In a night dream ...Behold my house appeared to shutter and shake ...and upon looking out side there appeared a great storm was coming it were a mighty wind of dark clouds approached ...and behold the whole of the house was taken up in this great whirlwind ...and moved to a barren place ...and it appeared also, other houses were in the same manner caught up in this tremendous wind ...even as the houses all came down together and rested very near one unto another unto a small town ...yet the place was dark with little light because of the storm ...and even greater darkness was roundabout not too far off ...behold even in the coming down of all houses was each family unharmed by the mighty moving ...and as it was all the families came out of their houses to see what the matter was, and did gather themselves up it was with the women and children daughters and sons ....yet each man of each house gathered only up with his family and not one man would gather up with another man...and so it was ...
Now and behold out of the darkness afar off came wicked young men ...and they were filled with all manner of vile and riotous pleasure ...and these did prey upon the daughters of these men ...and each man of each family was weak and could not defend their daughters ...Yet Behold it came to pass that the wicked young men had no power over the daughters that would stay with their fathers and family ...yet those daughters that wavered in their hearts ...these were taken away by these wicked young men...and the enticement of riotous pleasure...
Now did the fathers and families wail and lament as their daughters did go with these wicked young men ...and even did some try to turn back to their families after having been taken and later becoming afraid ...but the power of the wicked young men held them by their fear ...turning their fears to vile revelry and now even more the whole riotous group rose up and went away to find a hidden place where they could perform all the evil things they took pleasure in ...
As it was the fathers then began to speak and to say what is to be done?...for we are weak unto our selves ...and can do nothing against these wicked young men and all their vileness ...and behold they have our daughters and it is a dreadful thing for us ...
Then behold I was taken to the hidden place where unto the vile riotous group had gathered ...and it was a loathsome place and even as it was in the basement of a building ...and the roar of the droning could be heard afar off ...and the stink of it did rise up ...And stairs lead down into the darkness of the lower room ...and I found myself entering therein ...and behold within the entire place was all manner of wickedness now being played with and acted upon ...and they did scarcely notice me as I walked in their midst ...Yet a quietness fell on the whole darkness and noise of the place ...and suffering was heard this I said "come out of here all that will ...for none can stop you ...needs be that you leave this place and all the wickedness of it" this proclaiming did quicken a few and these fled past me ...ascended up from the place and ran out ...and as it seemed of these that fled ...none did look back I said a second time ..."are there any others that might come out of here? For you can not be held by this wickedness" ...To this went up profane laughter and a cursing at me for the foolishness of my interrupting their vile pleasures this and still in silence I turned my back on them and started up the stairs ...still I wondered is there any more that might come out ...even one ? ...To this I turned again a third time ...and shouted down the stairs into the open room ..."come ...come out ...for nothing can keep you here" ...and to this the whole place rose up in such cursing and meanness that I thought they might come to smite me ...yet none moved ...not one ...and shortly all began again in all manner of wickedness so the drone of the activity did give as it was; a pulse to the whole building ...
Now I was outside and the darkness was turned to pleasant evening ...and a quietness fell over the land round about...yet the din of debauchery stabbed at the peace and silence of the evening ...
And as it was; I was given to seal the place of wickedness ...the door out was sealed first ...then the windows thereof ...and as the windows were being sealed ...I knew somehow that a fear and trembling ...was coming over the place ...for these would now be in total darkness... at the sealing of the last window ...even was there panic in the end as these clawed at the sealed windows and door; that they might see some light ... for a consuming fire had already begun ...
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