Behold a dream in the night season of the season of man darkness was upon the face of the land ...of the wicked eagle whose wings covered the earth ...
and i was shown on the parlor altar of man (the television) that a man and a woman ...appeared and wife might be ...or are ...was not opened to me ...yet i believe they be of the marriage ...
Yet they did not appear together the man came first ...disguised ...hidden faced ...before the image making cameras of the "news program" ...and the man did make an open show of some evil wickedness of the wicked eagle that all might know ...
and next the woman ...of high position ...dressed in black came ...again disguised ....hidden faced tell also that same ...of the vile evil wickedness of the eagle whose wings cover the earth ...
Yet i was not shown that they appeared together ...neither at the same time ...yet it seemed that the man appeared first ...and told his witness ....and then a time later the woman spoke the same ...
and again it seemed as though both were well certified to witness against the eagle ...having high positions within its rule ...Yet it seemed that the woman ...had the upper place ...and when she spoke ...many know she spoke the truth ...
as it was their conscience before God ...they could not hold back ...for it was more precious to them ...than keeping the evil secrets of the eagle ...and they were a blessing to all the peoples that the eagle wickedly ruled over...
for then the peoples could clearly see ...
And it happened when the Lion spoke, these words unto the Eagle...Hear you, I will talk with you, and the Highest shall say unto you: Is it not you that have the victory of the four beasts, whom I made to reign upon the earth and in my world, and that the end of their times might come through them?
And the fourth came, and *overwane all the beasts that were past, and had power over the world with great fearfulness, and over the whole compass of the earth with the most wicked labor, and so long time dwelt he upon the earth with deceit, and the earth you have not judged the truth.*overwane= over / diminish, weaken, subdue
For you have troubled the meek, you have hurt the peaceable and quiet, you have loved lies, and destroyed the dwellings of them that brought forth fruit, and have cast down the walls of such as did you no harm. Therefore is your wrongeous dealing and blasphemy come up unto the Highest, and your pride unto the Mighty.
The Highest also has looked upon the proud times, and behold, they are ended, and their abominations are fulfilled.
that the earth may be refreshed, and come again to herself, when she is delivered from your violence, and that she may hope for the judgement and mercy of him that made her.
For more of the opening of matters and measures of matters ...look see ...
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