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God's Truth

Only human ???

Keith  phineas98@yahoo.com

recorder   recorder@godstruthtous

     Hu"man (?), a. [L. humanus; akin to homo man: cf. F. humain. See Homage, and cf. Humane, Omber.] Belonging to man or mankind; having the qualities or attributes of a man; of or pertaining to man or to the race of man; as, a human voice; human shape; human nature; human sacrifices.

      To err is human; to forgive, divine. Pope.

     of course there are many many other dictionary references to the word "human" ...yet look to the spirit of the word and all the things that are done under the banner of humanism ...

     And if the Lord moves you ...look see the origins ...

     The following materials were sent to me by Keith ...a soul the Lord has moved mightily to seek the truth ...and he found the following text describing a human god (who is no god ) but was made up by men ...named "hu"

     the following materials are from an 1833 edition of "History of Priestcraft" ...in all ages and nations by William Howitt ...the entire book is apparently available at:Priestcraft

     And know for sure this ...*The Lord hateth as well him that justifieth the ungodly, as him that condemeth the innocent. ...................*make note of all ... ungodly imaginations of God. RN The Proverbs of Solomon17

     Note also that God hateth HIM ...HIM ...contary to the popular false teachings of religions and churches where these say .."love the sinner hate the sin "... better for us; if we love what God our father loves, and hate what He hates ...plainly and simply ...

     Nevertheless here are some pages from the text regarding "hu" mans...

     Cover and page 29

     pages 30 and 31

     pages 32 and 33

     page 34



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