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God's Truth

Tar pit of tribulation ...the White mansion ...mighty men of war ...

theron creteis@yahoo.com

     In a dream of the night season ...the world below was sodden wet with the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, and the pride of goods ...and covered with the black tar of war ...utter spiritual darkness was of the world ...sticky residue of blackened, blood burnt, lust for wars ...of gain and power ...and souls were stuck in it like dieing creatures caught in the tar pit of wickedness ...

     And as I looked at the creatures who were caught up in it ...in the tar that covered the earth ...they appeared in three conditions ...

     some were as dumb animals ...who struggled not against it ...but were consumed like small rodents ...going down the snakes gullet ...having been bit first by the viper; and the venom of his bite, did keep them from struggling ...as they went into the belly of the snake ...

     and of the second condition ...were those who when caught, struggled little ...against the blackness ...against the wickedness ...and they wiped the blackness from their foreheads ...that they might not think about it ...and they wiped the evil from their ears that they might not hear about it ...and they wiped the dark sticky coagulating blood from their mouths ...not speaking of gain and the glory of war ...and they tried to keep their hands free ...as they wiped their hands of it pretending to be free of it ...yet everything they touched was covered ...and they were so deep in the pit, that it was up over their chests and covered their hearts ...for they believed in it ...believed they could go on living ...if they kept up the pretended cleaning and the appearance of being clean ...yet their eyes were continually spattered by the boiling of the tar of wickedness ...and they had become blinded ...and saw only the reflection in the tar ...buy the light of the world ...the image of the oil of wickedness ...the false rainbow ...as seen in the reflection ...of the oil of the worldly as its mixed with the waters of the Word.

     And of the third condition ...were those that struggled desperately ...against the wickedness and eveil ...and these were mostly free of it ...and they thrashed against the death of it ...and were caught in it only by their feet ...for there was nowhere to walk in the world except in the pit of it ...nevertheless they fought and struggled against evil ...nevertheless in their struggling did they sometimes fall ...and then to be caught by hand ...in the wickedness ...yet they knew...the death of it ...and removed their hands from it quickly ...that even held by hand or foot ...if they were not set free ...they would be overcome ...and sink into darkness ...and their sweat soaked bodies against the struggle; kept them free of the tar ...and hands set free and with arms reaching upward ...their clear, tearfull eyes looked up and these cried out ...of woesome hearts unto YHWH (God) ...for the saving of their souls ...from this tribulation.

     Now I was taken up from the seen ...and up and away from the blackness of the world in tribulation ...and Behold a stone white mansion ...made of whitest rock ...and filled with riches ..and I wondered who owned such a place? ...and trembled somewhat to be in another mans house ...and a voice comforted me ...that I might be at peace in the mansion ...and the keys of the habitation was given to me ...and I was astounded ...

     Nevertheless my heart was of dread woe for peoples and souls ...that I was shown ...and I wept before YHWH of what I had seen below ...and of earnest tearfull heart, I asked that they might have help... and that war be made against the wicked blackness of the eveil pit ...for the trapped souls sakes ...they be delivered from the tribulation...

     And Behold ...the keys that were in my hand came to mind I began to move ...and I was astounded ...and I was led outside the mansion into the vast white courtyard of the mansion ...and the whole of the place was made of white rock ...and I was shown a glorious armory in the courtyard ...even was it made of white rock; like the rock that the mansion was built of ...and the door to the armory was locked ...and sealed so that no man could open it ...and it had been sealed for a time and a season ...that no man could open it ...and the keys in my hand were shown me again ...and out of the many keys ...one was shown to be the key to the armory ...and I was shown that I should open the door ...and I did ...and Behold within the armory was darkness ...and dread darkness it was ...and so dark was it; that nothing could be seen ...no weapon could be seen ...save only if the Son shined in the place and as only the rays of His light were able to penetrate the dread darkness ...which was the wrath of YHWH (God) ...and as Son did allow ...did I see more clearly the weapons of war ...and they seemed to me to be weapons like unto the weapons that a single man might carry ...and the armory was full of weapons ...yet I knew not what to do as I was in the armory ...for I could not see the weapons very well ...and because I was only one man what could I do ? ...Nevertheless as I took one of the weapons outside... so that I might see it more clearly ...better in the Son light ...as I came back out of the armory ...

     Behold seventeen men appeared ...and I was astounded ...and they stood; worthy men of YHWH ...mighty men of war ...all everyeach one; dressed in the full armor of YHWH (God)...yet each ones armor was of a different fashion ...and fashioned by the hand of God was their armor ...everyeach one for a certain measure of battle ...were they dressed in armor ...and bolded and incouraged were they, and so much so; that they could not be defeated ...and the power of God was as a cloud around them and his dread wrath was the measure of their countenance...

     And they stood there looking at me and the armory of God ...and spoke among themselves quietly and I looked in wonder upon the mighty men of God ...as they began to come near me ...without speaking a word ...and to acquire their weapons of war ...now as each one came, each one eyes looked down as they approached ...yet as they came near me ...each one looked up ...that I might see their eyes... that I might look into the windows of their souls ...every each one ...before he acquired his weapon of war ...

     Now as I looked in the eyes of everyeach one ...were matters shown to me ...first, their eyes were as clear as living waters ...and the very truth of God flowed in them ...and a warmth came from them ...as an embrace of the love of God himself ...and deep in their soul, as though they had waited a long time ...was a determination ...as solid as the rock ...to accomplish the deeds they had waited so long to finish ...for the very love of God ...and their courage, strength, standfastness flowed from the spirit within them ...that they had been blessed with ...and their humbleness was shown on the knees of their hearts...for the knees of their hearts were caked ...as they had prayed; in the dust of war mixed with the blood of battle ...of wars past ...for helps of God to be worthy ...and at this knowing ...I began to hand them the weapons of war from the armory of God ...and I knew who they were and how they had come ...and when all had their weapons ...they stood there and looked at me ...and I at them ...and I knew that these were to fight the war against the evil wicked blackness of the world and the worldly ...and so I prayed ....within the dream...

     And behold I looked up to heaven ...and there they were; seventeen mighty men of war ...and they appeared to me foursquare every each one ...and all in a row ...as a matters of their going was; from right to left, across the New Heavens ...everyeach one ...

     And I prayed further for the matters of the numbers ...for the measure of seventeen was unknown to me ...and the matter was open to me ...for the measure is of the ten and of the seven.

     Of the number ten is this; ten each one ...everyeach one of ten; shall be against the eveil works of men ...and the ten be against the measures, matters and things of the ungodly world... and of the worldly...for all ...every each tittle or jot found ...found unworthy before God ...shall be destroyed ...till there be nothing eveil or wicked left ...in or of the world ...that the earth shall have rest from it ...and the New earth ...be established.

     Of this number seven comes these mighty men of YHWH (God) against all spiritual wickedness ...everyeach one according to his measure of his appointment; will they come ...to rid the earth of all ungodly spiritual lies ...of the worldly ...any measure ...even ever so small a deception ...or gospell for gain ...and all the ungodly works thereof ...whatsoever is found unworthy will be destroyed ...that there be no more division ...ever again ...yet will all come to one YHWH (God)the father, one Yeshua (Jesus) His son, one truth, one faith ...that the New Heaven be established ...ON the earth ...as well as in Heaven ... this is the works of the seven ..and none shall escape them till all be accomplished for it is the will of YHWH ( God) ...


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