring fear to the womans ...then subtlety ssssssooooth ...make her feel safe ...comfort her ...the womans ...and honor her ..to her "own thinking" ...soooo she believes theses robbers ...so then she takes the lie ...upon herself ...as if it was her own ...and then she goes about ...to entice others ...to believe the same ...and womanly men too ...the same ...castrated sheep (wethers) ...who like the womans ...lays down with these "spiritual robbers" ...making of themselves "spiritual sodomites" ...

     yet robbing is not enough ...conning ...convincing them is not enough ...for they might awake some day ...and stop buying their books ...their scholiarshi-...their programs ...their "broadcasts" ...so it is needs be ...that the spiritual robbers ...need to kill them! ...what kill them ?? How is it that if they are killed ...they will pay more money ?? ...yeeeeck ..were talking about spiritual death here ...hear ! ...for when these ...fill their hearts and souls with all the spiritual lies ...and come to love the spiritual lies of the false ministers and false apostles and false profits ...of satan's antichrists ...when they OH sssso love these lies ...and love not the truth ...then comes upon them strong delusion ...that they would love the lies even moreso ...even unto death ..and so it is ..that these become as the walking dead ...carriers of spiritual lies ...infected ...diseased ...deadly to come in contact with ...and bringing about the plagues of spiritual wickedness that fill the earth ...

     and so horrible is the plagues ...upon these that they go about ...professssssing spiritual lies ...believing them ...believing "IN" them "IN" themselves ...ssssssoooo much that no truth ...no matter how plain and simple ...as black and white ...nothing can set them free ...and they become seven times the spewers ...of sewers ...and spreaders of dung ...than even the spiritual robbers ...that first ...robbed them ...

     and how so is this ?? ...accomplished ?...well it is plain ...for prides sake ...many gather up to believe the same spiritual lies ...even start a history of lies ...and say throughout the centuries ...could all these be wrong ??? ..and so much so...sssssso deceived ... that even the very Truth of God in their face ...still they won't admit ...even the slightest error ...and for why ?? because ...for their "cause" ...that they are dead ...dead to spiritual lies ...and say these of the walking dead ...we believe the truth ...and the truth has set us free ...and we are alive ...though they be dry grass ...and waving arms in the wind...the "wind" let loose by these antichrist sssssoooothsayers ...who have dried them and made them ready for the fire ...(remember they didn't even believe Jesus himself ...when he stood right in front of them )

     and they ...the robed ...have robbed ...are robbing ...slaying ..all the day long ...and the police ...see nothing ...yet a push ...comes so the robbing and death stops ...

     How to get started ??... well marketing ..."mark" getting ...advertise ...adverse ...and "in" tice ...gain wealth ...and afford more to "mark" ette ...the lies ...till the most ...eat from the "market" place ...of spiritual lies and imaginations ...selling the fruit of the tree...as though they were apples ...even as the "apples" in the eyes of God ...yet are lies in the eyes of God ...and he hates to even look upon them ... even as it is written ...Proverbs chapter 17:15.."*The Lord hateth as well him that justifieth the ungodly, as him that condemeth the innocent." *and see! ..see ungodly imaginations of God.. Mark well he ...HE ...HIM...The Lord hateth as well him...and NOT as the antichrists say "God loves everyone" ...be WARNED by the truth of God ...or be WARMED by the truth of God ...warmed ...even on fire FOR the truth of God ..OR ...turn way from WARNING ...being just headed to the fire ...mmm

     Now what comes of successful ...suck sess full "mark"etting ?? ...well many are "sucked" in ...yet more importantly ...comes WEALTH ...and if wealth comes ...then follows FAME ...flaming fame ...and for those of the world ...flaming fame ...and the brightness of its proud burning ...Oh man ...draws ...even more than ..."mark"etting ...or advertising ...adverse inticing ...for FAME ...in the world ...brings worldly honor ...and honored worldly ..is worship ...and worshiped as a god ...of the world ...(small g)

     and where are the false gods ...of this world worshiped ?? ...where else ...but ...but on the "parlor altars" of every "living room" ...dieing room...their television sets ! ...were the worldly whorship ...

     Now and you might say tush ! peoples do not do this thing ! ...Yet measure a matter ...even the most absurd ...and the whoreship of "star trek" ...were to this day people have ...altared their flesh ...(plastic surgery) to identify ..."I"dentify themselves with the whoreship of the program ...even defying themselves ...defiling themselves ...in the fantasy of it ...

     now you might say ...again tush ...thats foolish ...yet measure ...how much ...influence ..."IN" flue ants ...plagues "in" the heart of wee folk ...that have come from the whoreshiping before the parlor altars ...and measure too ...if ...gods of the world ...gods of sports ...gods of rulling power ...gods of"in"formation ...gods of finance ...gods of health ...gods of childrens fantasy ...gods of women...gods of men ..gods of youth ...gods of music ...gods of "in"tellect ...gods of history ...gods of war ...all telling you the "TRUTH" ??? of the world ?...and ALL are whorshiped there ...then how much ...moresoever ...could it be that !!!...that the antichrists would also have you whorship there ??... Hello !!!

     measure if your seeing is altared there ? if your hearing is altared there ? is your "thinking" altared there ?? mmm...if your believing is altared there ? if your heart is altared there? ...are the words that come out of your mouth ...altared there ?? and become the same as the worldly !! mmm and thank God and Christ ...that smelling comes not from the TV ...for the wretched stink of it ..in the nostrils of God !!!

     Nevertheless after showing me all these matters and measures of matters ...came the voice of the Lord to me saying ..."consider these things not ...that wealth and fame make way for the Word of God ...for except by the messenger ...who it was given to ...will it come ..."

     and honor enough for him ...is the honor of God ...and not men ...


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