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God's Truth

the spirit that murdered Jesus
and the wrath of God

theron creteis@yahoo.com

     This is how it began in the night season ...as I layed down to take rest ...did I have peacefullness in my heart and layed this peacefullness before God my father and before Jesus my Lord ...and the thankfullness of my heart was received of them both ...though Jesus would have that my thankfullness be unto my father ...and that in full measure ...and nevertheless was God my father well pleased at my thankfull heart unto Jesus and for his helps for me ...and it was as if I was moved in the spirit nearer unto my God ...my father ...and the blessed peacefullness of the drawing nearer unto him ...and I rejoiced in my soul for my nearness unto my father ...and again thankfullness went out of my heart ...that any might receive it ...for it was overflowing ...and I thought within myself ...whoa what blessed peacefullness there is with my father and with my Lord Jesus ...being among them in this spirit of truth and love and joy everlasting ....and I thought what perfect rest there is in this ...

     Behold a mighty stunning came and that in an instant ...was I taken away ...and I found myself looking through the walls and the roof of my sons apartment ...and he had all manner of "friends"gathered up there ...some were worldly ...some had come in the disguise of being "christian friends"...yet all were there for one purpose ...and that was to murder him ...and they put their mouths to it and they put their hands to it ...and in all things did they seek to kill him in word and deed ...the worldly "friends" as well those that called themselves "christian friends" ...and I was withheld from helping him and the woefullness and anguish of it was beyond my heart and yet I could not escape it ...but had to look upon it ...and I hated it ...and so much so that I prayed ..."woe Lord Jesus ...woe father take this from me ...for I can look upon it no more ...

     And I found myself at the door of the place ...on the outside ...and I opened the door ...with a mighty force ...and came into the room ...and I looked into the eyes of all who were there ...and it was as if to see right through them ...(for the eyes are the windows of their souls ) ...and I knew my son was dieing or dead ...as he layed ...not moving on the floor ...

     And it was known by all of these that I was there and was full of anger ...and vengeance ...and some thought within themselves ..."tush !...(mocking and laughingly) ..."what is this but an bearded old man ...and weak is he ...and what can he do against us ?...for we are strong and healthy ...and have the upper hand ...

     And as I stood in the doorway ...I raised up my hands before God my father ...and asked for helps ...for my anger was full and my heart yearned lusting for vengeance ...nevertheless ...they (the unworthies) all laughed ... all mocked and scorned ..all the worldly ...as well those that called themselves "christian friends" ...all did mock and chide ...saying look ..."what a fool ...this old and weak man calls upon God" ...

     Behold ...a staff was given me and strength was given me ...and wrathfullness ...

     Yet the worldly ...as well those that called themselves "christian friends" ...all did mock and chide ...all the more ...saying look ..."what a fool ...this old and weak man calls upon God" ...and now has a stick ...." Nevertheless as the staff was given me and strength was given me ...and wrathfullness ...a dread fear fell over the whole of the habitation ...and it was given to me that none shall escape ...and I turned and shut the door ...behind me ...(for there was only one door to the apartment) ...and not only shut the door ...yet the door was sealed ...and the way to the door was blocked ...so that none could even make way to the door again ...

     And I turned again to look upon all these ...all the worldly ...as well those that called themselves "christian friends" ...who had mocked and chided ...and laughed before ...and again I looked into the eyes of all who were there ...and again it was as if to see right through them ...(for the eyes are the windows of their souls ) ...and again I knew my son was dieing or dead ...as he layed ...not moving on the floor ...and now even moreso did the wrath and vengeance rise up and that so much so that none would be spared ...and all became prey ...every each one ...for all had put their hand to the murder and killing of my son ...

     and those who had spoken against him ...were their jaws broken ...before death came to them ...and those who had gnashed their teeth against him ...were their teeth broken ...before death came to them ...and those who had kicked against him ...were their legs broken ...before death came to them ...and those who had used their arms against him ...were their arms broken ...before death came to them ...and those who had put their hands against him ...were their hands broken ...before death came to them ...

     And so it was that whosoever had done anything whatsoever against my son ...was sought out to be punished and to be killed ...without mercy ...for they were all guilty ...all who were in the habitation ...all the worldly ...as well those that called themselves "christian friends" yet were not ...all had a hand in the murder of my son ...

     And as the slaying began did a dread fear and fleeing took place ...for none ...not one would be spared ...for their was no mercy neither grace given to any ...and their only hope to escape with their lives would be to cast themselves down ...out the windows of the habitation ...and the habitation was a high place ...(3rd floor apartment) It was not known of them whether they would live after they cast themselves down or not ...and if they would not cast themselves down ...they would be caught ...punished ...and killed ...and the vengeancefull wrath was coming upon them quickly ....and so quickly they needed to choose ... for there was very little time left ...so it was that they had to make choice ...and that most quickly ...for the time that they might be caught was upon them ...

     And so it was that only one was left ...for all the others had either been punished and killed within the habitation ...or had cast themselves down from their high places ...looking death in the face as they fell ...and these that had cast themselves down from the high place ..were seen laying on the ground of the earth ...roundabout the high place ...and some had died nevertheless ...yet some were sore broken of their flesh ...and layed among the green grass moaning ...from their trial ...and their moans were even then unto death and no one could help them neither did any know whether these moaning ones would live or not ...

     Yet back to the last one that was left ...and he was one of those that had called himself a "christian friend" and was not ...and he had tried to escape by going even higher ...even to the roof top ...of the habitation that was on the earth ...for he had fled to the porch ...and had stood upon the wooden guardrail that had before protected them from falling from their high places ...nevertheless as he stood on the guard rail reaching for the roof ...I saw him ...and followed close upon him ...even as death was upon the hairs of his neck ...even to the highest places of the roof of this habitation of the earth ...and I cut him off ...that he no escape ...and I confronted him ...in his face ...

     Now as I looked upon him and through him ...a knowing came to him ...and he knew that I was not minished one little bit in my vengeance ...and that the fullness of my wrath was the same from beginning to end ...

     Even did he know that I knew him perfectly ...and that he was one of those who had called himself a "christian friend" to my son but was not... and had betrayed him ...and he knew also that he had tried to raise himself up ...and to thought to escape by doing it ...nevertheless he now had found himself at lesser chance ...for he had now made himself even higher ...than that those who had cast themselves down before ...(the ones that cast themselves down from the high windows)...nevertheless he knew he had lessor and little chance of living if he cast himself down from such a high place as he had climbed to ...yet even from this high place he might have that chance ...least the sure vengefull wrath ...come upon him ...for it was sure that none would ...or had survived the vengefull wrath that was in his face ...

     And I awoke ...and knew not whether the high and mighty betraying "friendly christian" cast himself down or not ...whether he lived or not ...nevertheless I knew he did not escape without looking death in the face ...

     And these are the matters of this heart so moved by God ..as a witness for HIS son ...and the murder of Jesus ....know that the worldly and the religious churchly temple whorshipers (called themselves "christian friends" yet were not) ...BOTH are those that deny God...and are even the same ...for the worldly plainly deny God following the teachings of wicked science and the ways of the world ....and also and even worse are the ones call themselves "christian yet are not" (call themselves Jews (chosen ) yet are not ) ...for they deny the "verity" of God and Jesus ...the realness of them ...

     Where God and Jesus themselves are ONLY able to save any ...whereas these religious and churchly lie saying ...by the religions and churches and cerimoanious traditions of men ...that they of themselves have saved many ....Now Know that of the truth; the chosen of God are they that are saved only by God and Jesus ...and NOT by the works of men ...

     And so a most wicked hate is in the proud religious and churchly ...for the Truth of these matters makes all their works ...but vanity, vanity, pride and temple whorship ...and so it is that by their hate and pride they kill Jesus daily with lies ...and try to snatch away those who have had a "real" opening of their hearts by God himself ....that Jesus can begin the mending of them ...and the religious try to get them to serve the religions and churches of men ...

     Within these same unworthies is the same spirit that murdered Jesus long ago ...namely the spirit of the antichrist ....and would do the same today ...

     The matters are this and the cutting division is this ...those that have recieved of the "verity" of God and Jesus in their heart ...that is the realness of God and Jesus in their lives ...the ones chosen of God and helped in realness by the truth and love of God ...those that really hear him!... and he really hears! ...those that are being saved of heart by Jesus ...mended always Godward ...these will not have their necks bent to serve the religions and churches of men ...even as the Pharisee's would have them do ...

     And Why ? Because they need it not ...neither is it worthy before God to serve two masters ...

     And so it is ...as it was ...and still is today ...that the worldly and the worldly religious gather themselves together ...to slay again and again the spirit of Jesus ...even as the same did 2000 years ago ....

     And the same blessed perfect vengeanfull wrath of God shall these see ...and that soon ... Though sooner for some than others of these ....





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