Behold in dream of the night season ...from above ...and upon the whole of the earth ...came light ...and the light was as a refreshing morning Son ...came the light ...and within the light of the Son ...the power of God the father (YHWH) ...
And the morning Son shined on all the earth if on all the peoples of the earth ...shown in the light of Him ... as if the light shined on all ...all parts of the earth ...on all nations ...on all countries ...on all mountains ...all hill sides ...all valleys ...all plains of the earth ...on all deserts ...
And upon all ...everyeach one ...everyeach person, on all the peoples ...on all the souls; of whosoever dwelt upon the plain of the earth ...upon them did the light shine ...nevertheless of the multitude, of all the peoples, most saw only the sun... and most knew not of the light ...neither the warmth of Him only a few ...and upon these few ...the light shined upon their chests ...and warmed their hearts...and the light within them shined ...and it was shown me that these were the chosen ...for their hearts were measured by God (YHWH ) the father ...and their hearts were opened ...that the spirit of his son ...might enter in ...and to prepare these unto rightness ...
And I tried to look ...and to sort out...and to see by what measure (as men look upon the peoples of the earth) to see ...if these could be sorted by religion? Or by sect ?...or by what they believed in ?...or whatsoever these within themselves might claim to be? Could anything be seen by the eyes of men ? ...Nay! No... and not by any thing about these, was I able to measure them ...even did I (of my own unworthy thinking ) think; surely they are all "christians" ...yet Behold! ... it was shown to me that of the muslims ...some were chosen ...and I was astounded ...for there was no way for any man to see; who might be chosen ...or who would be chosen ...or who was chosen all ready ...
And again I was shown that ...nevertheless of the judgement of men ...nevertheless of how men had sorted themselves out; according to their religions, sects, or even by their own thinking, or believing ...all of mens judgement nothing worth they cast upon themselves...or burden others ...with the heavy burden of ... their own judgment upon another against another ...according to their own thinking ...and according to their own men say and think; that they know who is saved or who is not ...and all is of none affect ...neither is it counted so much as fly dung ...before God ...
For God (YHWH) only chooses ...and Jesus (Yeshua) only can save ...and they will choose and save whosoever they will ... so shall they accomplish all things ...for all souls ... that the Truth be fullfilled ...till it be finished ...
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