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God's Truth

Will of heart and the increase...and the sword of truth..sealing souls ...

And the measures and matters of Dreams and visions shown ...for all ...or any
whatsoever is Given is a blessing to the children of God.



     Behold a dream in the night season ...of the season of man ...in the morning...before the light of World comes ...or in the mourning before the day of the Lord ...

     Behold i was shown a mighty stirring ...of clouds and rumbling ...as if Heaven itself was a stirring ...as if the spirit of God mine father ...was a stirring ...and the whole matters were of this mighty moving of his spirit ...

     and i can hardly measure the matter of it for it was a stunning moving ...and tremblous moving ...that shook the foundations of the soul ...

     and Behold in the midst of all ...and all that was ...like an all mighty churning of clouds ...Behold ...i was shown a heart ...in the midst thereof ...

     Plainly shown ...a heart ...of the very center ...exact perfect center ...of the all mighty power and in the churning ...tremblous clouds ...

     and i looked the more ...and was shown ...tween the heart ...and my seeing ...appeared ...another ...matter ...a cloud like unto the spirit of mine father ...save only a measure thereof ...

     and i was astounded ...and prayed the matters and measures of mine heart ...before mine father ...for to show me of these things ...of and for others ...the measures and matters that was shown me ...

     and in an instant ...i was taken into the midst of the cloud ...that was tween me and the heart shown ...and again as the heart was shown to me ...with the mighty ...all mighty spirit of mine father all roundabout ...

     and as i entered into the midst of the cloud ...tween the heart and mine self ...i was shown a mighty increase ...for the cloud in front of the heart ...was the spirit of man ...and the cloud of mine father all roundabout ...

     and was shown also ...how that the spirit of mine father ...poured out ...and increased the spirit of the man ...of all increase spirit as well of flesh ...and the heart of the man was as caught up ...incompassed by the increase of the spirit ...

     now as it was ...again ...mine father God's spirit ...all roundabout ...and of the very center of mine fathers perfect ...allmighty ..holy spirit ...the center thereof was his heart ...and too shown ...the heart of a man ...rising up ...and the spirit of the man ...too was shown ...and the spirit of the man had increase given it ...and the increase ...of the spirit did compass the heart of the man ...

     and i was astounded the more ...and prayed the more for matters and measures of seeing ...

     and in a instant i was the more shown ...within the heart and increased spirit of the man ...the works and goings on thereof ...for of the increase in spirit ...from mine father God ...all spirits and hearts of men were moved ...for the increase ...was all mighty ...perfect ...and holy ...and given to all ...and none ...no not one was left unmoved .

     and i was the more astounded and agape ...and shaken to the marrow of mine soul ...for Behold ...in the midst of the heart and spirit of man ...i was shown ...the works thereof ...saying plainly how that...as mine fathers holy spirit was poured out to increase the mans spirit ...did the heart of the man ...move also ...and that perfectly ...to his blessings ...and unto rightness ...my fathers goodness ...perfectness ...of truth and love ...

     OR ...did the heart of the man ...do most wicked against the spirit of mine father God ...and that to most vile treachery ...lies and hate ...hurt ...destruction ...filth ...and all consuming ...so much so that nothing i had been shown before compared to such eveil as i was shown ...

     Now even as it is plain ...and here plainly shown ...comes upon man the increase ...of the holy spirit of mine father God ...upon the hearts of all ...to increase unto rightness ...or if mans heart against mine father's holy spirit ...then to most evil wretched wicked destruction ...

     and i prayed the more of tremblous heart ...for i was mightily moved ...or could be said all mightily moved ...

     and in an instant ...Behold ...a sword ...the sword of truth came and thrust through ...both the spirit and the heart of the man ...and i was the more ...astounded ...and so much so that i was shaken ...and awakened ...within the dream ...yet still asleep ...as i measured the matters ...

     and i prayed the more of heart and soul and marrow boned a shaken ...for to ask ...the more ...and why so ...mine father ...and was shown me the sealing ...for it was of truth and the two edged sword thereof ...that the spirit and heart of a man was sealed ...ever to the right ...or shortly to the left ...Nevertheless sealed ...unto rightness ...or unto the death ...for the third edge of the sword awaits ...and it is slaughter ...

     and was shown me plainly ...time comes a quickly ...or is a now begun ...when He that doth evil, let him do evil still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be more righteous: and he that is holy, let him be more holy.

     and the Son spoke ...

     And he said unto me: seal not the sayings of prophesy of this book. For the time is at hand. He that doth evil, let him do evil still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be more righteous: and he that is holy, let him be more holy. And behold I come shortly, and my reward with me, to give every man according as his deeds shall be. I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end: the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that their power may be in the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without shall be dogs and enchanters and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth or maketh leasings.


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