Worlds water is broke ...and gave birth to hell ...This dream came to me in the night season ...and I found myself in a most miserable place ...and a war of capturing was all around me and machines darkness and mud and filth ...( like unto hell: the very place ) and an army rose up to capture people ...any that they found ...none were safe from the capturing of this evil army ...
And amid all this hell; war, mud, darkness and capturing ....I came to a place where there was light it seemed a large room of people ...who had set themselves aside (or were set aside) I know not how these got there ...Yet the place was peaceful, full of light and not crowded ...Yet these were in great fear of being captured the army of evil and darkness ...
...Now a few men rose up from within the room ...and some older and some younger that were full of activity ...and they came to me and said ...what good is it that we wait to be captured ? Let us go and fight against this evil army ...for the others sake and for ours ...and they knew that the earth was full of evil, and hell was here ...yet these were willing to fight like I said before this was not a war of blood letting ...but a war of capturing ...yet the world was full; and was so evil; that not one should escape being captured by this army of evil ...
Yet I looked at the men both young and old ...and said let us go then and see if it is possible to fight against this army ...that captures so many, and against whom; it seems so impossible to fight ...and we went out of the peacefull room ...into hell; the dark, muddy and filthy battle ...and there were machines and cunning devises of men ...
...and it was these devices that the evil army used to capture any folk they came upon ...for they did not lay there own hands on any ... and the devises of the evil army where powerfull and appeared like tanks and armored personnel carriers ...with grappling hooks ...and they were everywhere ...and no person could fight against the devises of men ...
Now behold a devise was given to us (the ones who would fight against the evil army ) and it was a mighty machine ...and we all climbed in ...yet there were no windows to see out of ...neither was there any apparent way to drive it ...and we all were asking how is this to be done ? Who will drive this machine ....and none came forth I looked and there seemed to be a driving station ...with two seats ...and I said look see two seats for driving ...I will try to do this thing there any among you who will try with me ?...and a man appeared and took the seat next to me ...
...and we began to fight against the cunning devises of the evil army ...and did over turn many of the devises of man ...and as we turned over any, out of the evil machines came many people; and they stood on the battlefield without any protection ...and we fought on... this one machine against many ...yet the devises of the evil army were very many and we were quickly surrounded and made so we could not move ...and so we too came out of the machine we were in and found ourselves also on the battlefield without any machine ...and amongst the ones who had come out of the evil devises of men ...
...and it was a wonder ...for some of those that had come out of the evil devises of men ...were like unto us ...and had no desire to capture any ...but now turned to gather up with us ...against the evil ...and evil devises of men ...and the capturing of peoples ...Yet there were some who even after they came out of the devises were full of wickedness and still tried to capture folks with their mouths ...(by their speaking ) ....and though the battle was a great was now a mess ...for it was hard to tell who side who was on ...but only by being close and hearing their words could you tell who was of the enemy or who was with you in the battle against hell ...
Now when it seemed that the war would go on and on and would have no end ...and that there was no limit to the cunning devises of men ...Behold a vast waste land appeared; still like unto hell ...yet the mighty devises of men were mostly gone ...and there appeared a wide highway covered with ruin ...and covered with filth and broken devises of men ...and I could not tell of all the people who was with me. For they were all one amongst another; evil keepers and those that would fight against hell ...
...Yet I knew somehow, and had comfort in; that some were with me in this fight ...but were hidden among all that were left ... And it came to pass that of the struggle and the distress that I wanted a cigarette ...for the filthy habit had stayed with me ...and an evil man appeared unworthy merchant ...bloated with fatness ...and he said ...come over here for I have some hidden ...and he dug through all that he had, but only had fake cigarets ...and he smiled at me as though he delighted ...that he could beguile me to come to him ...and I turned away from him ...for there was a moving of the fighters against hell ...toward the source of all evil ...
And behold a multitude had gathered ...a teeming throng of people the miserableness of a foul, slithering city ...and again ...I knew that there were some of the fighters against hell among them ...though I could not of myself sort them out ...and the press of the people moved to and fro and tossed me about with their moving ...all in the sweltering heat and misery of all foulness ...
And Behold a large pool appeared it seemed a huge glass swimming pool great that I could not see the end of it ...and it was full of waters ...(the waters of the world ) And in the midst of the pool appeared an island, and on the island; what looked like two people ...and even a third did come in a vision ...the island did rise up out of the waters ...yet of two I could only see them slightly and these two had great power in hell ...and did have rule over the goings on there roundabout ...Yet the third remained hidden for a time ...And these did order that I be thrown into the pool ..
...and I did fight against it but was overcome and thrown in the waters...and the waters (of the world ) were clear ...though there appeared ribbons of dung ...films of blackness throughout it ...and the bottom of the waters was utter blackness and nothing lived there ...not one single thing ...And behold skeletons of people were everywhere floating under the waters ...and I swam through the dung and skeletons ...and I was shown that none of the peoples above ...could see the skeletons in the water ...neither the dung of it ...only did they see the clear water ...
Now it came to pass that these two (the rulers of the waters of hell) did order that I be brought to them ...and I was taken from the water and found myself standing on the island (made of the heaps of mens devices and works ) and a stage appeared ...and the two rulers of hell appeared to me ...yee even the third was hidden in the wings of the stage and the other two appeared in the middle of the in front of the other ...Now the one that was hidden in the wings ...was satan ...and although he could not look upon me ...he could order matters done the world over those ...of the world ..
...Now of the two that were seen stood behind a little one in front ...and the one behind appeared as the form of a man draped in a pure white robe ...but was utter blackness within ...and no face ...yet he stood in back of and over the one that appeared in the front and middle of the stage ...Now the one in front ...he was like unto a little creature ...and I say creature for it was not a man ...but like made of man ...and I knew that this creature was under the power of satan ...and the one of the darkness in the appearingly white robe...and the little creature appeared like this ...he was about three feet tall ...and had a horn for a head ...(horn like a childs toy ) and the horn was red and did blast and speak ...and did lord over all that were worldly ...and its body was rapped in stripes ...covered as it was ...wrapped in red, white and blue unto the american flag ...
Now this beastly little creature began to declare and boast of its power ( by the blatting and blowing of its own horn) and it danced and enjoyed all that it spoke ...whirled and spoke proudly of many things and all that it had power over ...and the worldly fell silent before its boasting pride ...and the little beastly thing continued ...and asked if I might also join in ...and there was silence if to hear my answer ...and I began to laugh the strange little creature with his childs horn for a head ...and the stupid blasting and squawking of it ...and still further did I laugh at the garment of his covering ...and the bright and gay colors of it ...and at my laughing the little beastly creature was not amused ...yet even was it not offended ...for he thought himself to high and mighty to even be moved by anything ...and he continued his blatting, blaring and bleating out of his horn and dancing to his own miserable music ...
Now it came to pass that I was tossed from the island. Back across the waters of the world ...and found myself just outside the glass wall of the pool (that held the waters of the world) ...and one of the fighters against hell came to me and said ...we must break the glass and destroy this pool ...and we beat against it and the glass wall was strong ...and I said how shall we ever be able to break this ...that the waters of the world dry up ? ...and another fighter against hell appeared ...and handed me a gun ...and the gun seemed worthy and well made ...and it seemed that by this gun one could easily blow holes in the walls of the pool ...Yet behold when I looked closer at the gun see if there where bullets in it ...the gun fell apart ...and was of no use ...
And so we continued to beat against the wall (of the pool ) and many rose up to help ...but the wall was not moved ...Now behold a rock appeared in my hand ...and the wall began to crack ...and many others got themselves rock in their hands ...and almost in a instant the wall was shattered and the waters of the world gushed out ...and all the people saw the evil of it ...the dung of it and the death of it ...
Now if the Lord allows this is the interpretation of this dream ....we are now in hell ...for satan is loosened ...and the false prophet and beast are shown well the waters of the world ...
We are in hell because man has taken over the world ...and all the teachings of the world is the waters of the world ...all of it, every teaching that is not of God; is of man ...and man does glory in war ...raise up ancient pagan gods again (that are no gods) and glories in these civilizations that have been long ago destroyed by God ....and even does man start those ancient pagan religions again ...
again all teachings whatsoever they might be ...if they are not of God ...they are of man ...these are the waters of the world laced with dung and full of death and destruction ...
As for these three satan ...the false prophet, and the beast ...Of satan it is said that he would have you die spiritual death ...snatching away from you eternal life ...and this is done by the denying of God ..and the truth of God. There appears three ways to go Jesus Godward our own thinking ...or to satan ... in two you loose.
Of the false prophet ...these are all ...everyeach one ..the spiritual teachings of men ...religions churchliness or "modern spirituality" ...again whatsoever is not of God of man and is nothing worth ...and beware of those that say Jesus this and Jesus that is Jesus there is Jesus ...for we are warned of such as Jesus himself and as it is recorded in the First Truth of God. Look at the fruits ...look at the fruits ....not the worldly fruits ...but the spiritual fruits ...see if there be any lie in them ...Look see if they add anything to the recorded Word ...or they take anything away man has done making up his 1000's of bibles ...and building 10,000 times 1000 churches ...religions, sects and diverse doctrines. And Beware of your own thinking where you might go off according to your own imagination ....check yourself with the True Word of God ...pray earnestly and heartfully to be kept from all darkness by Jesus Christ ...HIMSELF
he can do it !...we can not ...
He is that rock that breaks down the walls that holds the teaching waters of men ...that rock that is in the hands of the fighters against hell is his truth and his power ...not by guns ...not by the devices of men ...we can destroy nothing ...he can...and will ... by the power of the spirit of God (our father) himself ...He will destroy the lies and the liars that bind mens souls ...
And of this little beast ...what is it but that which has power over the earth to proclaim proudly the glory to man ...and the saving of men and of men ...declaring they have the answers and all will be well ...power of war ...of wealth, over mind, body and spirit ...of mass media ever feeding to the "parlor altars" of men (television) radio, books, paper. Or the web ...power of man ... Look see "Amerias" in the last Prophet of the old testament ...4 Esdras
Of these fighters against hell ...these be his children that fight against the lies of the world with the very truth of God ...Jesus Christ of Nazareth ...and have God's truth in their hearts and in their hands ...where are they ? Everywhere (though they are few) they have a church as men do? they have religion as men do? no they gather up? ...yes ...wheresoever two or more of these are; so is Jesus with them ... they know for surity ...the verity (realness) of Jesus Christ ...and HE knows them ...they hear his voice and he hears them ...