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God's Truth

The bridge...



     I was shown of God and Christ of truth and in a vision ...that the WORD of God ...God's truth ...and the text thereof ...is like an suspension bridge ...over a dread deep black bottomless pit ...

     and the ropes thereof are gold ...and hold any firmly from beginning to end ...tween earth and Heaven ...it is suspended ...and the fibers of the heart are the "cross" ties ...that hold the truth ...that any might walk across ...a cross ...the bottomless pit ...

     and a cross each fiber ...lays the sword of truth ...as if to say all truth ...from beginning to end ...from earth to heaven ...is the walk way across ...the pit ...by the WORD of God ...till the earth and Heaven come together as one ...when there be no more ...bottomless pit for any to fall in ...

     Yet ...again ...be ever so carefull ...full of care to walk ...in the WORD of God ...to use it across ...to use the cross ...to get to Heaven ...and that only ...walking in and NOT walking on the TRUTH ...

     For it was shown me ...this wise ...that the way to walk is only in truth ...of truth and exactly "the way" shown us by God and Christ ...and none other ...NO ...NOT any other ...

     for the bridge is fashioned this way ...the way ....that if any walk not rightly...yet try to use the WORD of God and Christ ...to cross over according to their own thinking ...or following their own thinking and believing in religions or churchlieness ...the steps be dangerous ...and sure thing these will stumble ...if not fall to the pit all together ...

     For it is such that only one at a time can cross the bridge ...saying plainly each one ...of each heart ...within ...can cross over ...and no crowing crowd all goes over ...together ...like is preached of religions and churches of men ...no not even ...save only each one can cross the bridge ...one at a time ...

     for not even a man can carry his son or child ...across ...yet all go across... the way... one at a time ... and so it is plain ...that if a man can not save his own son ...how is it that any religion or church can save any ...?

     Nevertheless as a matter of teaching ...and perfect teaching to walk ...let each step be taken in prayer as one might walk in the WORD of God ...over the bottomless pit ...and see ...

     for the pathway across is layed with the sword of truth ...and it is cut straight at the first side yet ...yet pointed at the end ...and least you step on the straight end ...you stumble ...

     For to step on the truth ...the blade thereof ...or the point ...the sword twists and the foot falls though ...

     Yet only to step on the cross of the sword is any kept safe through in ...in the WORD ...

     and again for any to receive ...do not make of the Word of God anything you "think" is right ...neither make of it anything ...that seems right to you ...and specially follow not any that does not have the fear of God and Christ in them ...that they too make anything of their own imaginations of the WORD of God ...

     For it is warned of by God himself ...not to add ...neither take anything away from the WORD of God ...and is His last warning of the last book of the last paragraph ...not to do such a thing either of spirit or truth ...

     and why ?? for it is the Word of God ...that His son died for ...as well all His other children ...were killed over ...and He hears their blood calling out to him ...even from the very ground ...

     and if the truth be known ...of truth ...the WORD of God is life ...and living ...in the spirit of truth ...Yet and measure full of care ...it is also curse and death to those who would make of it what they will according to their own pleasures and dread desires ...comforts and unGodly imaginations of God and Christ ...

     for it would be better to not have the WORD of God ...or a little of it plain heartedly ...than to have it and make it stink ...by changing it ...or spewing dung out of mouths ...that fear not God ...for imaginations sake ...churchly or religious traditions sake ...or it ...for ANY gains sake ..

     We have also a right sure word of prophecy whereunto if ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, ye do well, until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts. So that ye first know this: That, that no prophecy in the scripture hath any private interpretation. For the scripture came never by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy ghost.


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