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God's Truth

seen as dark ...yet planting golden seeds ...


     Behold in a dream ...tween heaven and earth ...as heaven and earth become one ...and heaven is no longer afar off ...and the earth is healing for the hell it has become ...

     and on the plain of heaven and earth ...(new heaven AND earth ) ...came a man ...walking ...

     and the man was bent over ...and his clothes were seen as black ...and no one could see his face ...neither look upon him ...and as he walked he his hand came from within ...and send something out ...that could only be seen behind him...

     and as he came closer ...all dressed in dark clothes ...i looked at him ...and upon him and at the golden things that came from ...his hand that came out of his ...chest ...and fell to the ground ...

     and Behold ...behind him ...he left a remnant ...of golden seeds ...as he walked ...and Yet i could not see his face ...(and i was somewhat afeared of him for the darkness of his clothes and cause i could not see his face ) ...as he drew near ...

     and i backed up ...as he neared me ...and i wondered before God and Christ who this man was and what the matters of this dream might be ...

     and Behold the man looked at me from within ...and i was astonished ! for it was mineself ...like looking in a mirror ...

     and i fell down as the man vanished ...and prayed moresoever ...for i was afeared ...to see myself in such darkness ...

     and my God spoke to me of Christ and said ...look see ...for the world is upside down ...and the worldly will see you covered in darkness ...though your face shines ...and your beard is full ...and though you plant the truth of God ...this golden seed ...they only see corn ...


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