God's Truth

perfect enough...


     one mourning ...after night mares ...(green horse) ...of all manner of the flesh ...and the desires thereof ...yet comes ....even are the desires ...of the flesh in truth and love ...blessed ...yet ...even lust (meaning before God: the the deepest goodly desires)...for God lusteth after his children ...as it is written ...

     YET ...and Mark ...IF the desires of the flesh ...are NOT of love and truth ...and i say again TRUTH ...and LOVE of God ...then comes ...sin ...creeping in ...so that desires of the flesh ...as God and Christ have blessed us with ...goodly Godly desires ...become sin and sin wickedness ...and wickedness loss ...and the lost ...dead ...even though they walk ...if these be tried ...if these be satisfied with lies and unGodly lust of imaginations ...then sin creepth in ...and sin ...kept ...kept justified (as the worldly, unGodly and heathen do justify sin) if this sin be justified ...then wickedness begins ...and wickedness moves swiftly to destruction ...

     and so it was made plain ...a plain and simple thing of heart ...desires ...of any measure ...for the children ...let those desires ...even the most deep desires (lust) ...let them be in TRUTH and LOVE ...and not of lies and imaginations ...and pretending ...and so unwholely ...as to avoid all truth and Love ...to satisfy ...

     if then a soul ...desires so much as to seek ...let them then seek in truth and love ...and not just to satisfy their spirit and flesh by any means ...

     and comes at the mentioning ...of the spirit ...the satisfying of our own spirit ...the same measures of truth and love apply ...and plainly of GOD and Christ ...or if not having heart for the truth of God ...then go any to their own imaginations ....proud scholiarship ... ...or the following of the traditions of men ...meaning their religions and churchlienesses ...

     AND BEHOLD ...the ministering spirit of God and Christ did say " Who is so perfect they can walk with God ??" ...

     AND BROUGHT WITH HIM ...REMEMBERANCE ...of the very Words of Christ ...saying ..."be perfect for your father is perfect"...

     and yet we say how LORD ?? how is it that you might ask this of us ...when you know that we can not make ourselves perfect ??... and the answer comes ...heartward ...heartward ...heartward ...

     for it is of truth that we are helped to be more and more and more perfect ...by the TRUTH of God ...HIS SON ...and no other ...and HE mends and ONLY CAN mend our hearts and consciences unto our father ...only HE can accomplish it ...and SIMPLE ...he asks us for a heart to do the same ...OF LOVE AND TRUTH ..by Christ ...we can be counted perfect before God ...of heart and conscience ...

     Yet does sin remain ...? like grass stains ...that hard be to be washed out ?? and on this measure ...it is given ...the children of God ... are Christs' unto God ...and none others ...and he ...only He can grant us mercy and grace ...saying his grace is sufficient for us ...and know it is not an imagined ...mercy ...neither is his grace a thing ...thought to have ...Yet IS given by his speaking ...himself ...for he is able to talk walk and teach us ...in dreams visions and the voice of our hearts ...And mark ...if he ...HE has not spoken such a thing ...and revealed to you that you have and live in his grace over unworthy matters left in you ...then you are NOT ...under his grace ...but only your imagination ...or one (many) be so confident ...by ...buy their religious afill...i ations ...with churches of men ...they they are con...vinced of Christs grace by the preaching of antichirst ministers ...that they ...without Christ himself teaching them ...have by some imagination his grace ...NOT!! ...then know ...these fall ...fall hard to strong delusion ...put upon them by God himself ...against those that make imaginations of his SON and the TRUTH he died for ...that we might know him ...and deny the realness of Christ and his ableness to speak plainly to any ...that might listen ...yet these of the antichrist preach jesus this and jesus that ...and we have done these things and that in your name ...Yet have not allowed in truth and REALNESS...(verity) ...oh that blessed verity of God and Christ ...who ever try to prove themselves up to us ...and injoy the same ...

     and where might these say and from their bibles of man ...justify such ...things ...OH for the matter is plain ...whosoever believeth "IN" jesus they say will be saved ...yeeeck ...nevertheless sayeth the Truth ...whosoever believeth "ON" Jesus will be saved ..."on" is such that God and Christ must be REAL to you ...active about your "life" ...and not afar off word ...for Jesus must be trusted "on" ...for "in" leadeth to imaginations ...witch the religious and churchlie are full of ...and expert at ...for they have not the truth only a simititude ...of it ...yet they say they are full of holyness ...ya right wholie..ness maybe ...such as are the antichrists ...that appear to the blind and the unknowing ...as righteous ...even as satan came as an angel of light ...so are these ministers of his ...evil masked in good...

     Yet God and Christ have mercy on the blind and unknowing in these churches of man ...for it is theirs to know each heart ...and to offer ...yet the day of sorting out is verily upon us ...all

     and of another matter...if Christ be in them and ... if Christ does teach these himsblessed self ...what need they then to go to the temples of man ...?? made with hands of flesh and hearts of stone ...to the proud grandure of them ??? or to boast of and follow men ...in robes and suits of the world ...declaring all ways that these men be holy ??? is it because they have quicken their spirits ...??? quickened their OWN spirits ...like unto the amusing song and sports gods (small g) of this world ??? ..

     OR say these ...con ..vinced of their own religious rightneousness ...or churchlie choosenness ...say these ...loudly ...do not forsake the gathering together "!!!! as if that justified all the proud ...robbery they do ..and the franchizing of Christs blood ...and their ...templish altars ...and the wicked thinking that in that building there is a holy place at the podium or wooden alter that they have ...or that by some imagination ...if they come together (in that place ) ...they can conjure God to come there ...by their beckoning ...whorship ...or look to to those who these have guiltified ...for not attending with them in the imagination ...of heaven ...that is only a temple of hell ...and ministering of imaginations ...

     Or is it that the children of God are asked to share whatsoever REALNESS ...verity of God and Christ they have received ...anywhere ..any time ...with any that might listen ...? and not to avoid each other when they meet (if that were possible ) ...not ! for the truth and the love of God do they swm in one to another ...and by that do they not forsake the coming together ...

     and i have heard the religious and churchly say...LOVE ...love love ...and it will keep us !!!

     Yet measure ...discern and of TRUTH ..."even the heathen love those who love them" ...so what is the perfect measure of love ...if it be not love of truth ...truth of love ...for love without Truth is a curse ...and nothing else ...

     likewise ...or it might be said ...likefoolish ....are any that "think" that lov e ...and love ...bears worth before God ...for love without truth ...is most wicked of all ...even as it is true eveil ...evil masked in untruthfull love ...

     as it is and i am a witness to ...within the wicked churches and religions of man ...who say yee we love each other ...and are pleasant and worthy to each other ...and our love for each other bears witness of us ...that God is with us ...

     behold the worse of worse ...love unto death ...like a whore with aids ...for the truth is not in them ...but death ...

     for is a measure of truth enough ?? to keep life among the dieing ??? ...when the whole rest of the the works is dead ??? ...

     yeee say these we are justified by whatsoever truth we "think" is right" and that we keep ...what soever we do and think" that is what we will do ...and by this we are justifed ...say these of the traditions of men ...truth for us is by our own understanding ...and this we will keep ...and we love all or any who say the same and respect us for our own justifications ...

     and these say ...perfect truth ...ya right !...we have enough ...and if it be known of their hearts these really do not believe on ...Perfect TRUTH ...but their own truth they believe ..

     yet i say and am witness ...the more perfect Truth is here ..and given to us ...even in text ...to make away ...the way ...for HIM ...who is the very PERFECT TRUTH ...JESUS ...

     do these believe the TRUTH now ...or will they ...when he comes ???

     Christ will not take a bride ...full of ..of the "white lies" of men...


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