God's Truth

Time for God and Christ...of the time of man ...in the season of man ...



     Behold late in the evening ...of that day filled with war ...as the eagle went out to set his claws in others ...his true evil claws ...against the plainly evil spirit of destruction ...a day full of vexations ...discernments ...ponderings ...of worldly matters ...

     and the house too ...full of activity ...of measures and matters ...of "living in and of the world " ...and so much so that one could bearly escape the goings on ...the weighing of matters ...of and in the world ...and the day waxed heavy on the souls ...for the matters of it ...

     Nevertheless late that day ...late that evening ...when at rest ...in prayer ...before sleeping ...did the phone ring ...and come the voice of another who ...before ...near death did God and Christ ...begin to safe ...begin to save ...

     and being one of God and Christ's ...the soul who called would have quit the call ...if i would have slightly mentioned ...that it was late and i in bed ...and ready to sleep was i ...

     and yet the holy ghost would not allow ..and even quickened me to rise up ..and to share witness with this brother ...he sharing with me and i with him ...as we took the time to allow for God and Christ ...too...to minister to us both ...that we might be as iron sharpening iron ...

     and most perfect is God and Christ to help us to be more perfect ...as our conversation began ... to join God and Christ in their perfectness ...that any might be blessed ..

     and the reason for the season ...and the matters of the call ...and calling are the same ...for the question is plain ..."seems God does not talk to me anymore "? how so and why ? ...and the matters and measures given ...pouring out of heart ...as though lost in darkness ...came ...as this matter had been on this ones heart for some time ...

     and an simple answer provided ...as God and Christ watched over and listened to the conversation ...and helped with answers going each way ...and the simple answer was ...taking time for each other ...take time for God and Christ ...time out that is time set aside ...earnest of heart for them ....and too ...for God and Christ are not bound to ...time ...they are ever ready for us... to have time for us ...time with us ...

     comes the simple matters and plain ...regarding the "sabbath" ..it is this time and do right heart before God and Christ ...to take that time ...of the fullness of a day ...to visit ...and to visited by God and Christ ...eithersoever ...even if ...an whole day ...is not of heart to do ...then ...heartward whatsoever time that might be allowed ...do that same right of heart to visit and visit with God and Christ ...till ...an whole day is desired to stay with them ...a visiting with them ...

     Nevertheless a day is asked of God and Christ that any might of plainness of heart ...and in rightness visit with them ...not for the bending of necks to ...(like the religious would have ) neither ...bending necks and shaking pockets out ...for an hour or two ...on this day of that ...bound to ceriMOANies of men ...no nay and not ...not this ! ...yet an comfortable time of heart and mind and soul walking with God and Christ and allowing time ...and free heart and head to be ministered to ...to be helped to health ...of heart ...and mind ...and soul ...being then nurtured in the holy spirit and truth of God and Christ...for health sake ...

     even as it is written ...plainly ...nothing added nothing taken away ..."Thus saith the Lord: Keep ye equity, and do right, for my saving health shall come shortly, and my righteousness shall be opened. Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the mans child which keepeth the *same. *He that taketh heed, that he unhallow not the Sabbath ( that is ) he that keepeth himself that he do no evil."Isaiah ...

     and what is it to unhallow the Sabbath ??? if not to make more or less of it ??? ...as do the churches do and religions also ...or a man ...saying even of himself ...i don't need to do this thing ...to take any time out for God and Christ ...who gave me life ...that i might even have existence ...Yet the lessor being safer than churchly sabbaths ...for the danger of being further snatched away to serve the corporate religions of man ...who franchise the blood of Christ ...and would have people believe it is a worthy thing ...before God and Christ ..

     and comes worse ...for the question comes ...if your son were murdered ...by wickedness ...against plain rightness ...what would you do ...if that same wickedness (religiosity) ...rose up thereafter ...to make money and empire by selling the drops of his blood ??? ...you see the former is far worse than the latter man just not taking the time ...

     and the more ripping away of things and matters that ...hurt the time any might spend with God and Christ ...to rip then away the concerns of the world ...even as it was this day of war disturbing ...so is any thing of world ...or worldliness ...that takes away mind and heart ...from the presence of God and Christ ...anything and everything ...that stumbles ..from entering into ...their presence ...

     Yet before the ripping away the more ...let us then look to what the entering in ...might be ...is ...has been ...was ...and is ..even will be forever ...the same ..."entering in" ...joining God and Christ in spirit and truth ...in love and wisdom ...in honor and grace ...in mercy and helps ...in all things of God and Christ perfect ...for God and Christ are perfectly all things to all men ...and in and of all things perfect ...for our sake ...and us for them ...for their sake ...

     even moreso simple ...sharing ...to be sharing ...with God and Christ ...them with us and we with them ...all things and matters worthy ...between us ...nothing hidden ...no altar motive ...in spirit wherein nothing escapes ...and in truth that no lie enter in between ..."in"vited to smim then ...to the swimming one unto another God and Christ in the waters also ...and the all the children too ...all ...swimming one unto another ...in the truth and love of God ...

     Yet back to the ripping away of the things of the world ...so the swimming can take place ...like removing the "no swimming" signs of religions ...where they say "its not safe to swim ...least you have our "life jackets" on ..." ...and ripping away the weeds around the waters of God and Christ ...weeds of lies ...deceptions ...and own thinking ...self rightness ...

     and more nowsoever against the blasting of media ...and warsome concerns ...and moreso now for needs sake to be with ...yes WITH God and Christ ...because of war ...and yet the tv snatches away ...the schools snatch away ...the jobs snatch away ...and their own "daily living" snatches away ...for any might love their own life ...more than life with God and Christ ...

     and worse ...hold their families ...above God and Christ ...and the "activities" of the family members higher than ...even praying ...

     Holding wives above ...children above ...moms and dads above ...God and Christ ...for these be more important than God and Christ to these ...

     or if not more important ...more real ...yes ...say they ...who do ...my wife is real ...my children are real ...and the church is real ...and my bible of men is real ...and says my family ...and the church ...by serving them i serve God ...so i turn my service to them ...and they take up ...my prayers ...

     oh woe is man that might think and do so ...for none can save any ...not even their own wives or children ...see only God and Christ can save ...no matter what the churches say ...saying they have saved many ...on this night or that ...with this ceriMOANy or that ...or even say they that they have led these to salvation ...and of all these things they lie ...and have taught ...others to believe the same ...

     and what so then is the matters where a man hates his fathers and mothers and brothers ...? as it is written ...There went a great company with him, and he turned and said unto them: If a man come to me, and hate not his father and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, moreover and his own life, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever bear not his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple." ...be it this and this simply ...when heart for these... raises above that heart for God and Christ ...and these snatch you away from God and Christs presence ...where you serve them and their concerns more ...that all desire ...that God and Christ might be above these "relatives" ...

     when you see ...the hate of this ...then you might see also the Loss of it ...for the loss of it is this ...to lose ones life by being more conserned with these than the hearts of God and Christ...and Again ...who can save any ?? you for these ?? make you yourself as God ??? Yeeesh ! tush !! ...and if you not be of God and not pray for them ...that God and Christ minister to them ...them blessed selves ...then what is there over these ??? nothing ...and they are lost ...

     for it is a plain and simple matter ...as is the order of God and Christ ...God be the head of Christ ...and Christ be the head of a man ...and the family of the man ...be nevertheless under the head of the man ...now how is it if the man put family ahead of God and Christ ...could any of the house be kept safe ...or saved ?? SIMPLE ...

     and to break the neck even further of the deceiptions taught ...this be given ...that any recieve ...that God and Christ be MORE REAL ...to you than even your own son ...or wife ..or daughter ...mom dad ...or any ...yes and i say again ...God and Christ so real ...as to make the worldly concerns of any to be as nothing ...and of nothing worth ...

     even and i say this plainly ...for "REALNESS" of God and Christ is the "verity" for the girding of the loins ...and without it ...little else can come ...save only mercy on the blind and unknowing ...

     and so it might be said ...how then can a soul come to this knowing of the realness of God and Christ ? ...and it too is plain ...take the time to know them and walk with them ...in truth and realness .."verity" ...

     and a man might say how so ? for when i go a fishing ...i am thinking about the fishing ...and answer was given me to speak ....and i said ...say for example this ...you and i be fishing ...and while fishing ...come a matter of your heart about your children ...saying a matter of danger of dread over them ...yet i sit there a fishing ...and pay you no attention ...and as if to say Tush ...what is he to me or his children ? ...what hurt and harm ...what dread care..lessness !!! eeeck !

     nevertheless it is so ...for while God and Christ try to talk to us all the time and ever near they are ...and ever carefull and caring the more ...for us ...and ours ...do they speak ...of their children and matters for them and their health ...yet like this unworthy ...man ...occupies his whole heart and mind and soul ...with his own desires of flesh and and family and concerns of the world ...so much so that ...he might say the same thing ...to God and Christ ...while they are trying to speak to them ...saying tush tush ...what do i have to do with the matters of God and Christ ...or their children ...

     as the wives made plans and the husbands made plans ...and their children made plans ...of what to do after church to please themselves ...

     no quarter given ...only mercy offered ...


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