Behold ...taken ...comforted ...blessed ...nurished the plain of Heaven ...
all white there ...and level ...perfectly level far as the eye could see ...roundabout the past the left the right ...and on in ...into eternity ...eternity ...all ...all of all white rightness ...perfect of God and his son Jesus Christ ...
and Behold ...of and out of appeared a ...mighty oak tree ...mighty and no doubt ...mightier than any ...thee ...most mighty of all oak trees ...and beyond it there was no other ...neither any other tree stood near it ...nor bush ...nor grass ...
YEE only him the very most center of the plain of Heaven ...with branches though arms ...and strong and many reaching up and to the highest of heaven ...was this mighty oak tree ...
and i was astounded ...and desired of all my heart to ...climb into the branches of the mighty oak tree ...and to find myself safe there ...and to hide among it's branches from the things below ...
yet not allowed ...for the matters of the mighty oak tree ...were not that i should climb into it's branches ...yet to sit under it see it receive it ...
not as to sit in the shade of it ...yet to live and have life ..
and i took comfort in the teachings of heart as my Good God my father ...and my saver Jesus ministered to me ...of spirit and health ...
and a song of love rose up in my heart of hearts hearted with my father ...shown me of his son to his son ...
and the song of love was ...a song ...and a song ...and all songs of love...unto my father who is love ...
and i sat there of blessed comfortness singing from the wells of my heart ...deep longing songing to and of the love of God ...
and the song that came to me was a song known to me of the songs of songs are tuned in the world ..plainly a song i had heard before ...Yet now ...sung unto my God and my savior ..
Yet as i woke up ...i could not recall it ...neither was it brought to me rememberance ...Yet i would if God and Christ allow ...turn all songs of deepest love to Him ...who is love ...
and to him who brought ...bought ...blood bought ...for us the truth and love of God ...that we might know what love is ...that we might know what love is ...goodly Godly love of truth ...of no lie or hurt.
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